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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Rafa Nadal, who I’ve always considered a great player and admired his humility especially the respect he shows to his opponents whether in victory or defeat, until the Novax Djokovic controversy before the Australian Open that is, when Nadal felt the need to poke his sunburned snozzle in and criticise Novak for his refusal to have the experimental poison jab injected into his body. Nadal lost the final at Indian Wells the other day, due to mysterious chest pains and could be seen holding his hand tightly over his heart many times and saying that he was having trouble breathing. The fakestream media have been predictably referring to his ‘pectoral muscle strain’ blah blah blah blah blah. He himself has said he doesn’t know yet what the problem is. I do hope that he doesn’t have to announce his immediate retirement anyday now, after some ‘previously undiagnosed’ heart condition is discovered, which has been happening to a lot of superfit athletes for the last year and a bit, (totally unrelated to the Batflu jibby jabbies, which are 150% safe of course).
  2. 100% of freaky old hags called Pen have a bigger penis than the biggest ever lamp post. Statistics are great aren’t they?
  3. It’s still not been proved that they can think, so the question is rather a moot point anyway Major. Glad to be of help. No need to thank me.
  4. Unfortunately that’s how they look anyway. There’s plenty of other ways to crack a coconut as I’m quite sure you’re well aware. Eddie and yourself was one of, if not the greatest brawls never to have taken place. Pure gold.
  5. I’m 23 Ed on my next birthday. Can you imagine how much the insurance is on my imaginary M4? (especially with 14 drink drive convictions and an expired provisional licence). So a little less of this unwarranted hate speech in my direction would be appreciated. It’s not the sort of behaviour I’d expect from a semi educated darkie whom I consider a true friend.
  6. The turtle would far more likely be made of vegan shite, and end up violently pushed back up Stickers’ arse with the full force of his boyfriends thrusting bellend. It shouldn’t have poked its head out into Bills ridiculous, organic, hand knitted hemp underpants in the first place really.
  7. That’s why she flashes her untamed Yeti like minge at the first sight of a camera. Just like a pack of well out of date doner kebab meat at the barcode reader in Costco.
  8. Sorry Ed. I completely forgot you two were betrothed. Can I just ask you though Eddie….. What was it that first attracted you to the absolutely insufferable, egomaniacal, insanely deranged, klunge flasher Mrs Roops?
  9. If your enormous cock hadn’t been in the way someone might have seen something.
  10. I would indeed Ed. In fact I might even have to give some serious thought about whether or not to stop doing it every time she was disobedient to me.
  11. Killer response from the most boring and nauseatingly repetitive moderator/thicko ever. At least you’re 100% predictable with the quality of shite you fling back. I’ll give you that. That’s about all I’d give you though. 😘
  12. I don’t drink Jamesons. Fenians drink Jamesons.
  13. For three or four days now the self flagellating MSM and the usual assortment of guest commentators have been faking outrage over a 15 year old black girl being strip searched by 2 female old bill at a school in Hackney. ‘Damaged for the rest of her life’ and other similar nonsense being the consensus from all these head nodding, grim faced arseholes. This shite has to fucking stop immediately before it’s too late.
  14. The worldwide anger over the death of violent career criminal George Floyd, which has been dishonestly and frankly disgracefully used by the leftoid race warriors across the globe, with the enormously powerful assistance of the lying, corrupt and hopefully soon to be held to account fakestream media, sparked months of protests across the US and many other countries. 3 billion dollars of damage was caused in Democrat cities all over America and 50 people or more were killed during these ‘peaceful protests’. Black Lives Matter was suddenly the most heard 3 words on TV and across social media. Anyone who didn’t shout out their support for BLM while subordinately ‘taking the knee’ was branded a hateful racist, unfit to belong in civilised society. The cops who arrested this fucking beast and imo correctly dispatched him to the afterlife were duly scapegoated and incorrectly imo jailed for life. Coincidentally, this farcical drama and the whipping up of enormous racial unrest and division happened to occur in the run up to the presidential election. Job done. There’s a 17 minute video on YouTube titled ‘Police take a man’s life over a blood test’ Joe Public U.K. is the channel. The total absence of any news coverage of this incident speaks for itself imo. It’s almost like a negative photo image of the George Floyd video, white victim, black cops mostly. Except the deceased victim 38 yr old Edward Bronstein wasn’t violent, wasn’t resisting the cops and most importantly he was WHITE. Two remarkably similar incidents, same outcome for the arrested person but one is deemed not even worth a mention by the fraudsters who pretend to be journalists in the 21st century clown world which is turning more and more to shit every fucking day that passes. WHITE LIVES MATTER George Floyd was a massive fucking cunt.
  15. Most 12 year old boys in Glasgow could put the ripper to shame these days. In fact all 12 year old black boys in London could. ‘Jaykwan the Ripper’. Netflix are probably filming the movie as we speak, with Jaykwan portrayed as a heroic black Robin Hood, slashing the ‘white priveleged’ rich and giving out all his sperm to the poor, whether they want it or not.
  16. Dyslexic Cnut? I know they sat either side of him once at a Derek Acora show in Liverpool. I know that’s actually true because he told me about it.
  17. Jack the Ripper would probably not be overly impressed with this sort of thing if he was lurking around in the shadows of East London today. He could probably practice his trade unpunished though as ‘female genital mutilation’ isn’t an arrestable offence in Sharia law today in the Islamic Republic of Londonistan. Allah Akbar!
  18. Forget the internet Eric. I’ve got two of these working tonight, (twins actually). They can be at your door in 45 mins. You’ll have to book them both though as they share the same head.
  19. It can’t be that difficult to put your cock in the bag and keep your fingers outside it. I’m not an expert on T bone steak flavoured crisps, but I’ve never had this problem with pickled onion Monster Munch grab bags.
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