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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. You must know by now RK that I never rely on evidence to prove a good story. In fact evidence often proves to be the undoing of most of my best stories.
  2. Along with this months editions of ‘Readers Grannies’ and ‘HILF Monthly’ (halfwits I’d love to fuck). I bet a toothbrush was the last thing you expected to find in the carrier bag when you got back in the car and gently slid your trousers down.
  3. Three years ago 🇱🇷President Donald Trump 🇱🇷addressed the UN and warned of the Western Hemispheres ever increasing dependence on energy supplies from Russia, and the need for the circle jerking globalist elite to stop ignoring the almost inevitable likelihood of economic disaster which these EU driven policies would result in. The German delegation could be seen openly laughing at him. The stupid cunts aren’t laughing now, are they? As with most things The Donald said and promoted, the chickens have come home to roost, and the years of character assassination and bogus investigations which have all fizzled out like farts in the wind, coupled with the absolute incompetence and undisguisable weakness of the pathetic Western governments should be a wake up call to all the fucking halfwit retards who jumped on the ‘Orangeman Bad’ bandwagon pushed by the MSM because Trump called them all out from day one as the lying ‘fake news’ political leftie schills they are. 🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 MAGA🇱🇷
  4. Stupid fucking bleeding cunts.
  5. Harsh RK. I prefer to think of skinny kids as just as good but never got the same chances as the Porkers early on. Reported for nutritionism.
  6. She’s the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. Believe it or not, some of my friends have gone a bit tinfoil hat crazy recently. Very disappointing to say the least. Thank fuck I’m still completely normal Eric. There’s not many of us left.
  7. Obviously female, like this sexy babe I’ve been slipping a length to recently.
  8. Anyone who can’t split their sides when a kid dies has got to be fucking off the scale weird imo.
  9. ‘Shallow Grave Monthly’ ’Binbag Weekly’ ’Fast Rascals’ ’Widowers Wives’
  10. Did that solve the problem? Or was it more closely related to the years you missed from school when you were away on those ‘camping’ and ‘hiking’ trips with Father Dick and his shifty looking friends?
  11. Except for the lack of a Google link and a couple of ‘thicko’ or ‘Sid Slackjaw’ killer insults to make sure I’m dead.🤣
  12. Ah! I knew something was going on here. It’s so fucking obvious now.
  13. Obituary in the Jewish Chronicle…. Hymi’s dead…… Volvo for sale.
  14. Eeeeh! If you was a bird you’d be ‘a reeet canny Rass’ man.
  15. RKs uncle was in the Geordie Rolling Stones. Bill Wyayeman.
  16. Things would have got hot very quickly for you if the Witchfinder General had rolled up at your village, and ordered you to hoist up your skirt. I’m surprised you evaded capture as you were definitely around at the time, and freaks such as you were normally the first to be rounded up and incinerated.
  17. Couldn’t agree more. Their menfolk were all wearing skirts when Bruce Jenner was still racing around in tight shorts with a huge boner and a moustache at the Olympic Games.
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