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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Two hours this nom has been a thing, and no one has yet called this cunt Allegra Strapon. What the fuck is going on?
  2. From The Zion King if I’m not mistaken RK. One of Disneys lesser known classics.
  3. And your share of that would be how much? Just accept the glaringly obvious Panz ffs…. No one gives the slightest fuck what you think about Brexit, or anything else come to think of it.
  4. The latest edition of ‘GROW YOUR OWN BACKBONE’ magazine perhaps?
  5. His mate who got a £300m + PPE contract would probably disagree.
  6. Even through the pathetically obvious fake tears, this abominable cuntess made sure her ‘apology’ lol to the people of Britain included her praising herself for the major role she played in the COP 26 wankfest. Insufferable fucking scrawny ‘OK Yah’ media whore. I hope her and Carrie Slyminge get kidnapped by Albanian sex traffickers and put to work till their filthy snatches resemble a pair of baboons arseholes, and then when they’re of no further use, both have their throats cut and their corpses dumped in a bin at the back of No.10. (For Michael Gove to have a go on).
  7. The EU is finished. Hundreds of thousands of angry people protesting in the streets in almost every EU country, sorry colony. The European experiment is rapidly heading towards its predictable conclusion….chaos, tyranny and mass uprisings across the continent. Spudland will probably follow suit eventually, if someone explains things to you in words of one syllable, probably with the help of some cartoon graphics for the half of you who even one syllable words are way too difficult.
  8. US Patent no. 10,703,789 B2 Date of patent July 7 2020 💉
  9. Just stay a cocklength away from other people and you should be OK. Im sure the other people wouldn’t disagree, except the majority of them probably wishing you didn’t come anywhere fucking near them, ever.
  10. Facts eh! I didn’t get where I am today by listening to facts RK.
  11. David Icke has just sent me an encrypted fax, informing me that lizards are cold blooded creatures and cuddling is very rarely, if ever, part of their Christmas celebrations.
  12. DC claims to be from Merseyside RK, so he will be well accustomed to constant abuse, that’s if he’s telling the truth about where he’s from (which would be a first for a scouser). It’s a tricky one to work out actually. Unstoppable force and immovable object sort of thing.
  13. I did say the other night that I thought the boy’s got potential RK. Early days but I’m glad he’s not dead yet.
  14. It looks extremely likely that Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson has shot his bolt and told one too many porkies at last. Footage of Allegra Stratton, Bozos communications bitch, sorry director laughing and joking with MSM hacks, when she was asked about the infamous Christmas party at No.10 last year, when all of us plebs were under orders to forget Christmas and do as we were told. She wrongly thought that the cameras weren’t still rolling. This pig ugly eco warrior cunt is married to James Forsyth, political editor of the Spectator and Times columnist. Close friend of the equally as unfuckable Carrie Johnson, and given her job by Carrie to show Bozo the need to ditch any stupid thoughts of carrying on with the Conservative agenda on which he was elected, and instead take Britain hurtling down the Greta Thunberg Autobahn without any brakes. It’s emerging that this party was attended mostly by ‘journalists’ who are favoured by the Johnson cabal and this fact perfectly explains why it’s been a year till it’s come to light. And why even now most of the fake news MSM have gone through the motions by letting every minister off the hook when interviewed. This is imo the end for the bumbling Peppa Pig clown, as I believe there are too many Tory backbenchers now who’ve had enough of this cunt and too many frontbenchers sick of covering up for him and want to disassociate themselves from the stench coming out of No.10 every day. Bye bye Bozo and fuck right off.
  15. I’ve been injecting bleach for almost a year now and it’s definitely stopped me catching coronavirus. My toilets in a right fucking state though. Swings and roundabouts.
  16. Our 300,000 should be praised then as yet another shining example of Great Britain punching above its weight on the world stage. Fucking Chinks. Put that in your opium pipe and smoke it.
  17. Don’t confuse him Stubbs. He’s still trying to learn ‘Would you like me to suck your cock Master?’ in Cantonese and German, to whichever of his new overlords steps off the ferry first. The only thing he’ll need to know in English is…. ‘Help! I’m sorry. I got it all wrong as usual’.
  18. I feel that now I’ve been outed by ‘her who must be obeyed’ as a nasty piece of work in the RW, I can say ‘You lucky fucking bastard’. Make every one of them a night to remember (or not, if you know what I mean).
  19. Interesting 5min video on YouTube by Danny Tommo (yes I know he’s a mate of Tommy Robinson) titled……‘It’s time to do #SOMETHING.
  20. If you tried putting some drawers on when you go out during winter, then the local youths would have to think of something else to shout at you.
  21. Was it only me or did anyone else get fed up last year listening to every so-called ‘expert’ informing us that we might have to wait many years for a vaccine, if it ever happens, as there had never been one developed for a Coronavirus? Anyone?
  22. I assume you are referring to the piece in the recent book by Mark Meadows? President Trump has stated that he did test positive but two further tests were negative, so the first was deemed to be a false result. The second of the two negative tests was performed a few hours before the debate with pissy pants Biden. As usual CNN, the NYT etc. and the fake news Guardian, Independent etc. in the U.K. felt something they’d been missing for a while, a tiny erection stirring in the crotches of their ‘soy boy’ skinny jeans, at the thought of a new ‘Orange man bad’ story to satisfy the hunger of their dwindling, retarded readership. Suddenly ‘anonymous sources’ (that old faithful) were confirming the depravity and monstrous behaviour of the evil ‘Cheeto man’. Mark Meadows has confirmed Donald Trumps explanation to be correct, and has described the MSM twisting of the facts and totally ignoring the context, as “absolutely fake news”. Getting back to masks briefly. Last year the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a peer reviewed study into the effects of mask wearing on children. The findings are very interesting, but apparently not worthy of hardly any MSM reporting, for reasons you’ve probably guessed by now. And finally, the patents for the Moderna Covid 19 vaccine show that they contain both graphene oxide, graphene hydroxide and a nanosenser. Perhaps you can explain to me why graphene oxide, which many many doctors and professors say shreds the insides of arteries, like tiny razor blades, is present in the mix? And why more and more medical experts are now openly voicing their genuine fears about the safety of these vaccines? The manner in which the Big Tech social media oligarchs have suppressed debate and censored the views of anyone, no matter how qualified to speak on the subject, who expressed an opinion which wasn’t on message, should have made anyone with an open mind think. The genie is out of the bottle now however, and they seem to have realised that they can’t silence everyone who questions the all too apparent failed handling of what is now obviously not the existential threat to humanity that we were all led to believe. I will add that I am not an anti vaxxer and never have been. I’ve had numerous vaccinations throughout my life and it’s only these Covid jabs that I have serious concerns about. It’s my absolute right to have concerns and it’s also my absolute right to refuse to have them without threat of punishment or loss of any civil rights. Just as it’s yours and everyone else’s right to exercise their choice either way. I have resisted the urge to name call and mock you for once, so I hope this post clarifies my position. PS don’t forget to fuck right off.
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