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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I see that Bogland have said they expect to take in 100,000 Ukrainian refugees, to be housed in private homes. With a population of less than 5 million that’s an awful lot of people (2%) to suddenly burden the creaking infrastructure with. Another sign of the contempt your leaders hold you in, is the fact that until just a few weeks ago, Irish citizens who chose not to inject themselves with an experimental chemical cocktail, weren’t permitted to go into a pub, restaurant and many other establishments. Your government was prepared to insist you reveal personal medical information to total strangers just to participate in normal society. Ukranians appear to have far more human rights in Ireland than the Irish themselves, as your rulers have decided that someone you have invited to live in your home does not have to declare wether they have been pricked or not. The Micks have evolved from inherently rebellious into a right bunch of obedient gutless pussies. Sean McStiofan was a cunt.
  2. I reckon it’s currently in a worse state than Benjamin Butterworths thrashed ringpiece.
  3. Down with that sort of thing.
  4. Elon Musk who apparently has 77 million followers on Twitter has caused a pandemic level meltdown by the ‘sense of humour challenged’ libtard twittersphere today by posting…. ‘Netflix are anxiously waiting for the war to end so they can release their latest movie, about a black Ukrainian who falls in love with a transgender Russian soldier’. Pure genius. Just 29 words and millions of fucking leftie purple haired spastics now have faces to match their hair. The rioting should be starting anytime now . 😂
  5. Are you Owen Jones’ boyfriend?
  6. Exactly the sort of behaviour to expect from a Prius driver.
  7. Just to the right of the tow bar. I assume you know what that is?
  8. And take the dogs out for a shit. I can’t be arsed.
  9. My missus is away at her mums tonight. We could Netflix and chill.
  10. I fucking detest Eastenders, depressing BBC woke PC shite. But Nick Cotton has always been the only character who’s genuinely made me laugh. Years ago when he reappeared with his little daughter, plotting to kill Dot for the life insurance was priceless. Nick knocked on the fat bird Heaviers door and she said “Your mums not here Nick, and she don’t want to see you anyway”. Nick said to her “Ain’t you got a pie eating contest to go to?” Class.
  12. 🇸🇮Nostravia🥃🇸🇮
  13. I’ve donated my Wilko gazebo to the Ukrainian refugees. I packed it up, included half a roll of duct tape (Poundland, not the real stuff) and half a pack of wet wipes, as the poles were all broken, and it picked up quite a substantial amount of dogshit, when it took off down the street during Storm Eunice recently. I launched it out the window of my imaginary M4 into the doorway of our local ‘Help a Foreign Cunt’ charity shop, risking my own life by steering with my knees. I don’t know if this selfless act qualifies me for the 350 grand a week ‘hero payment’, but I’ll be very bitter and twisted if my generosity is taken for granted and ignored yet again. Fucking wankers.
  14. In London you can call it anything you want (as long as it’s halal).
  15. The Ukraine AZOV Battalion, which is proud to be referred to as Neo Nazi, armed with NATO weapons and trained by NATO forces has been shelling the Dondas region for 8 years. The MSM who for years have vilified these Ukraine Neo Nazis in their normal self superior, sanctimonious way have now as expected forgotten they exist. The puppet Zelensky is no more than a CIA/MI6 stooge. The ridiculous speech he made to the U.K. parliament the other day, quoting Henry V and Winston Churchill was so obviously written by his CIA and MI6 handlers. And the pathetic seals we call MPs in the Commons, clapping and cheering at this fucking nonsensical ‘hero’. was a truly embarrassing sight to behold. Well it would have been, had we not all sat through two years+ of these same spineless cunts ignoring the damage of lockdowns, vaccine mandates and the simply impossible to escape guilt of the Chinese communist cunts who caused the Covid 19 chaos and set it loose on the rest of the world. This actor cunt Zelensky was ‘elected’ 😂 promising to deliver peace to the country 😂 after the legitimate President was toppled with the help of the US and the U.K. Instead he’s refused the repeated chances to negotiate a deal to keep Ukraine a neutral buffer between the West and Russia. Instead he’s provoked Putin again and again offering to allow NATO to station nuclear missiles next the Russian border, demanding to join NATO and the corrupt EU. Everything which he knew Putin would never allow and which Ukraine had falsely promised not to do in the past. Hopefully the Russians will change their softly softly tactics and take the gloves off. The sooner they take control of the whole country the better for everyone. Fuck Ukraine. They’ve never been our friends until now when they’re paying the price for their actions and need our help. I do t think they deserve fuck all help or even sympathy from us. Vitaly Klitchko is a cunt.
  16. Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grubski.
  17. “I’ve been talking about this since the 1990s. The idea is for this 3rd world war. To involve Russia and China against the West, the 1984 kind of scenario.And what you have now is the demonisation of Russia, suddenly we’ve got the demonisation of Russia. And what’s opening up in the Ukraine is another front against Russia, because you know it’s very easy to see how Russia can be pulled into this Middle Eastern conflict by supporting Syria, because destroying Syria is part of ISIS’ agenda, and America and NATOs agenda. So you can see how the pieces in the game are being moved around to create the scenario that Albert Pike talked about. The idea is to basically bring everything to its knees, SO THAT THE WORLD WOULD HAVE TO BE REBUILT in its structures and the way it operates. That will be in the image of what they’ve been working towards all along. Workd Government, World Central Bank, World Currency,World Army and centralised control of the planet. And it’s very easy to see with current events how it’s moving in that direction. We need to understand what the goals are to understand what the moves toward that goal are, and when you look at it from this perspective what is happening in the Middle East is not random, none of it is random. Iraq was not random, Libya has not been random, Syria has not been random, none of it. And ISIS certainly isn’t random. Its part of this long term plan to take over the world by creating enormous chaos, to which they can offer the order out of the chaos… Their order, their New World Order. In fact a close aide of Putin who has special responsibility for Ukraine has said this week that the US is preparing for a war with Russia through Ukraine and that what they plan is to try to take Crimea back. You can have the odd bit of terrorism and bad things happen to Russian supporting people. Putin will stay back and hold his fire because he knows exactly what they’re trying to manipulate him into, but if they try to take Crimea back Putins ego and pride will not allow him just to let them do it. Therefore if they push him too far what you’re looking at is war, a calculated war against Russia. And if you start a war against Russia on its borders, coupled with all this stuff going on in the Middle East, you are diluting Russia’s impact there. Its all a set up.” David Icke 2014
  18. I’ve seen many punters in the parlour going for it like that with 3,4 or more birds over the years. The ones I got to know were all ‘happily’ married to women they didn’t even fancy anymore, who they dreaded fucking, but did once a month or less with the lights out, just to avoid any arguments at home. I suspect Shane didn’t fall into this category and just loved lots of juicy fresh cunt, climbing all over him. 👍
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