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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. His Plasticine keyboard is probably playing up again.
  2. Lots of piles a couple of inches behind his cock probably.
  3. Carbon dating is probably the only way his age will ever be accurately discovered. But the words Pen and dating don’t look right anywhere near each other, so he’ll probably fade into legend like Bigfoot or the Cock Ness monster in a few hundred more years.
  4. So your answer is Fact. That is the correct answer. Congratulations. Question 2 Have the Wuhan Institute of Virology (where the Covid 19 virus absolutely 100% did not originate from) been engaged in ‘gain of function’ research on the Monkeypox virus in the last year? Over to you.
  5. Pen is at least 390 years old, so he’s had a good innings, and if that’s not enough there’s also his massive hideous deformity which should be enough to rubber stamp the procedure. And anyway I’m only against human abortion, so he’s not really relevant.
  6. G is four to the left of L I’m sure you’ll work it out eventually and thank me tomorrow.
  7. You’d know more about that than me. Fuck off.
  8. I don’t mean to make this in anyway personal Ape. It seems we just have different views on this subject.
  9. You don’t need to concern yourself with any of this you barren old hag.
  10. On the mass shooting incident. Its now being reported that a large number of police were outside the school for 40 mins. while this deranged nut job was inside shooting everyone he could and live streaming his days work on Facebook. One father who attempted to go inside was stopped by at least six cops who wrestled him to the ground. His daughter was later confirmed to be one of the dead. It’s weird how every two years when there are elections coming up the left start whipping up racial hatred and projecting themselves as the saviours of the countries democracy and the last ever chance to defeat the ‘white supremacist’ bogeyman who doesn’t even exist and hasn’t since the KKK, a historically Deep South Democrat entity hung up their hoods and faded into history.
  11. Imagine 100 dead babies Ape. Now imagine the one at the end is the result of incest or rape, and the other 99 are just an unwanted inconvenience for the female who gave life to it. Hope that clears up your confusion. No need to thank me.
  12. Less than 1% carried out because of either of these reasons combined. Sorry if you couldn’t understand the first time.
  13. You’re the best on here. We should arrange a round of golf soon.
  14. Less than 1% of abortions carried out in the US. Carry on.
  15. Bundles of cells with fully formed arms, legs, hands, feet and a heartbeat? That sounds like a human child to me. I didn’t condone in any form the actions of this or any other mass murderer. I simply pointed out the glaring hypocrisy of the ‘kind and caring’ usual suspects who jump on the bandwagon every time a non black nut job goes on a murder spree, while supporting the mass extermination of millions of soon to be citizens. And also refusing to even acknowledge the vast majority of black people, many of them children, who are murdered by other black people every day, in the lawless ghettos of the almost exclusively Democrat run cities across the country. These same cities which have by far the strictest gun laws in the country.
  16. It’s strange that the leftists who crawl out from under their rocks to feign outrage at these occurrences are the same fucking hypocrites who scream the loudest for the absolute right to mass murder unborn children on a far larger scale.
  17. Imagine the Utopian gun free world. Tony Montana….’Say hello to my little friend’ clutching a plastic spatula. Dirty Harry….’Go ahead punk. Make my day’ with a pink feather duster pointed at the perps face.
  18. He had been brought to the attention of law enforcement 27 times for making threats. He was ‘self harming’ and posting pictures and videos of himself cutting his arms and his face on Facebook regularly. He recently posted on Facebook that he was going to shoot his grandmother. He posted his intentions before he set off and committed the school shooting. All the warning signs were there but the authorities ignored them. The US Supreme Court long ago stopped what we call ‘sectioning’ of unstable and potentially dangerous people unless they’ve actually committed a crime. The US Constitution is the backbone of the nation and the Supreme Court exists solely to uphold its clearly defined articles as they were written. As you say Decs the horse has long ago bolted in America. There are untold millions of illegal, untraceable guns in circulation, so taking the legally held guns from ‘law abiding’ owners would straight away remove them of the protection they are entitled to have under law.
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