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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. If either of them are officiating at the World Cup in Quatar at least they won’t need to buy a return ticket.
  2. You’ve spelled mong wrong DC. Lol.
  3. Why did you smelt her DC? Were her sausage fingers and multiple chins so huge that it was the only way her gold sovereign rings and belcher chain were ever going to be cashed in for scrap value at the pawn shop, after you’d caved her skull in with a half brick, post coitous.
  4. I bet you had a massive erection just typing that.
  5. In the filthy mens toilets at ‘The Big Bamboo’ beach bar, probably.
  6. I initially read this as ‘You went to a pub in reading glasses?’ It all became clear once I put mine on though.
  7. I’m not getting it out for you if you can’t even spell it right.
  8. Oooooh! I’ve come over a bit dizzy at the thought of you backing me into a corner. Whatever your intentions are ‘I do not consent’. 🤔
  9. Go easy on him. He’s apologised enough. If he shows his face in a week or so he’ll say sorry again if you tell him to.
  10. About time. He proposed to her when she was 12.
  11. You’re probably spot on there Jake, but everything I’ve seen of her is much worse than that. I’m sure she’s got the massive hots for me. I don’t blame her for that but I like smart birds who don’t keep telling me how clever they are all the time, and shut up when I tell them to. I’m old fashioned I guess.
  12. Lizards don’t eat fish. They can’t fool me with that fishbone bollocks. Michael Fagin told me The Queen was drinking human blood when he slipped into her bedroom. He said he arseholed too, insisted on it in fact.
  13. They’ll have to up their game to explain Andrews fishy finger.
  14. Amber Turd would do a better moderators job here than her. More believable and slightly less unlikeable for sure.
  15. Tom Cruise is an annoying little cunt. If I ever see him round my way I’ll give him a fucking thick ear. Top Gun my arse.
  16. Do you mean the jizz leakage from his battered dirtbox?
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