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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. He’s given up darts. He’s the world gurning champion now.
  2. I expect Leo the teapot has rang them and confessed everything then PanzyBaby. He’ll be waiting with his slacks around his ankles and arsehole double lubed, for them to turn up mob handed and smash his back door in.
  3. The charwallah bender, in the wellies and donkey jacket who came third behind them should have won it imo. He would have done in Ireland.
  4. Tell us the one about Goldilocks and the 3 bears next. The ‘Joe Biden and his 80 million votes’ fairy tale is too crazy even for me. It’s about as far fetched as a bucket of shit from China, or a van full of ballots at 4AM on election night. ’My Nan voted Democrat for the first time ever in 2020. The whole family were shocked. She’d never have done that when she was alive.’ 🤣 🇱🇷TRUMP 2024🇱🇷MAGA🇱🇷
  5. Have you got your cock out?
  6. You seem to get very aggressive around about this time every month ProfB. All my ex wives did too. It may be that you need to try a different brand of coffee.
  7. He’s been identified as Victoria Sponge, from Dundee. The Gendarmerie have said it was his birthday and they’ve removed a candle from his arse. Sounds like the fucker was off his cake to me.
  8. Pen better hope he has a good alibi.
  9. It didn’t look like rape to me DC. The bear was on top and lit up a fag afterwards ffs.
  10. DC I’m in Machu Picchu at the moment. It’s a bit run down and the khazi stinks tbh, but the view is spectacular. I can see the CN tower and even the penguins on Ayers Rock from up here. Wish you were here.
  11. BREAKING NEWS…..Weird looking 300 year old man claims he still has all his own hair, teeth and has recently grown a real vagina, which appears to be made of silicon and attached to his enormous shlong by a Velcro type material. Experts have described him as ‘far too hideous’ to be investigated closely at the moment, but have confirmed that freaks of nature may exist, and warned the public not to approach it as it’s so fucking boring they could become comatose or even suicidal within minutes.
  12. Too hard to pronounce but it translates as ‘Your shell suit is very sexy. Would you like to run your moustache up and down on my bumhole for £5?’
  13. Putting a wigon hasn’t been a spectacular success for you has it? A quick glance downwards and it’s massively obvious there’s summat wrong.
  14. I have a future in British Steel.
  15. That’s consistency ProfB. She’s renowned for it. Well according to herself she is.
  16. Withers. If it took Stubbers 8 weeks to fondle every newt in England and your good self 7 weeks to bugger every goose in France, how long would it take Adolfs boys to triumphantly hoist the Swastika in Paris if this was 1940?
  17. You’re right but before you know it they’ll forget you were ever married. Twister is a great healer.
  18. For your crayons and colouring in book?
  19. I reckon you’re quite good at scrabble, but fucking all over the place at twister.
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