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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. He does appear to have adopted a weird moral stance regarding mussie rape gangs for some strange reason. His view on these beasts deviant criminal behaviour seems to be that their decades of abusing thousands of children is somehow OK and directly connected, or at least comparable to my former ownership of a licensed sauna/massage parlour. Ar least it’s taken his mind off Brexit for now.
  2. Keep on chortling honeybum. It’s almost, but not quite, covering that rattling sound.🤣
  3. King Billy


    definitely not interested thanks.
  4. Careful now. I can have the 5G switched on if you carry on with that sort of talk. I don’t think you’d be quite so rude then Bruce. Anyway I must go, one of the girls has a huge pile of cash for me. She must be full up.
  5. Sorry Eric. I only lowered my mask for a minute to ask her the way to the Post Office. How was I supposed to know she’d lure me into the park and infect herself with my unjabbed lurgy. If it’s any consolation she had a great time before keeling over. Fucking Post Office was closed by the time I got there, so I didn’t have a very good day either.
  6. Sounds to me like the murder squad should round up the family and torture them till they all sign full confessions. The poor girl deserves justice.
  7. Just take your time Major. Once you get a raspberry up to the bedroom, then toss their crutches back down the stairs, you’re holding all the cards and can take as much time as you like to work out the best strategy to do her a favour.
  8. It would have been 282 Eric but I left out ‘lemonade’ and ‘wheelbarrow’. I’ll save them for my next ‘rambling barfly borefest’ which I presume she won’t eagerly read every word of, because that would be crazy, while laughing like a demented hyena on too much crystal meth and magic shrooms.
  9. How sad do you have to be to sit and count how many words I’ve posted? ☹️ 30 and two emojis in this one, just to save you the effort. Night night. 😴
  10. Don’t worry about it. Calm down. (for the sake of your blood pressure mainly).
  11. The real ‘fake news event’ is now in its third year, that being the ‘existential threat 😂 to the human race’ called Covid 19, which has been fed to the global public since early 2020 by the tyrants in governments around the world, all following the same agenda which a small group of dishonest so called ‘scientists’ decided was the only way that the human race could survive this killer virus which for a long time now has shown itself to be life threatening only to the very old or the very unhealthy. You can stay on message forever, but even the MSM narrative is slowly changing as the past two years of fearmongering are starting to become obvious to the flock, peering cautiously out from behind their sofas and realising that the vast majority of people aren’t dead, and even the evil granny killers who’ve laughed at mask mandates and ludicrous lockdown orders and carried on their lives as normally as possible are still alive too. So you crack on Luv, believing the BS which Bozo and Whitty etc. have spewed out for two years, while all the freedoms taken from you ‘for your safety’ they chose to ignore because they knew that their safety wasn’t at risk at all, and neither was yours. You may agree with the government controlling every aspect of your life on the pretext of an ever changing set of goalposts which continually contradict the previous ‘science’ and are never permitted to be questioned by anyone, but I don’t and haven’t from the start of this clown world plandemic that is apparently the new normal. Bill Gates is still an absolute cunt btw.
  12. 150,000 Covid deaths in the U.K. was the headlining story across the MSM last week, with the BBC and Sky News especially sensationalising the landmark number and broadcasting scenes of Wembley stadium packed to capacity and telling their gullible, eager viewers to imagine twice as many people and that’s what 150,00 looks like. However, according to the ONS official statistics, since the start of the ‘pandemic’ up to the third quarter of 2021 just 17,371 people without comorbidities have died from Covid 19. Bearing in mind that the average age of death from or with Covid in the U.K. is 83, a year more than the average age of all deaths in the U.K. I would, as a self confessed sceptic of most things Covid say that something really fucking stinks with the whole narrative that the fake news media and the party animals in Downing Street have been feeding to the public to keep them in a permanent state of fear and unquestioning compliance.
  13. Babycham is quite nice, but seems to be not as popular as it used to be with real drinkers.
  14. King Billy


    Jeremy Vine wannabe cunt. It’s because of filthy cunts like this that 143% of car drivers surveyed want to drive over a cyclists neck and then get out and shit on the twitching corpse in front of a cheering crowd.
  15. Apparently the Rabbi threw a chair at him, enabling all the hostages and the Rabbi himself to escape without the retarded cunt even firing a shot. The Feds then blasted the cunt with enough lead to repair every church roof in the Lone Star State. The moral of the story being…. Don’t bring a gun to a chair fight.
  16. King Billy

    The BBC

    Green Choppers were the best.
  17. I’m actually convinced that the graphene oxide in all those Covid jabs she’s addicted to has consigned the ‘genius formerly known as Roops’ to the MENSA dumpster. The one that the binmen have a look into when they need a good old laugh.
  18. I was about to ask you to explain yourself CBB until I realised the time. If your brain isn’t too dehydrated in the morning I’d welcome your thoughts on that question.
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