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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy

    Tim Peake

    Isn’t she Harry Potters mum?
  2. That’s quite funny. I’ve no idea who you are but you made me laugh with your first post that I’ve seen. Unfortunately for you it can only go downhill from here, so my sincerely offered advice is to fuck off immediately, drink bleach and kill yourself etc. etc. No need to thank me.
  3. King Billy


    Good evening Bellend
  4. There’s no such thing as gravity. The Earth is not a spinning ball. It’s flat and covered with a dome, and things only fall to the ground because they’re heavy.
  5. Just like the Germans did to the Frogs in WW2. A large portion of bratwurst and then off to the village square blindfolded.
  6. Probably thought ‘He must be a scouser in that shell suit, just doing what they all do up there’.
  7. Nowhere near enough imo. Wanking over wind generators and solar panels should be heavily punished.
  8. Where exactly? ”Ive been consistent about this from the outset” 🤭😂🤣
  9. One of you would be sorely missed. Try to guess which one?
  10. I wanted to fuck it before it’s destruction. I’m old fashioned like that.
  11. Wasting your ‘cockblockers’ like that isn’t a good idea at all. The Tavistock Clinic prescribed them to slow down the growth of that behemoth in your Yfronts. Read the sticker on the side of this months 45 gallon drum. Fucking freak.
  12. Absolutely Wolfie. Get them all fucked. Don’t leave anyone out. I don’t want to be lying on my deathbed thinking of what could have been. She’d most likely insist I ram it up her Gary too, if I’m not mistaken. So yes, I’ll have a punt. I’ll get my people to email her people and maybe we’ll do ‘brunch’ or she can finger her arse while I’m wanking on a Zoom call.
  13. I auditioned for the new OralB adverts yesterday Eric. My agent has told me not to sign any contracts yet as there’s a bidding war with Colgate and Sensodyne hotting up too. I might tell them all to fuck off. I don’t want to end up like the Milky Bar Kid.
  14. If she turns up, check for crabs.
  15. Back ‘on the game’ would be more believable DC. But that couldn’t be right as the slimy three stone (including two stone of rent boy jizz) cunt never gave up that occupation. The man’s a fucking disgrace.
  16. Hi ProfB.😘 If you and I somehow found ourselves stranded on a desert island with Mrs Roops, would you be more or less inclined to fornicate with me if she was brutally murdered,while you were distracted looking at dolphins or something?
  17. Never mind all that Eddie. Where the fuck are my brake pads?
  18. I’m an island RK, but I appreciate your help the other night in setting that little trap which she fell for, hook line and sinker. Thanks mate.
  19. I just watched a short video of it on YouTube Ape. Was that you in the parka with the Union Jack mask on, holding a bottle of hand sanitiser and dancing on your own 2 metres from the crowd? Epic.
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