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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. If you can get close enough, go for it Eric. When they discover his battered piss soaked remains the FBI will immediately start a nationwide manhunt for their only suspect……Donald J Trump.
  2. When Neil eventually gets apprehended (they all do), The tabloids will probably call him ‘The Knicker Man’ when his extensive collection of ‘trophies’ is discovered under his floorboards.
  3. Do you think Ricky Gervais should be cancelled for the jokes he made in his new Netflix special? Or would it be better to just incinerate anyone claiming to be a ‘woman’ while packing an appendage down below that could choke a donkey? Thoughts please?
  4. Don’t be a fool with your life.
  5. Mushy brain Joe is incapable of doing anything under his own steam. He can’t speak coherently even with the aid of a teleprompter. He can’t walk up the steps of Air Force One without stumbling. He confuses his wife with his sister. He can’t even control his bowel movements while he’s meeting the Pope. So him being carried is probably the one certainty in life.
  6. Don’t ever mention my name again.
  7. Like cigarettes for laboratory beagles.
  8. Don’t tell anyone. My reputation is all I’ve got.
  9. He looks great. And I bet there’s quite a few people who’ll be very happy he did sign it, when they’re old enough to understand the advantages that being born gave them, as opposed to being murdered before that important milestone in their lives.
  10. I’d recommend ‘The Jerk’. If you haven’t seen it, it’s about a bloke like you but quite a bit smarter.
  11. Sage advice for sure. Couldn’t agree more. If he was to fire back at you with lots of totally ridiculous claims that you were a mad, power hungry, narcissistic, deranged fool, for example (which you’re obviously not), that would be so absolutely abominable, as well as being so untrue, that you could be forgiven (by yourself) if your undeniable (and self professed) ‘consistency’ were to lapse, you might unintentionally and without even glancing at your moral compass, lash out at DC for daring to disobey a stern warning.
  12. So your answer is fiction. Sorry that is the wrong answer. Youtube channel: Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov. Video title: 3 Months Before Outbreak, Wuhan Lab……. Next question will follow once you’ve had time to reflect on the (rather obvious by now) gaping holes in your ‘I’m smart and you’re really stupid’ narrative.
  13. Have you got to the chapter where the 2 gay cowboys bum each other in the tent yet?
  14. What people? Only Goober wants to do that.
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