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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. It’s probably not a good day to distract the Ginger Dragon. After Jeanette McKrankies ‘Wimmins Day’ apology for the historical persecution and institutional witchism in the barren, disgusting wasteland now known as Scotland, I imagine she’s been sat all day straddling her broomstick, eagerly awaiting the return of Mark ‘Turtle Head’ Drakeford from his weekly visit to see his rapist son at HMP Cardiff, and issue an identical apology, in an equally ridiculous and totally indecipherable public display of what’s commonly known as shite in the rest of the world. But I digress. If I found myself urgently in need of a liver transplant and the choice was between Ollie Reed, Bestie, or Drew’s pickled gherkins, or a thrice jabbed apparently healthy 20 year old, who’d mysteriously (but becoming less mysterious every day) dropped dead, I’d have no hesitation whatsoever in letting someone more deserving than me have the benefit of a few months becoming weaker, yellower and more sunken eyed every day, but still alive. I’d be quite happy on the trolley, on my final journey from the transplant clinic, via the cardiac unit, to the morgue, knowing that my selflessness had been the only decent thing I’d ever done.
  2. I saw the video of the daft cunt choking on tik tok with all the lazy cunt nurses dancing like spastics in the corridor.
  3. Everyone would have known he was a Nazi and started calling him names if he’d done that.
  4. Fairly well? A walkover probably, with all the other entrants found years later, buried deep in the Ardennes forest, riddled with bullet holes.
  5. I didn’t even know that babies had accents.
  6. I’ve shot my muck over many an ass in the past. Does that count?
  7. ABC News🤣 You really telling me that you believe anything the Aussie fake news broadcast? Ask yourself who funds them?, and try to find one example of them questioning the Covid fraudsters narrative ever. It’s easy to find the whole press conference I quoted, not the edited quotes and false summarisation the ABC made. Wake up you silly girl. Don’t forget you’re supposed to be smarter than all us thickos.😂
  8. 🤣I don’t need to care. Why would I when you get your big knickers in an awful twist over everything I post.😂
  9. So he wasn’t found dead down a disused mineshaft, after the authorities were alerted to his plight by a kangaroo which tut tutted in a strange dialect which a few humans could understand perfectly?
  10. Yeah it was for Gypps. I’ve been posting today using a replica ‘enigma’ machine I got from a mate who’s been recalled back to Rampton again. I’m not up to speed with it yet as I don’t speak any German at all and the keys are in what I think might be Arabic. Sorry about that CBB.
  11. What do you call a dog with a spade hanging out of its arse? Jordan.
  12. I thought I knew the whoring business more than most, but if she’s done this and made it pay, I take my hat off to her. (The bowler, not the tinfoil one I’ve been wearing a lot recently). Even in the unlikely possibility I could find a punter for the slobbering throwback, I wouldn’t have a fucking clue what to charge, and what would be included in the price, never mind ‘extras’
  13. The Queensland Chief Health Officer said something interesting about sudden deaths due to Myocarditis in a press conference the other day. I’m sure you’ll be able to find it before the big tech overlords remove it from the internet and chuck it in the bin marked ‘verboten’.
  14. Come on Gypps. That would make the game far too boring and quick. She knows she’s been backed into a corner from day one by following the narrative that the decepticons have pushed out to the sheep, and ridiculing any scepticism re the side effects, both long term which by definition cannot be anything other than unknown, and short term which are becoming more and more obvious to anyone prepared to admit they’ve been used as lab rats, putting their trust in the liars and cowards, who’ve deceived them knowingly and criminally imo. I’m supremely confident that the stance I’ve held from the start ie not trusting any of the panicmongers and doomsayers as soon at became clear that 99% of the Covid pandemic hysteria was BS. The way Covid was used by governments across the world, who were manipulated, due to their cowardice and incompetence, by a handful of ‘scientists’ and ‘experts’ to suspend the freedoms and liberties of entire populations, destroy the economies for generations to come, and refuse to even consider that they were wrong, in a blind panic over a virus which kills geriatrics and some, but not many younger people with other serious conditions. Average age of death in the U.K. 82.5 yrs. (exactly the same as it was when this bullshit started).
  15. ‘Totally safe’, and ‘totally free’. Roll up! Roll up! Has your child missed out on the Covid craze which has swept the world for the last 2 years Mums and Dads? Bring your children and babies (masked up) along to The Frankenstein/Fauci Experimental Medical Clinic, for a once in a lifetime chance to play Guinea Pigs and Mad scientists tomorrow. Free (100% safe) jabs for everyone. Myocarditis testing available for any (unlikely) survivors of last years event.
  16. I was having a laugh Decs. I find the banter between you lot who preceded me on here seriously funny, whether real or not. I just poked my nose in because sanctions seems to be the buzz word at the moment on the news. Drew, Ape and most of the old school cunts are good entertainment for a more recent cunt like me. Pen being the obvious exception.
  17. In his next paralytic stupor he’d convince himself, and anyone else he stumbles into, that he’s a secret Oligarch and his billions will soon be unfrozen to clear up his bill at the local Spar shop.
  18. I would like to inform you that you’ve spelled licker wrong.
  19. Some studies are showing what appears to be rather concerning effects of the Pfizer vaccine in the liver cells. As I’m a thicko I’ll leave it to you to explain how unconcerning this really is and find some Wikipedia character assassinations of the previously respected scientists which suddenly appear as soon as anyone contradicts the ‘totally safe’ narrative. Over to you Professor Big Brain.
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