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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I know you meant to say Black Sea. No need to apologise again.
  2. Very disappointing. Almost as if all your previous apologies weren’t genuine. I’ll say no more about it as I don’t think you realise how it looks for you.
  3. Maybe just one more thing I will say about the psyop being played out in Ukraine to keep the fuckwit sheeple topped up with the necessary levels of fear, now that Covid has lost its terrifying effect on the masses. Last week while on a fun packed awayday trip to Kiev Bozo Johnson pledged a further 300 million quid to our new Baltic besties. This obviously wasn’t enough for our grinning Worzel Gummidge PM so the cunt has just promised another 1.3 billion smackeroonies on top. So next time you hear any of these snivelling politicians on either side, proudly sporting their Ukraine flag lapel badge, complaining about the ‘cost of living crisis’, think about the fucking billions of pounds of your taxes they are giving to a nation of fucking cunts who we have no obligation to whatsoever, while fucking you up the arse simultaneously.
  4. Personally I couldn’t give a flying fuck about the situation in Ukraine, but I’ve just seen something which nobody in the 21st century should be subjected to. Being bombed to smithereens (allegedly) by Putin pales into insignificance compared to this crime against humanity. Bono on a day trip to Kiev, photo ops galore, telling the fakestream media how he just had to come and support the brave Ukes, and then an impromptu rendition of ‘Stand by me’ with ‘me’ changed to ‘Ukraine’. My sick bucket’s overflowing now so that’s all I’ve got to say about this unpleasantness.
  5. McDonalds isn’t what it used to be these days. Have you tried not going out?
  6. If it wasn’t for all those pesky racists in front of him Sir Lewis of Hamilton would have won.
  7. I do but some of my customers insist on the genuine Pfizer product. Fucking limp dicked, hard to please, sexual inadequates. Most of them don’t even need Viagra. They need to wipe their glasses and have a good look at the fucking state of their other halfs.
  8. This post is the greatest threat to democracy since JK Rowling outrageously said that a woman is an adult female human. This sort of dangerous mis/disinformation needs to be stamped out before it’s too late.
  9. That rules Pen out.
  10. Fact checked….True. The Nazis never made it to Norfolk.
  11. I don’t have dentures Ed. Shiny new implants that make Jacinda Ardern look like a donkey and cost more than the entire stock of your auto spares shop. You must mean Roops or Fatty. I don’t suppose they’re much different in appearance anyway. Fatty probably stops talking when his mouth’s full though.
  12. Silver shit. That would be a collectors item for a couple on here.
  13. Pen is the reason Kier Starmer and the rest of the leftards refuse to answer the ‘Can you define what a woman is?’ question.
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