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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Interesting but not at all surprising response. I must tune in to Sky News, BBC, ITV news, CH4 news etc. more often so I can really find out the truth like you. Lol.
  2. This post is almost as irrelevant as your existence. 2 words ‘electoral college’ 2 more words ‘fuck off’
  3. Your entirely predictable response honestly worries me. I should have seen the signs and realised that even such a simple ‘join the dots’ would be too much for you nowadays. It’s time to gather up all those unopened MENSA publications you’ve been stepping over in the hallway and shove them back in the postbox. I’m sure the big brains at MENSA HQ won’t bother you with anymore of them when they realise you couldn’t work out how to open the envelopes. 😘
  4. Jerk chicken, rice and peas probably.
  5. Anyone living without 24 hr special needs assistance cannot be included in a definition of you, and I’m genuinely not saying that you don’t deserve all the professional help you get.
  6. What was that thing that’s said to be the ‘greatest form of flattery’? It seems I’ve overestimated you as a worthy adversary Goobers. Either up your game or do the honourable thing and top yourself. It pains me to say it but I think you know which option to go for. Missing you already.
  7. Maybe you should lay off it a bit. I think DC did suggest that earlier. Just saying.
  8. I’ve never really understood the Geordies hatred for their Mackem neighbours. It’s not as if they’re Fenians or anything.
  9. Punched them in the face is too obvious to be the right answer is it?
  10. He told me he doesn’t like you RK. You should kill him.
  11. Cheryl Fernandez Tweedy Sootyfuck etc. etc. etc. Cole?
  12. It looks like you’re on for a leg over yourself tonight as the man beast formerly known as Lady Penelope is full on stalking you and showering you with ‘like kisses’ 🎶Tonight is your night bro 🎶. 😂
  13. Old fashioned detective work will solve this case Decs. First locate the discarded foreskin, then follow the blood trail and ‘Holy Moses’ there it is.
  14. A rather interesting comment. The sort of outburst I’d expect from someone who’s rattled to fuck (which you’re obviously not).
  15. It’s a deal as long as you bring my fucking brake pads Ed.
  16. Dot1 .Wuhan institute of virology conducting gain of function research into Monkeypox virus since late 2020. Dot2. Anthony Faucis NIH gives NIAID $10m grants during 2020/2021 for research into antiviral drugs to treat Monkeypox. Dot3. As if by magic Monkeypox appears from nowhere and grabs the baton from an exhausted Covid 19 in the Pandemic Games. The dots join themselves.
  17. Give him a chance. He hasn’t apologised yet.
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