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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. A fucking war crime, or at the very least an atrocity not equalled since Attila the Huns escapades.
  2. And Bully’s star prize tonight…….A pair of wellies, a donkey jacket and a wheelbarrow. 😂
  3. We’ve already done everything possible to try to make the daft cunts know their place. Our current policy of totally ignoring them seems to be working just fine. Only a matter of time till they’re begging us to colonise them again and beat the living daylights out of them all daily. (The good old days).
  4. Along with a couple of days worth of the local priests jizz which leaked out of your battered dirtbox while you were squeezing out a huge King Edward and a couple of Maris Pipers. Lol.
  5. Andy won’t have to pay back the 12m then. What a stroke of luck. He’s had it right off.
  6. Anyone remember that Covid 19 thing they were going on about for the last two years? Thank fuck that’s gone, just in time for the war. 😂
  7. I’ll have a gram. Send me your bank details and I’ll transfer you 0.08 pence when it arrives.
  8. Who can blame Putin for laughing at us when MI5 and MI6 bosses are sending memos to staff about the importance of ‘white privilege awareness, gender pronouns, and diversity and inclusivity’, on the very day he sent his troops into Ukraine. He thinks we’re cunts and he’s 100% right.
  9. The Fuhrer would be ranting uncontrollably in his grave right now at the price of gas. His maniacal hatred of all things Slavic finally justified for all the doubters and naysayers to see.
  10. After a long career as the keyboard player in Sparks.
  11. During your former career as a railway ticket inspector, did you ever work on the TransSiberian Express? And if so which toilet did you use while at work? You stupid geriatric freak.
  12. I’ve heard these rumours too Major. If they’re true I’ll let you know. Im just going out. I may be some time.
  13. I’ve been reliably informed that this Russia/Ukraine dispute thing may lead to a shortage of chicken kievs in my local area. Let’s hope it’s not as serious as that. I’m sure the MSM would have been all over it if it was a real possibility.
  14. Is he some sort of fucking comedian?
  15. If they need the TV to learn that, then it’s too late, they’re fucked. My Mum taught me how to make Molatovs, pipe bombs and recommission WW2 Lugers before I could walk or shout ‘No surrender’.
  16. King Billy


    ‘You’re fired.’
  17. King Billy


    Escorted to Dover harbour by the RNLI and U.K. Borderforce was a fucking bit of an anti climax really. Amistad 2 should be better though, when they’re all living it up free of charge at the Holiday Inn, waiting for their council house and prowling the streets after dark looking for young white slags to rape.
  18. King Billy


    Don’t forget to pack your ping pong balls.
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