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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. All you contented sheeple out there, so happy that you can pay for your Pinot Grigio and your sun dried cherry tomatoes just by swiping your bank card or your ‘smart phone’, because it’s ‘so convenient’ should have a serious think about the implications of this bullshit con trick you’re so enthusiastically embracing. ‘But it’s so convenient’ I hear you say. Well soon when cash is no longer an option because all you clever cunts have got accustomed to living without it and the MSM announce that your government overlords have decided that a ‘cashless’ society is the way forward for your ‘convenience’ some of you will be raising concerns about why no one asked you if this is what you wanted. Too fucking late because you’ll have been so busy swanning in and out of Tesco’s swiping your iPhone and marvelling at how many club points or whatever fucking baubles you’ve been mesmerised with like a fucking Inca savage swapping a sack of gold for a box of marbles and a Zippo with some pale faced cunt in a tricornered hat you’ve just met getting out of a rowing boat on the beach. And then before you know it your Zippos run out of petrol and your best mate Mr funny hat wants 3 sacks of gold to refill it for you. Digital Covid passports, driving licences, cashless society, internet shopping etc. etc. No need to bother going out anymore. Just stay under the bed with your mask on and you’ll be able to get everything you need. You know it makes sense. It’s so much more ‘convenient’ than the old normal. Aren’t you lucky?
  2. Crawling back down the mountain on his hands and the mushy bits where his knees used to be would take his mind off the little entry wound in the front of his overpriced designer jumper. Statistically most Waps get shot in the back anyway. The cunt should count himself lucky to be different from the rest of his countrymen.
  3. Sorry. I was using my missus’s hand.
  4. I’d have done both his knees from the back just for being Italian if that’s any help.
  5. £33 to get in and then £1 a pint? Do they have some sort of time portal instead of a turnstile?
  6. A right pair of scrumchums. A bit of conversion therapy might be worth a try imo.
  7. That’s what I meant. My finger slipped while I was typing.
  8. Keep it to yourself CBB. If this got out that I’ve fucked up on such a basic geography point, my hard earned status as a clever cunt might be called into question by a certain ginger hag whose name I won’t mention. I think this is is the first thing I’ve ever got slightly wrong on here. Oops.
  9. Australia is not a continent. And by pointing that out please don’t think I’m insinuating that you’re incontinent CBB.
  10. They don’t count hospital admissions anymore, just the stiffs coming out the back door in body bags for the MSM to get all horned up over.
  11. Fucking Co-Op. Bunch of northern socialist council estate fucking cunts. A poor mans Netto. I wouldn’t even shoplift from the Co-Op if I was starving. I couldn’t live with the shame if I was caught.
  12. Big Pharma in the US aggressively pushed opioids such as OxyContin in the 90s, using false studies and research data that opioids were not addictive. The irreversible damage caused by companies such as Purdue to millions of people, purely to vastly increase their profits is impossible to ignore now. Purdue’s US revenue from OxyContin alone grew tenfold to $30bn in just a few years. Johnson and Johnson, Teva and others were also riding the opioid gravy train knowing that their actions were causing death and misery and worse the destruction of families and whole communities. From 1999 to 2016 more than 450,000 people died from prescribed opioid overdoses in the US, massively more than from any illegal narcotics. Aduhelm, a new drug for Alzheimer’s made by Biogen was in 2020 fast tracked for approval by the FDA. The committee of 11 members voted 10 against with one abstention to refuse approval. The FDA decided to approve its use. It was sold to healthcare providers at a cost of $56,000 a course. It doesn’t work. There are too many similar cases to even mention. The fact that the FDA receives 45% of its funding from big pharma, ie the companies it’s supposed to regulate, should be enough to make anyone with a brain be extremely suspicious about the vaccine mania currently engulfing the planet, and the curious lack of enthusiasm for any traditional drugs to treat this ‘pandemic’, not to mention the concerted effort to discredit any out of patent drugs such as hydroxychloriquine or ivermectin that have showed promise. Big Pharma is the new mafia. In the 2020 US election 356 elected lawmakers received contributions from US drug companies. That’s only the declared donations. Booster jab anyone?
  13. ‘Just sign here Mrs Jones to confirm that I’ve given you your booster jab. Kerching. The undertaker should be along soon to collect you. NEXT PATIENT PLEASE!.’
  14. GPs, scientists and left wing social media ‘influencers or commentators’ are the 21st century gods that the masses shall bow down to and obey or be cast out from society as the new lepers.
  15. According to a Twitter post by WalesOnline, ‘Welsh GP Dr. Eilir Hughes has vaccinated 4,000 patients in one weekend with the help of staff at his surgery. He’s jabbed 20,000 in the last month. This is what a hero looks like. Thank you.’ The post included a photo of the cunt with a very satisfied smirk on his ugly fucking mug. At £15 a jab, I should think he’s very fucking satisfied, considering he’s earned £60K for a weekends work and a staggering £300K for the month, while his patients have been denied routine GP services and told to fuck off and die basically. ‘The doctor will see you soon, once he’s finished counting all his money and stashing it away in his lockup. Would you like another booster jab while you’re waiting?’ Lets all give a big round of applause for the NHS heroes please, if you’re still alive, or well enough to clap that is.
  16. As I’ve already stated I haven’t said that. I’m still waiting for you to clear the matter up as requested.
  17. I might be. Don’t take anything at face value on here Panz.
  18. He sees everything from a different angle than us though.
  19. Panzy and his soppy band of ‘freedom fisters’ will look back on the good old days when us Brits beat them into joining the civilised world and wish they’d thanked us instead of fucking moaning and gurning about their lot as usual.
  20. The Micks have turned into the biggest bunch of woke fucking soyboy wankers on Earth. ’Come on now Seamus. It’s gone 8 o’clock. Finish off that Babycham or I’ll pour it down the sink Sweetie. And you make sure to drive that wheelbarrow carefully on your way home now. Ya don’t want the Guards pulling ya over and giving your big smelly arsehole a roadside check with their truncheons now. And give my love to that big black gorgeous hunk of a husband of yours when ya get home.’
  21. We’d be much better off with a charwallah jizz guzzler wanking on us from a great height is what you’re saying then? Might work I suppose. Has it been tried anywhere?
  22. Whatever became of Oscar Pistorious?
  23. And there we have it. The Covid 19 conundrum brilliantly solved by Dr Drew during the ad break in ‘The masked singer’ Next Saturday he’ll be solving the ‘climate crisis’ straight after Ant and Decs new pile of shite quiz show. Don’t forget to tune in folks.
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