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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I think I posted a nom about this a while ago LCS. You may have been too busy searching for some remoaner inspired brexit revelation to mock the U.K. about at the time. Got to keep busy I suppose.
  2. I always knew I’d win eventually. Just know that I’m not going to think any worse of you, now that you’ve finally woken up to the futility of your ridiculous antics. 😘
  3. I’d willingly fork out for the TV licence if they had the professional integrity to spell it out like you Rev. Just on the off chance, do you have any thoughts worth sharing about Naga Munchetty?
  4. Over my tinfoil hat? Too weird even for me. Possibly.
  5. Couldn’t agree more. Always been one of my pet hates, people who jump to ridiculous conclusions and won’t listen to reason. That Sajid Javid cunts mince pies aren’t fucking human though. 100% alien.
  6. This post kindly contributed by Professor Jim Beam. WKD. Head of inebriology, specialising in Smirnoff Ice, at the Bargain Booze Institute of intoxication, Hangover Square, London WKD 2 G&T.
  7. That hurts RK. My make-believe mates funeral hasn’t even taken place yet as apparently there’s still a huge backlog. His make-believe wife, who I’ve spoken to on the phone a couple of times since his passing, is quite angry that no one appears remotely interested in listening to her, when she voices her concerns about what, if any, part the vaccine played in his unexpected death? Ive decided not to attempt any carnal manoeuvres with her for now, as I don’t think she’s in a strong enough place mentally to cope with the mind blowing horrors regarding Covid vaccines, which I would feel morally obliged to share with her. And I also wouldn’t want things to turn nasty if she insisted I wear a mask in what was her and my imaginary friends marital bed.
  8. No need for you to sit up all night frantically ‘debunking’ them then. Your work is done. I stand before you, publicly ‘debunked’, my head hung in the shame and humiliation of my own foolishness. I just hope you can find a tiny grain of mercy in your stone cold black heart for someone you’ve mercilessly broken beyond repair. Yours hopefully, the remains of KB.
  9. You may be onto something there Ape. It’s all starting to make sense now.🚥🏎🏁
  10. Hamilton’s rainbow coloured LGBTQ+ helmet sort of already did that.
  11. One’s a pastry with an apple filling and the other’s half a pastry with a fresh cream filling and chocolate on the outside. I may be wrong. I always am, but I’m quite sure you’ll find time to debunk my answer overnight and put the record straight. 🤯
  12. Considering I made up the figures I quoted, loosely based on something I remembered reading or hearing a week or so ago, it would appear that your ‘debunking’ of the said figures, is further proof (if any were needed), of your strange obsession with ‘factchecking’ everything I say. Just in case you were googling when you should have been listening, I’ll say it again just for you. ‘Some of the comments I post are what I believe to be fact, some are just things that I find interesting and don’t really care if they’re factual or not. The rest are just to make me laugh when I read your response the following day, contradicting what I already knew (as I’d posted it).’ Merry Googlemas 🎄
  13. Or if that’s a bit too much to think about. Just think Pfizer Covid vax profits for 2021…$80billion. Pfizer Covid vax profits + boosters for 2022….$40billion + $40b+$40b+$40b+++++++
  14. You must be aware by now that I have resided for many years somewhere in the Greater London area LCS? I’m long past obsessing about the economic or any other situation in the six counties. My bowler has been gathering cobwebs in the wardrobe for longer than I care to remember. I still, as yet haven’t reached the stage where I want to mock and criticise the place where I grew up, all the time wondering what could have been if I’d stayed? I guess you must have had much more of a reason to leave your roots than me, judging by the constant whataboutery you direct at the country you claim to originate from yet always criticise. Strewth mate.
  15. He’ll be out on parole in 5 or 6 thousand years then. Just in time for the latest lockdown due to a new Covid variant.
  16. Interestingly, the population of the Earth has increased since the ‘pandemic’ started nearly 2 years ago. Pretty piss poor existential threat to the human race, which is what we were told, all that time ago when people were allowed to question such life changing government orders.
  17. The moon is made of cheese. Monkeys don’t eat cheese. They do however drink PG Tips tea and that’s a fact (maybe).
  18. The MSM were jumping with joy yesterday at the news that 58,000 odd new cases of Kungflu had been confirmed in the previous 24hr period. The highest number since 28th January (slightly). Just what was needed to stoke up the fear factor and convince the 🐑 that another period of house arrest is unavoidable soon to save the NHS again, (‘although absolutely not what anyone, especially all of us at the BBC, Sky News, etc. etc. (fill in your own choice of fake news liars) wants’. The fact that this frightening figure was obtained from over 1.2 million tests conducted, and the slightly lower January figure from only around 1/2 million test results. Blatant and fully intentional propaganda to push the already decided agenda. Even a complete fucking 🐑such as yourself Luv must have some niggling doubts about the narrative which you’ve bought into up to now? If not then you must be just as daft as DC said you are in a PM the other night. 🐑😷💉😂
  19. Don’t forget to put a tick and a smiley face beside my name on your ‘debunked’ list, now that you’ve extracted a full confession, which I wish to retract immediately, as I had my fingers crossed behind my back.
  20. They probably have it all worked out. Feed him into a 3D printer feet first and three Greta Thunbergs will come out the other end.
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