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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Another huge blow for the SNP and their pipe dream of freedom from English tyranny and Westminster enforced poverty. They’ve managed to turn the publics opinion of North Sea oil, from the ‘golden egg’ that would pay for free haggis and Buckfast on tap for everyone, to the most eco unfriendly ‘sperm of the devil’ poison ever. And now the smack market’s on its arse (like all it’s consumers), leaves Krankie only one excuse for why it’s all gone wrong. ‘Racism’ of course. Never lets the lefties down when they’re backed into a corner of their own making.
  2. The democrats would like to take all the guns off law abiding US citizens, which would be in breach of the 2nd amendment. The Taliban could then corner the market and sell some of the 87 billion dollars worth of US weapons (which ‘Tapioca Brain’ Biden gave them as a leaving present) back to the gun hungry American public.
  3. The deal fell through. He’s stuck with the 2 slightly crowbar damaged car stereos and 3/4 of a set of Ford Ka hubcaps that he was going to pay the Albanian traffickers for her.
  4. Here’s another one for you then. Fact or fiction? You decide. A group called ‘The nuclear threat initiative’ whose CEO is a former Democrat US Senator conducted a simulation exercise last year on a possible worldwide outbreak of Monkeypox happening in 2022. Mmmmm?
  5. 🇱🇷 TRUMP 2024 🇱🇷 MAGA🇱🇷
  6. Kids love being shot, once they get used to it.
  7. The population of the US is somewhere around 340 million. There are an estimated 4 to 5 hundred million guns in the country. The vast majority of firearm deaths are in lawless ‘Progressive Democrat’ run cities, perpetrated by gang members killing each other in turf wars and drug related disputes. The mass shootings which the MSM get their knickers in a twist over represent a tiny minority of the actual statistics.
  8. Half a million ungrateful recipients of the FREE and ‘totally safe and totally effective’ Covid 19 vaccines recorded so far on the U.K. Governments yellow card register of adverse reactions and deaths. Booster jab anyone? Anyone?
  9. King Billy

    Monkey Pox

    Far be it from me to promote any far fetched conspiracy theories but I’ve just come into some information regarding the fakestream medias latest booster jab of fear for the bedwetting, mask addicted Covid 19 cult members. The Wuhan Institute of Virology (sound familiar?) have apparently been working on the Monkeypox virus for the past year or so. Experimenting with several strains of it in case of a future pandemic? 🤔 This shouldn’t be of any concern to any reasonable person as the WHO who’ve proved themselves to be the gold standard in all things pandemic are no doubt wanking, sorry working furiously to make sure no one starts making silly accusations about the Chinese or the UN or the WHO, when it’s patently obvious that Donald Trump is the one to blame. BBC, Sky News etc. etc. will of course let you know when it’s necessary to triple mask up, put on your rubber pants and dive under the bed until Chris Whitty sounds the all clear siren in a couple of years time. The New Normal. Thanks Mr. Gates.
  10. Some things are destined to happen in life Eric. She’ll admit it happened one day and then I’ll deny it. It’s just the way things are between us.
  11. ‘So, Your Royal Highness, what was it about Mr Bindon that led you to strike up such an unlikely friendship with him?’
  12. The Welsh ginger minger came round to my gaff last night and I stuck it up her arse, then she took both tanks in her wide open, pleading gob. Eddie dropped her off (I gave him 2 quid for petrol) and waited round the corner till I was finished and threw her out. I don’t think I’ll be having anymore backchat from her now that she’s been properly introduced to the ‘big fella’.
  13. Johnny Depp said in court that she shit in his bed. This would never have happened if the stupid cunt hadn’t pulled his cock out of her arse before she went to sleep. Fucking Spack Jarrow idiot.
  14. No.99 on The Deptford Gazettes 1964 ‘Just about managing on disability benefit’ list must count for something, surely.
  15. He doesn’t need a guide dog Major. He’s got the biggest white stick in the whole West Country, poking out the front of his motheaten Victorian bloomers. The late John Bindon would be green with envy.
  16. Drat. That’s told me again. It’s just not fair. ☹️
  17. Everything is bigger in Texas. That would explain the cunt being 6’8” I’m glad he’s dead though.
  18. She’d still insist on having the last word before her huge bronze growler sank slowly under the shit for ever like the Titanic.
  19. Have they got a graveyard at the pub or did you leave their ashes in the non gender toilets?
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