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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. The mongol hordes are to vote on it on Tuesday. The last vote to extend the Emergency Covid Legislation until March was waived through without a vote as there were only around 50 or so ‘members’ 😂 in the commons. The ‘opposition’ had already done a deal with Bozos goons so no one needed to even turn up and vote. This is the new normal. The future of democracy.
  2. Give her a bit of slack DC. She must be under a lot of pressure at the moment. I mean these latest vaccines for the ‘omicron’ variant wont tweak themselves, and all these new electric cars won’t design their own electronic systems and suspension settings. And all those conspiracy theories won’t debunk themselves either. Give the girl a break. I doubt she’s even got the time to get her growler out for a selfie these days.
  3. Some cunt came in today with a mask on, looking at my trees. I told him that none of them were for sale and that he was breaching our social distancing policy anyway. ‘What do you mean?’ the soppy cunt asked. ‘Fuck off now, at least a mile down the road, or I’ll have the Covid Police onto you.’ I told him. ‘Come back tomorrow without that nappy on your stupid fucking face, and if you apologise I might let you buy a tree’. Cunt.
  4. Pfizers profit from their Covid vaccine will this year be around 70 billion dollars. Why on Earth would they want this ‘pandemic’ to continue indefinitely? I can’t for the life of me see any reason.
  5. Which begs the question…. Why don’t you fucking ‘mind your own………’?
  6. I didn’t say or even infer that ‘I was only joking’. Just that it’s a source of great amusement to me that you are patently obsessed with debunking everything I post. You probably spend more time ‘fact checking’ my comments than I do making some of them up. 😂
  7. They're all just identical barnacles on the hull of a rapidly sinking HMS Tory Party Panz. I would usually be glad to see them all gone, but the problem is that the fucking Monster Raving Labour Party, who are undoubtedly way less corrupt, mainly because most of them are too fucking thick to be corrupt in a financial way, are unfortunately way way way more signed up to the clownworld woke agenda. That imo is a much more serious threat to our countries future. Anyway that’s enough of that. Fuck off.
  8. George Russelburgh, Jock Brabham, Johnny Dumfries. Moray Walker
  9. Still doesn’t excuse Frank for being a mincing Mediterranean bender.
  10. It was mainly to ask how they could get a refund for the warehouse full of U boat parts sitting at Cork harbour, they were going to be stuck with.
  11. The extension of the mask mandate, although not something I’m remotely bothered about, as I’ve refused to comply from the start and will continue to do so got even more ridiculous today when the PMs official spokesman was asked by a journalist about the exemption for anyone ‘singing’. ‘Does that mean that someone can go into a supermarket or other premises and as long as they are singing they won’t need to wear a mask’? ’Yes’. 😂😷😂 ’
  12. The sharks are circling and the vultures too Panzy. I stand by my prediction. He’s finished. The fat pink Peppa Pig cunt is being openly criticised and even mocked by an ever increasing number of Tory MPs. One thing the Conservative party have always excelled at is the savagery with which they get rid of their leader. They make the Mafia look like the fucking Tellytubbies.
  13. I’d gladly help if asked Ape, but they’re doing a sterling job of fucking up everything they touch without my assistance. 😷
  14. Don’t encourage her to pack it in DC. It tickles me that she’s obsessed with ‘fact checking’ lol everything I say on here, particularly as I’ve previously stated that, ‘half of what I say is true, two thirds is probably not, and the remaining quarter is definitely not. Id be up all night every night if I had to fact check my own posts.
  15. The fact that Johnson refused to rule it out tonight when asked directly, is my point. ‘There may be a need in the coming months for a public discussion about mandatory vaccinations’ couldn’t be any clearer indication that it’s a done deal. Could it? After all, these lying traitorous cunts have ruled out further lockdowns, vaccine passports, injecting kids with the experimental poison and lots more. Only to then do exactly what they’ve said they wouldn’t. I honestly don’t understand why you fucking sheep have bought into the stupid idea that you’re ever getting back the freedoms you used to enjoy, and your total submission to the tyranny of the last 20 months which you can’t seem to get enough of.
  16. The fact that you keep poking me with this even more lame stick tells me that you really don’t have any idea about anything in the real world at all, except the garbage that Google throws up to you as fact.
  17. I quoted the Nuremberg code and the UN declaration of Geneva I think. I’m sure you must remember informing me that there was no plan to force people to be vaccinated, or likelihood of it happening, and that as usual I was indulging in mad conspiracy theories. No doubt I’ll log in tomorrow and see that I haven’t quoted you verbatim followed by the usual head shaking and tut tutting. Unless of course you look up the conversation in question and delete any posts which might not show off your vastly superior knowledge and self proclaimed genius. If only I could be bothered to look them up myself and screenshot them. Or could I?
  18. Remember about a year ago when I spoke about mandatory vaccinations coming soon? Could you remind me what you said about that again?
  19. Ooh you are a bit tense and irritable tonight Sweetie. Calm yourself down. You’ve been acting very aggressively to me since you had that totally safe (and definitely not experimental) booster jab. Probably just coincidence. I do hope so.
  20. You’d be exempt on both counts then Pansy. High pitched indecipherable screeching (what passes for talking in Bogland) would tick the singing box, and walking like an absolute spastic (which most people would assume was some form of weird aerobics routine).
  21. So Chairman Boris has now gone from ‘There was no party’ to ‘All rules were followed’, to ‘I’ve ordered the Cabinet Secretary to start an investigation into what occurred’, to ‘Disciplinary action will be taken if it’s found that any rules were broken’. All in the space of a few days, when all he has to do is ask the cunts involved ‘what exactly occurred? As if anyone believes that he doesn’t know exactly what went on. His numbers up, his goose is nuked, he has well and truly pissed on his own chips this time. Tory MPs openly mocking him in the commons with questions like ‘Do you think that imposing more unnecessary restrictions on the public, as a distraction from the Downing St party scandal will be received favourably by the people of this country? This fucking tyrant has to go immediately imo. When the fat cunt was asked by one of the MSM cocksuckers wether the Government had any plans to forcibly inject U.K. citizens with the liquid shit miracle cure? the snivelling cunt waffled and gibbered for as long as he could and then said ‘There may come a time in the coming months when the country needs to have a discussion around this’. Whatever anyone’s position on being vaccinated themselves, anyone who supports the forced vaccination of others is beyond contempt. This criminal government action if it happens, which imo is now almost certain, will be the single most divisive and evil policy a British government has implemented in living memory. See you all when or if I get out of the gulag. That will depend on how much fucking damage I do to any cunt who knocks on my door, syringe in hand. I hope it’s a poof or a dusky for good measure.
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