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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Jake does have a point here DC. Decs is more than capable without anyone who doesn’t have skin in the game jumping on the bandwagon. Just saying.
  2. I’m a creature of habit DC. When I encounter an intolerable, nauseating, self superior, finger wagging ginge, I just do what comes naturally.
  3. The latest 11,000 pages of the Pfizer Covid 19 trials data which were released on April 1st, despite Pfizer and the CDCs efforts in court to bury them for 75 years, reveal some interesting findings.🤭 1 natural immunity from past infection has identical effect as the vaccine in stopping both chance of infection and serious symptoms if infected. 2 Increased, more frequent and more severe adverse events in younger recipients of the vaccine, increasing the further down the age scale. 3 White blood cell count dropped significantly for around a week after the first dose of the miracle jab and then returned to normal levels. OK for most people unless you’re already immuno compromised. It seems Pfizer and the regulatory authorities across the world didn’t think people should be informed of any possible risk from the ‘wonder jab’. The ‘totally safe’ and ‘totally effective’ vaccines pushed on billions of fucking not seriously at risk idiots, which are now plain to see as ‘totally unsafe’ and ‘totally ineffective’ will go down in history as the biggest con ever. And all the clever cunts like you who dismiss anyone who questions the narrative you’ve been fed deserve whatever damage you’ve done to yourselves by lining up with your flabby bingo wings stuck out for the only prick you’re likely to be offered nowadays. Fuck off.
  4. Get back to the Tavistock Clinic and demand your money back, or at least an explanation for what’s hanging down between your legs.
  5. How’s it going SC? I’ve been keeping an eye on the antics of Chairman Dan and some of the other State dictators, sorry Premiers and it looks like they’re still trying to cling on to the big Covid lie that allowed them to terrorise the good people down under for two and a bit years. All the cunts who backed these tyrants should be held to account imo.
  6. King Billy

    The BBC

    It’s very sad to see how low the Beeb have fallen. Fuck off.
  7. Said the man from a faraway place, where they’ve pawned the Port of Darwin and vast swathes of their mining industries to the Chinese Communist Party, to guarantee the future financial security of the Gay Pride movement. Did you know it’s Asexual Day tomorrow? I just heard about it myself and immediately wondered if you’d planned anything special?
  8. Orban won his fourth term as PM by a landslide, against a coalition of the six opposing parties (there’s desperation for you). In his victory speech he said ‘This victory is so huge it can be seen from the moon, certainly from Brussels.’😂 The EU cabal despise him precisely because they’re bankrolling his joyride, and there’s fuck all they can do do stop it. And not a single Eurocock sucked or Euroarse licked. That’s probably why your bender, charwallah, part time teashop, Nancy boy loves the EU so much. He gets to suck copious amounts of Eurocock as part of his job. 🇬🇧NO SURRENDER🇬🇧1690🇬🇧
  9. How much are you EU arserimmers paying at the pumps Dickwipe?
  10. My brake pads still haven’t arrived Ed.
  11. Silly me😵‍. I’m sorry Professor Big Brain. So the rocketing inflation which is a direct result of the insane reaction by western governments to the fake pandemic, handing out money which they didn’t have to everyone, repeatedly shutting down their economies and removing the basic rights of billions of people with the stroke of a pen was all just a Bobby Ewing style dream? When I was in Budapest a couple of weeks ago the contrast between there and London was staggering to me. Petrol is £1 a litre in the city centre, so probably a bit cheaper even in rural areas. I can post a picture if you like. My hotel which was very luxurious cost 45€ a night, and a decent meal with a glass of wine in a decent restaurant about a tenner. I put this down to Victor Orban their ‘populist’ PM who just this week got re-elected, and is despised by the EU and the rest of the woke globalist elite, because he puts his country and its people first and refuses to take the knee to them and suck their filthy cocks. The Great Reset. ‘You will own nothing and you will be happy’ Klaus Schwab. Fuck off.
  12. ‘The Great Reset’. Naaah. That’s just a ridiculous conspiracy theory spread by those stupid ‘tinfoil hatters’ like King Billy. Hang on. What’s that you say…..Food prices to rise by 20 to 50% next Monday, says German Retail Association today. 🤭
  13. Carnegie would be so proud if he was alive, to see the huge progress that’s been made in just a few hundred years, since his long forgotten efforts to benefit the oppressed and underprivileged poor.
  14. “Hello Ma.” “Ooh it’s you Fwank. I hoped you were dead.”
  15. Jen Psaki Major. Every time she opens her gob and I don’t hear a Welsh accent I feel the blood gushing South on the Bell End Road. She’s living proof that some gingers would still qualify for a damn good seeing to, if she asked nicely. I wouldn’t talk to her though as she’s an insufferable lying slag, just like the other unmentionable Welsh entity she allegedly physically resembled a couple of decades ago.
  16. Was it a deal breaker when he called her ‘Nectaranus’?
  17. The fakestream media have unanimously decided that Putins troops are guilty of unprecedented ‘war crimes’ in Bucha, some previously unknown shithole in Ukraine (the purest and most beautiful country on Earth, with the kindest, gentlest and most innocent population ever known). President ‘mush for brains’ Joe Biden, the totally legitimate, most popular President ever, and 100% definitely not a kid fucker with a crack head deviant son has called for Putin to be put on trial for these abominable ‘war crimes’ (which so far have been just reported minus any video or other evidence). Surely some pink haired, cross dressing, tik tokker on the White House payroll will at least attempt to explain to this stumbling, mumbling cadaver that war crimes are tried at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. The US has always refused to sign up to this court, for pretty obvious reasons. I reckon Putin would immediately hand himself over to The Hague at the prospect of twenty years as Top Dog on the wing alongside Obama, Clinton, Biden, Blair and Alastair Campbell etc. etc. etc. March 30th… Mayor of Bucha announces that Russia has withdrawn totally from Bucha and no mention of war crimes. March 31st to April 3rd…… still no mention of war crimes. Overnight April 3rd/4th….. recently arrived Ukraine army Neo Nazi AZOS battalion discover previously undiscovered atrocities. 🤔 Fake news bullshit at its best, and the dummies are lapping it up.
  18. The dog is the one guilty of bestiality here imo. Probably strutting round the park now boasting about the threesome he had, and twins aswell. ’Woof woof!’
  19. Where’s my brake pads Ed? I hope all this fighting talk isn’t an elaborate scam to do a runner with my wonga. It’s only our years of friendship that’s stopped me from taking my business to Halfords mate. You’d do well to remember that.
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