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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Should the need arise, which lavatory at the train station would you choose? It’s hard to know which choice would cause the most panic, when you rushed in and unleashed the monster to syphon the python.
  2. I for one would be perfectly happy to hear of your well overdue death, as long as it was agonisingly painful for you, and watched by a huge crowd of cheering bystanders.
  3. Exactly. Instead of mincing up onto the stage and pathetically slapping the other cunt with a lot less force than a paralytic flid in a persistent vegetative state, he should have quietly whispered to his ET lookalike missus ‘Keep yer hair on luv, just go and wait in the car. I’ll be out in a couple of hours’.
  4. Cumberbatch is a fucking grade A cunt. Fucking woker than thou nauseating spastic. I’ve never watched anything he’s acted in and never will, but he looks like a grade A cunt and that’s good enough for me.
  5. And therein lies the Panzy problem Major. More chance of a genuine Nigerian Army Colonel you’ve never met, emailing you and actually depositing fifty million quid in your bank account, than finding a Mick with anything approaching half a brain. They make up for it with the size of their enormous hands tbf.
  6. No need for that. He’s already got 5 or 6 of them, which his Grandad nicked in 1943 when he was working at Cork harbour repairing the U Boats and taking a ton of Aryan Bratwurst up his rear torpedo tube every night, as his war effort to beat the Brits. The Krauts admired the way the Paddies spoke in a weird code that made their Enigma machines look as hi tech as a Fisher Price DIY Wendy House.
  7. Racist. I shall be buying my imaginary M4 brake pads and Forest Fresh air fresheners at Halfords from now on, if this is the sort of behaviour you intend to continue with. You've let everyone down Ed, but mostly yourself.
  8. Ed I’m back from Budapest with a seriously impressive set of brand new gnashers. Would you be upset with me if I bit a few large chunks out of ‘you know who’s’ fragrant undercarriage and fed the inedible gristle to my poodle as a treat?
  9. Unlike Katie Prices cunt.
  10. The bogtrotters have now announced that they will be taking in 200,000 Ukes instead of the initial 100k they had invited, and granting them full access to all the welfare benefits, housing, education and integration into society, that only a couple of weeks ago they were denying to actual Irish citizens who didn’t consent to being injected with the experimental Bill Gates vaccines. It seems that’s not even enough for the fake actor playing the ‘hero’ Ukraine President, as he criticised Ireland yesterday for ‘not doing enough’. Typical weasel Mick politician Seamus O’Donkey jacket immediately telling the fakestream media not to read too much into his comments and not to believe their own ears. The Paddies eh! What a total bunch of fucking morons, being played like Harry Hewitt with Smeghan and Oprahs hairy hands fully inserted, elbow deep up his ginger woke shitter. Fucking pot lickers.
  11. Brilliantly worked out Einstein. Doesn’t every person on Earth have the same 2 choices every second of every day though? (unless they’re in jail).
  12. Very well said RKbaby. You think he’s a bit of a cock, don’t you? Nothing gets past me.
  13. The best way to teach these dangerous dog breeds to live peacefully with human beings is to spread Pedigree Chum generously on my arse. They soon learn that if they eat the kids they don’t get to lick my star anymore. Am I the only one to know this very effective trick?
  14. Take her to the nearest bus stop and leave her sat there with a tartan rug across her bony knees. With any luck the old cunt will be long gone when you pass by in a cab after the pub shuts. If she’s still there keep on going past as the local kidnappers and other assorted beasts haven’t even been tempted.
  15. Who are ‘they’ exactly? And why would ‘they’ say that?
  16. I don’t know where to start here. Racism, homophobia, glorifying male rape and alcohol abuse. Excellent post imo.
  17. Set the fucker alight ASAP Stubbers. Make sure to wear a mask as smoke inhalation has killed many more people than the fake virus ever did.
  18. They better be fucking quick if they want me Drew. I’m in Budapest and I’ll be back Friday night with the best set of gnashers in Britain. My agent has advised me not to get out of bed for less than fifty grand a day, starting next week. I hope he’s giving me good advice or my pyjamas are going to fucking stink pretty quick. Im drinking plum brandy in the hotel bar tonight Drew. What do you think of that?
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