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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Fuck. You’ve been and gone and done it now.
  2. Evening Bill. How’s it going these days? I guess it’s a bit quiet without Melinda to wipe your arse, and Jeffrey E to fist it?
  3. I dread to think what my next visit to A and E will be like, as it’s been getting progressively worse the last 5 or 6 times I’ve had to use it since Christmas. If I didn’t keep getting that saucepan stuck on my head I honestly wouldn’t give a fuck how shit the NHS has become for every other cunt.
  4. A bit more clapping on Thursday nights and everything should be fine and dandy. Wasn’t that the whole point of the last two years?
  5. He might have more money than me but I’ve got more ex wives than him. You never hear the MSM fake news cunts mention that on TV.
  6. Bill Gates is OK. I don’t know why all my mates down at the tinfoil hat club are always having a go at him. How could he not be allright? He lives in a 127 million dollar beachfront mansion, while preaching about imminent doom and destruction due to rising sea levels’. He is the major shareholder in the worlds largest private jet hire company, while wagging his lizard finger at the little people about CO2 emissions, he’s the former best friend of Jeffrey Epstein, nothing to see there, he’s the biggest private agricultural land owner in the US currently buying up huge livestock ranches and destroying the meat industry. His ‘charitable’ foundation is the second largest financial donor to the criminally corrupt WHO, behind only the US government. Almost every ‘scientist, medical expert, behavioural psychologist, professor of modelling, MSM organisation, and so called ‘NGO’s who have advised and basically frightened the spineless and cretinous governments of every western country for the last two years with Covid lies, thereby destroying their economies, their citizens rights and freedoms, can be quite easily found, to have been or currently benefitting from Gates’ financial tentacles. Nah! Bill’s OK. I wouldn’t let the weird looking cunt babysit my kids though.
  7. Why are lepers shit at poker? They keep chucking their hand in.
  8. There’s a colony joke to follow surely?
  9. She’s a piece of fucking work allright. I’ve asked Eddie for her hand in marriage this afternoon. He’s being a bit obtuse now over the financial settlement. I’ve offered him 97P, which I think is more than fair. He hasn’t turned it down yet which is promising. Greedy cunt.
  10. Oooh! That must have got the juices flowing in your manky old crotch. Sort yourself out ffs.
  11. It’s a fucking lizard in a poorly made latex suit Judge. It thinks it’s been playing with me, and plans to eat me eventually when it gets bored. I’m quite looking forward to that.
  12. King Billy

    The BBC

    Just had a quick look at BBC Question time and was totally reassured to see 2 benders, a charwallah, a Ukranian bird and Max Hastings sorting out all the silly misunderstandings that everyone seems to be getting all bent out of shape over at the moment. ‘Phew!’
  13. How often do you and the ‘lads’ meet up for this sort of thing? And wouldn’t it be better to not do it out in public?
  14. King Billy

    The BBC

    Real men watch Schofield and Willoughby. The BBC is for poofs.
  15. DC PMd me yesterday from the International Space Station. He’s on a 4 week all inclusive vacation with Musk and Bezos, both of whom he shared an apartment with at Space College. He said he will be back as soon as his latest fake interplanetary vaccine passport and PCR test certificate are beamed up to him. I’ve no reason to disbelieve him as he’s always been bang on the money previously.
  16. So what’s not to like about the natural evolution of the so-called virus? Omicron, the latest dominant variant, grudgingly being accepted by the majority of the backpedalling MSM doom mongers and ‘wrong from the start’ scientists, modellers, politically motivated authoritarian politicians and easily manipulated sheep, as comparable to the common cold? It’s still not too late to cross the floor and admit that you’ve been defending the indefensible for too long. The game is up. You’ve been shown up as the idiot some of us have always seen you as, but put up with as it’s your only redeeming quality. ‘I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Luke 13:3
  17. As if Saint Billiam of Gates hadn’t been keeping us tinfoil hatters occupied enough recently, the other day he came out with some curious comments re. the ongoing Covid 19 psyop, and in particular the vaccine situation, or rather why no one seems to be even remotely bothered about Covid anymore? and even less inclined to have another dose of Epstein’s, sorry Gates’ (I’m always getting these billionaire kidfuckers names mixed up), blood clot forming, heart disease inducing, experimental poison pushed into their arms. This is what the hideous, greedy, fake philanthropist cunt said…… ”Sadly the virus itself, particularly the variant called Omicron, as a type of vaccine. creates both B cell and T cell immunity. And it’s done a better job of getting out there to the world than we have with vaccines.” Sadly? Yes. I guess for this vile and depraved cunt it’s sad that he may not get to cull a large chunk of the human race with his cocktails of doom. His master plan is spluttering to a halt, and not even half completed. I guess Professor Pedo and his NWO henchmen will have to fully focus on getting World War 3 properly up and running to complete the project and get the job done. Klaus Schwab is a cunt.
  18. 🤭 It looks like it’s squeaky bum time for me RK. I’m going to be Epsteined. How the fuck has it come to this?
  19. E10 petrol is up to 20% less efficient than the old unleaded. It also rots the fuel lines and fuel pump internal seals. Johnson signed the U.K. up to this EU directive while no one was looking last year, undoubtedly ordered to by his horse faced, slack fannied, eco warrior, Thunberg wannabe, ugly cunt of a missus.
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