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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. You’ve spelled wank wrong so just forget all about it.
  2. Go to your local library tomorrow and ask the lady behind the counter if they’ve got the internet yet? It’s become quite popular recently I’ve heard. If you’re in luck she’ll point to a row of desks with what look like portable teles and the button things on typewriters (you must know what they are surely?). If you ask one of the middle aged, strange looking men with coke bottle specs and raincoats on to show you the ropes, you’ll be surfing the net like a pro by late afternoon and you should be proficient enough to find out everything you need to know about Joe Rogan. IT. Fucking easy.
  3. Reported, for a number of reasons Ape. A.. I don’t have a mask. B.. It’s raining. C.. I’m currently confined in a secure psychiatric institution (with no possibility of release). D.. I have no legs. Shame on you.
  4. Unless you’re at least 150 years old the name Neil Young is one you’ve probably never heard before, but this delusional old fossil who used to whine and whinge like a heroin addict in the midst of an overdose, while very poorly attempting to play the guitar, as if his monotonous droning voice wasn’t punishment enough, has demanded that Spotify ban Joe Rogan from their platform for Covid disinformation. Unless Spotify obey his demand he threatened to have Spotify remove all his own back catalogue from the platform. Yeah Neil. You tell them. So how did that go then Neil? I bet they instantly cancelled Rogan (who they recently paid 100 million dollars to lure to their platform) and told his 11 million + followers to fuck off. Fucking Covid denier, anti vaxxer weirdos. They didn’t? Wow. Maybe you didn’t think this one through before showing yourself up as the ridiculous has been leftie bellend you are. Maybe if you still actually owned your own back catalogue and considered the more than obvious fact that Spotify would not miss the pathetic number of plays your ‘music’ gets on their site and that they might be quite keen to keep Rogan, you’d have found something else to fucking whine about instead. As for Covid Disinformation, I expect him to immediately demand instead that Spotify remove one of his songs in particular, which I believe is titled… THE NEEDLE AND THE DAMAGE DONE. 💉😂
  5. The Gay Times is available every Thursday I’m told.
  6. OMG! I do hope I don’t get judged as someone who has no personal integrity. 🤔
  7. 5,000,000+ per day (Imperial College London modelling data, courtesy of Prof. Neil Ferguson), excluding the under fives who would be drafted in to run the ICUs, drive the ambulances, buses and trains and protect our borders from illegal immigrants until 7 O’clock which is beddy bye byes time. ‘Next graph please’.
  8. I may be too much of a ‘thicko’ (which Roops can confirm) to fully understand the new improved 21st century ‘science’ which seems to be rather different depending on where you happen to live. Scotland, Wales and N Irelands ‘science’ for example is patently different to England’s ‘science’, if we’re to believe what we’re told. And the ‘science’ which a lot of countries are following is amazingly completely different to even our U.K. pick and mix buffet on offer at the moment. I know it’s a bit leftfield but I’ll say it anyway. Is it even remotely possible that the so called ‘free and civilised’ world is currently in the grip of a pandemic of total fucking insanity?
  9. The European Medicines Agency posted a video on Twitter recently in which they stated that ‘vaccines and boosters will and do cause Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (VAIDS). The Twitter overlords however, decided that the EMA shouldn’t be straying off message and posted a warning underneath this ‘antivaxxer, conspiracy theorist, probably alt right, anti science post, just so anyone who read it would be set straight about the facts. 🔺Misleading Learn why health officials consider Covid-19 vaccines safe for most people. Find out more. The ‘for most people’ bit is to me rather curious, apart from the obvious fact that Twitter appear to now know more than the EMA about medical science. ‘For most people’, to me means 51% or more in old money. That’s good to know. At least half the population won’t die of side effects thank god.
  10. Or the new improved Roops version. ‘I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to ‘your’ death your right not to say it’.
  11. That’s probably the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to her.
  12. The killer blow that wins every argument nowadays when everything seems lost. ’You’re a RACIST!’ 😂
  13. Read the note I left in your fridge. It’s rolled up and stuck in a massive turd on one of your best IKEA plates, beside Eddie’s jerk chicken ready meal. Sorry about that but I spent so long trying to squeeze the fucker out I didn’t have time to run upstairs and do it under your pillow.
  14. The European Parliament were eventually, after repeated demands by a handful of MEPs (which says a lot in itself) given the contracts between the vaccine companies and the European Commission. Hundreds of pages, and after refusing to release them to the elected politicians, stating that the vaccine companies were not giving their permission, eventually released the contracts, with page after page of what can only be assumed to be the important bits totally redacted. So that’s that then. Totally safe, totally effective, totally far too top secret for elected MEPs to see, totally OK to force into peoples arms against their will and totally banned (Astra Zeneca) for under 30s across the entire EU, banned (Moderna) in Denmark for under 18s, banned (Moderna) in Sweden for under 30s. In the words of little Greta Doomberg, ‘HOW DARE YOU!’ question what your totally not corrupt and totally far cleverer than you Covidiots have decided for your health. How dare you ask to see where your billions, not theirs have gone and the boring details that all the millions of stupid people should be entitled to see, if only they weren’t so stupid and unimportant. If you weren’t so fucking arrogant and narcissistically self superior, you might open your mind to the possibility that your opinions, which seem never to be anything different to the Google and MSM narrative just show how narrow minded and closed to anything which you decide is fact and nobody else could possibly be right. Fuck off.
  15. I think Proper may be a misogynist. Just a theory I’ve been working on.
  16. ‘Dr’ lol Fauci has been doing the Sunday morning round of leftie fake news channels and the latest ‘science’ is guess what? A fourth ‘booster’ shot is going to be necessary to kick this killer, most dangerous ever, definitely not from the Wuhan lab virus into touch for ever. And this before the third ‘booster’ shot has even been stuck into the arms of most of the dumb arse Americans who lean to the left hand side. You couldn’t make it up.
  17. King Billy


    He appears to be following Covid rules at least. Masked up and holding a bottle of hand sanitiser, so at least he’s not going to kill his granny. I bet he’s fully jabbed and ‘boosted’ too. Probably works at the BBC.
  18. And ‘Hey Presto’ I have some back?
  19. Whilst I agree with every word you say, I’m seriously worried about a certain female (allegedly) moderators blood pressure when she reads this post. She’s been on the ropes a lot and taken some serious punishment recently. I’m not sure she’ll be able to get off her stool and come out for the next round.
  20. Out of likes. I think I’ve only used up around 5 tonight? For a split second I thought she might be up to some dirty tricks, but that would be ridiculous. Wouldn’t it? 🤔
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