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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Just like the spunk stains on the underpants of the little boys his brother fucked up the arse.
  2. Stop ’pollan’ his leg Decs.
  3. Only Bill Gates or Anthony Fauci could answer that RK, but there’s a high probability they’d lie, going on their past form.
  4. The Honda S2000s engine had the highest BHP/ litre output of any non turbo engine in a mass produced road car ever, when it was launched in 1999. Not a lot of people know that.
  5. I don’t know if you’re aware of the fact that the MX5/Eunos is the best selling soft top sports car ever. Not a lot of people know that.
  6. The current ‘Clownworld’ that we live in will be perfect for this bag of shite to self identify as a ‘perfect mother’ and ‘professor of child protection’. GMB, BBC Breakfast News, The Jeremy Vile Show and all the other lizard media would of course enter into a bidding war, to secure the pig ugly shitcunt as a guest on their mainstream fake news propaganda channels, while still finding time to bum each other senseless in the non gender toilets for most of the day. I’d quite like to dress her up as a baby and smash her sorry excuse for a face to a pulp with 5 telegraph poles dipped in Rottweiler shite, duck taped together.
  7. What time is Neil picking you up?
  8. She’ll find it difficult to integrate back into society probably. She’ll most likely find it very hard to get a well paid job and end up on minimum wage as a live in nanny or part time babysitter I reckon.
  9. Triumph Spitfires used to be quite cool back in the day. Never seemed to take off though.
  10. None of them yours I’d bet, as you’re a man in a charity shop dress.
  11. ‘Whether or not it’s correct that ‘wanking makes you go blind’, it seems to be in Pens case. Playing with that colossal Totem Pole of its for years can’t possibly be unconnected to its ridiculously enlarged right bicep and Mr. Magoo ‘Coke bottle’ glasses?
  12. Fucking hell DC. I’ve been driving around Toxteth every night for months in the imaginary M4 looking for you. I even got a parking ticket at the back of Lime St station one night while I was looking in all the dumpsters for your remains. If you PM me the address of whatever secure institution you’re currently residing in, I’ll forward the ticket for you to pay. I even checked Southport beach for washed up canoes, thinking you’d decided to have another crack at the life insurance malarkey that you almost got away with last time. Im glad you’re not dead, unless I find out you’ve been holed up in some ‘boutique hotel’ in Brighton with Kleftiko. In which case you soon will be when the bad AIDS kicks in. Welcome back and fuck off.
  13. Is this Grinder? I may have got my passwords mixed up again.
  14. They’re going to be totally fucked when the ‘self driving wheelbarrow’ is rolled out.
  15. As a NI born and raised Protestant Decs, albeit the offspring of a Catholic mother and a Protestant father, I grew up in Ulster during the worst times of the conflict. I was always aware of the genuinely held beliefs and seemingly impossible to resolve ambitions of both communities in a small outpost of the U.K. I witnessed first hand the inbred mistrust and even hatred of the two communities, but due to the unusual and frowned upon circumstances of my parents Union my brothers and I were lucky enough to see the madness of the whole situation growing up. All the ‘No Surrender’ etc etc posts I make are mostly in jest and are not based on any hill that I’d be willing to die on. On the contrary, if the majority voted to unite Ireland I’d be quite happy to see that take place. I find it bizarre that Panzy appears so unable to hide his hatred for anything British that he doesn’t seem able to discuss any topic whatsoever without interjecting some ridiculous Brit bashing nonsense into the dialogue. Im not saying he’s thick or anything, but he does appear to be extremely fucking thick.
  16. 🇬🇧 NO SURRENDER 🇬🇧
  17. All M3s until the F80 straight six twin turbo, which was my previous car till I got the imaginary M4 were naturally aspirated, so I guess you’re talking about the V8 pre 2014 E90 version? I had an E36 Evo many moons ago and loved everything about it. The E90 V8 is a serious beast mate. I’ve driven a couple belonging to mates and regret not owning one. The only thing to be careful though is the engines have a reputation for self destructing without warning, if they have been thrashed (which all older M3s etc have) I’d choose very carefully if you’re contemplating buying one. What seems like a minter when you buy it could quickly become a nightmare.
  18. You’ll probably find the huge mop of hair around your arse has fallen out too, if you have a quick look before tossing the plastic carrier bag into next doors garden. Alopecia Gypps. It’s the next Plandemic. Ask Bill Gates.
  19. Oscar Pistoverhimself, Norfolks greatest ever legless athlete. He’s been suspended from all County level competition unless he produces his long lost webbed feet for inspection.
  20. I wouldn’t be seen dead on public transport. I have an imaginary M4 matey.
  21. The thing is such an obviously staged publicity stunt that any cunt who thinks it might have been an actual fracas is probably still in surgery having their arsehole reconstructed after Elton Johns ‘A listers only’ Oscars Night After Party. This ‘definitely not staged’ incident just happened to occur ‘on a stage’ with two actors being the participants. 😂 The reason for the incident being a joke by one actor about the other actors wives widely reported alopecia has sparked a very strange wave of guest alopecia sufferers turning up on TV and boring the fucking life out of any cunt watching with their life story, before whipping off their syrup and showing everyone their disgusting bald fucking bonces. Almost every mainstream media outlet, newspaper and TV channel immediately decided to relegate the Ukraine/Russia bullshit off the top step of the podium and promote this non event craptrap farce to their rapidly dwindling, but still dribbling audiences. Poor old Covid 19. In the space of just a month it’s found itself relegated to the bronze medal position. ’What is Alopecia?’ is the suspiciously identical headline of articles in almost every national newspaper in Britain today. The story has been swiftly moved on from the two fake actors to this awful and rarely discussed ailment, with of course the emphasis on the fact that it affects more wimmin than the evil male half of the population. There aren’t any effective therapeutics currently approved for the treatment of alopecia in the US. Never mind folks. Keep your hair on. I’m sure there will be soon. And ‘Hey Presto!’ Would you believe it? The Oscars main sponsors this year were BioNTech/Pfizer. Mmmm🤔 Its probably a total coincidence 😂, but Pfizer just happen to currently be in the final stages of clinical trials of their new Alopecia drug Ritlecitinib, and have just announced ‘positive top line results from phase 2b/3 of the trials. And now all of a sudden everyone is talking about Alopecia. 👍 Before any of you cunts shout ‘Billy’s got his tinfoil hat on again!’ I’d like to point out that the only reason I wear it is because I’ve suffered with Alopecia for a long time and my mate Sid Slackjaw knew a guy whose neighbours cousins mates hair grew back stronger than before it all fell out, and it was the tinfoil hat that done it. Duncan Goodhew was a cunt. Fuck off. Lol.
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