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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. All this never ending ‘Save the NHS’ by giving up your rights and fucking up the future for generations of young people, is becoming very very tiresome now. The uncriticisable NHS which has currently 6% of its hospital beds occupied by patients with Covid, not necessarily that Covid is the reason they’re there. Just that they have tested positive while they’re in there for any number of reasons. At the same time people are waiting on trolleys or outside A and E in ambulances for 10 hours or more, GPs suspending most routine appointments to spend all day every day sticking needles in arms for £15 a shot, while the patients they’re legally contracted to look after have been told to fuck off and ring back next summer if they’re still alive. The same NHS which is now headed by a woman with absolutely zero medical qualifications, who exaggerated the number of hospitalised Covid patients by tens of thousands in a TV interview a few weeks ago, and then claimed that she’d misunderstood the question when she was called out as the disingenuous cunt she showed herself to be on live TV. The same NHS which has stood by silently and allowed 140,000 of their staff to be thrown to the wolves, for daring to insist on their right to refuse to be guinea pigs for the experimental vaccines. The same NHS which has allowed an estimated 750,000 undiagnosed cancers to eat their way through the bodies of people who can’t see a doctor, and racked up a backlog of an estimated 14 million routine hospital procedures in 20 months of Covid insanity. OK some of the tik tok synchronised dance videos have probably exhausted the poor boys, girls and the other 99 genders on the frontline but something is completely fucked up in our wonderful NHS in my opinion. I just hope Chris Whittys autopsy is live streamed soon, while he’s still alive would be great.
  2. ChildeHarold is showing on Who’s online. Eh?
  3. The facelift didn’t go as well as you’d hoped then?
  4. In matching Speedos on the high board, when Fury grabs the little cunt with one hand around his scrawny faggot neck and growls…. ‘If I catch you staring at my cock once more I’m going to dive bomb you as soon as you surface. Now fuck off and knit my missus a cardigan you cunt.’
  5. Careful DC. The last thing you want to do is ‘fact check’ the corners self appointed ‘fact-checker general’. That’s akin to asking Matthew Hopkins, ‘Where’s your broomstick mate?’ The repercussions could be worse than the Covid pandemic.
  6. That’s told him and no mistake.
  7. 🎶 Imagine there’s no penis. It isn’t hard to do. Nothing to tuck away now. No Velcro to undo. No daily hormone blockers. To keep his beard subdued. Imagine all the people. Not staring down below. Ooh Ooh Ooh oh. You may say he’s a weirdo. You’d be absolutely right. I hope some day soon he’ll fuck off. Or hang himself would be allright 🎶
  8. Pegleg? Mmmm……I wonder if…….?
  9. Some of them think they’re too smart to bother even reading the MENSA publications which regularly arrive through their letterbox, and apparently get left lying there unopened, as a reminder to themselves of their intellectual superiority. I wonder who on here would do that? (Or claim to?)
  10. She looks like she could pop all 12 out at the same time without even stretching the gusset of her slime encrusted biohazard drawers.
  11. That might get him into Crufts, but it wouldn’t get him within half a mile of my Potterton combi. Screwdriver or not.
  12. He’s hit the booze hard since he got the boot from Pimlico Plumbers. Being triple vaxxed couldn’t even save him. Something to do with that row of terraced houses blowing up 5 minutes after he arrived to repair the boiler in the flat above Bargain Booze.
  13. My life isn’t, never has been, and never will be for the sole purpose of ‘saving the NHS’, the political football which has been elevated to cult status during the ‘pandemic’. The NHS which sucks the lifeblood out of the U.K. taxpayer year after year, top heavy with layer after layer of overpaid management, bottom heavy with underpaid left leaning activists, and constantly in some stage of major reform, which never improves the value for money outcome of the patients who lap up the propaganda churned out by whichever of the 2 dishonest parties happen to be in opposition, and fake outrage at the other party which is enslaving the population at any given time? Nah mate. I don’t buy into the clapping hands and banging saucepans malarkey. Not really my thing. Dr Hillary is a massive cunt.
  14. If you’d got your cock out, the bellend would have been right up at the front of the queue. Jib jab, job done.
  15. Tbh Rev you’ve got every other tool in the box. Chivalry could take the shine off your unique and irresistible approach to romantic entanglements. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
  16. Should the proceedings result in a guilty verdict, I will with a heavy heart, come out of retirement and offer my services to administer any kneecapping sentence which the court hands down. I feel it’s the least I can do as an impartial observer to the case.
  17. It’s a strange world we’re living in when Robert Malone MD, the inventor of mRNA vaccines, and pioneer of using RNA in therapeutic drugs has been warning of the catastrophic consequences coming due to the insane rush to vaccinate the entire population of the world. He has stated that herd immunity achieved by infection and recovery, aswell as a vaccination program for those most at risk, not young healthy adults and especially not children, who are at almost no risk of serious illness, is the key to building up natural immunity in the wider population. Dr Malone, who any reasonable person might think should at least be listened to, considering his undeniable expertise in these matters, has however been dismissed, ridiculed, professionally destroyed and cast aside as a dangerous purveyor of misinformation by the clever people who’ve so far got just about everything as wrong as possible. In Dr Malones own words…..’This is the first time in history that the ineffectiveness of a medicine has been blamed on the people who haven’t taken it’.
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