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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Even I wouldn’t be stupid enough to think I could talk you out of one more ‘shot’ for the road, “hic”.
  2. I’m outside my front door right now, clapping for you and for all the righteous work you’ve selflessly done for humanity. Would you like me to ‘take the knee’ too? 😂
  3. I don’t recall ever saying that but I’m sure you can clarify your position now that you’ve brought it up.
  4. Out of likes. I’ll get back with one soon. And thanks for the compliment. It’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me for a long time.
  5. Unlike you Panzy I’m not ashamed to state my hatred for paedo rapists, whether they’re Muslims or Roman Catholics.
  6. LBC have today sacked the only honest presenter left at the fake news circle jerking propaganda station. Majid Nawaz who had for a couple of months up until the Christmas break been debunking the pro lockdown/mask nonsense/mass vaccination/WHO/SAGE fearmongering agenda with factual evidence backing every point he made, has had his contract prematurely terminated with immediate effect. No doubt O’Brien and his arselicking colleagues will be admiring each other’s micro erections on their Zoom screens tonight like they did when they got rid of Farage. Sheila Fogerty is without doubt the most unfuckable vile looking little freak of a cunt ever. I do hope she is cultivating the most incurable and aggressive cancer ever known to the medical profession in her hitherto untouched by any male penis cunt.
  7. I don’t think I need any help whatsoever to understand what a weak and nonsensical argument you’re attempting to make here. If this is the best you can do then I’d have a long hard think about wether you’ve got a point to make at all. For starters you have no idea of the ethnic make up of my former customer base, other than some assumption you’ve invented. Secondly you assert that I seem to have no right to be angered by the actions of thousands of deviant savages in dozens of towns and cities of the U.K. under the noses of and actually covered up by the authorities for forty years or more. Perhaps you might like to give us your thoughts on these rape gangs, rather than having a go at me for honestly stating the absolute disgust which I view them and their religion in general with?
  8. I agree Eric and half is nowhere near enough imo. Unfortunately it seems that the spineless, non gender specific, chromosome deficient jabberwokies who seem to make up a sizeable chunk of what used to be known as human beings in 2022 are the chosen group to carry on with the population of the planet (for about the next ten years at best according to the global warming cult). I see this as their Achilles heel though as these pathetic cunts should be easier to take out with a bat or even a rolled up slightly damp copy of the Gay Times than any other group of useless cunts on Earth. It should be fun at the very least.
  9. Delroy where’s your troosers?
  10. The only certainty they have is another dose of the poison vaccine every few weeks till their hearts finally explode.
  11. Welcome back Eric. The mass psychosis hasn’t got to me yet. The Roopsfuhrer has passed judgment on me and I’m apparently the worlds first triple jabbed antivaxxer. 🤣💉💉💉 Anyway it’s good to see another sceptic still holding the line against the tsunami of Covid bullshit propaganda which you and I have called out from the start. Proper has stuck his bonce above the parapet and the armoured face mask battalion have been taking potshots at him but spectacularly missed every time. I guess they’re all still suffering from that ‘Mong Covid’ that’s been circulating under their beds and behind their couches.
  12. This is very close to outright accusation that I’ve profited from or at the very least turned a blind eye to the behaviour that guarantees a lengthy ban on here LCS. Perhaps you could clarify what it is exactly that you’re accusing me of? Or do you think that me stating my disgust at the widespread criminal behaviour of these vermin is somehow out of order?
  13. The chairman of the board of Thompson/Reuters also sits on the board of Pfizer. Nothing to see there folks. No conflict of interest and anyone who thinks so must be one of those evil conspiracy theorist, anti vaxxer weirdos and definitely a racist, misogynist, bigoted, far right enemy of the people who must be silenced immediately, before they infect the good people with their lies and dangerous thoughts.
  14. He was given a visa and travelled to the Peoples Republic of Victoria believing it was issued in good faith. The spineless cunt Scott Morrison gave in to his default setting of extreme cowardice however and took the knee to the baying crowd of jabbed up and boosted mask wanker sheep who briefly ventured out of their safe spaces to scream at the sky about the outrage. Bunch of fucking pathetic compliant pussy whipped cockroaches. Serena Williams has more bollocks than all of them put together.
  15. He’s the only player in the male draw with a pair of bollocks it seems. I doubt that applies to the so called ‘female’ draw though.
  16. Absolute fucking legend. Novax Djokovic. 👍
  17. They’re available till midnight Stubbers. Fully booked all night after that. Any good for you?
  18. I used the term ‘white slags’ not because I regard the victims of these vile cavemen as such, but because that’s what they consistently have been reported as regarding and referring to them as. And there’s a massive difference between running a legal and fully licenced Sauna/massage parlour with staff who freely choose that line of employment and earn very good money in a comfortable and safe environment and underage children being raped, beaten and worse by gangs of sadistic Pakistani paedophiles. As I’ve stated on here before, the police spoke to my girls regularly (always in private) and not once was there any suspicion of any of the girls being coerced or in any way taken advantage of. I’d have thought this would be pretty obvious to someone as clever as you like to give the impression of being.
  19. He stands up when he plays the piano.
  20. Jungle Bunny Prince Charlie.
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