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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. You and Big Kazza will never need to buy a Christmas tree again ProfB. Ive pencilled you both in for a complimentary pair of Grade A Nordic Spruces (non drop) of your choice, up to 7ft, free delivery, and a pair of adjustable stands. (Offer valid until August 2021 No refunds)
  2. El Mundo are reporting that Jose Maria Fernandez Susa Faro, President of International Pharmaceutical giant PharmaMar was this week arrested and charged, as part of a European wide criminal investigation called ‘Operation Jenner’. More than 2200 people, all extremely wealthy and in some cases famous, in Spain alone have so far been identified as having paid thousands of Euros for a saline solution injection, then being added to the register as Covid jabbed. Mmmm? Now he and the thousands of others knew the jab was totally unnecessary, except for participating in travel, eating out, and most other human activities which used to be taken for granted, or they knew that actually having the experimental, ‘totally safe, totally effective’😂 wonderjab that Joe Public was being coerced and bullied into, wasn’t a risk they were prepared to take. I love it when a conspiracy theory morphes into ‘Didn’t I point this shit out ages ago?’ 🤣😂
  3. Apology accepted. If I’d known you were in the bin I’d have hung around till the bomb went off and not run away like a girl. It’s a surprise to find out that you actually know what a girl is. You’re possibly not as thick as you pretend to be. KEEP BRITAIN TIDY
  4. I would like to take this opportunity to announce that I am now a Muslim convert. I will henceforth and forthwith be dedicating my life to following the teachings of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and any threats made towards me by any person (including insane vindictive women), who I now regard as inferior humans (religion innit) will be recorded as Islamophobic hate crimes. Allah Ahkbar.
  5. Get off the fence Withers. She’s much worse than that.
  6. Myself and the dictatoress appear to be close to the nuclear option in our what until now seemed like ‘handbags’ or a playful pillow fight. After carefully following the ‘site rules’ during the ferocious battle the other day, purely for reasons of self preservation, I’ve been threatened with permanent deletion for insubordinance after the event. I’m just thankful that she’s in no way rattled, behaving irrationally or completely insane even, otherwise I’d be a pile of radioactive dust and a tinfoil hat already.
  7. It’s a fucking ugly cunt without a doubt, so whatever it says is wrong as far as Im concerned.
  8. Best to just murder them before they’re born and avoid the shame if they start falling behind at school.
  9. Funny and weird are not the same thing. Work it out. A little clue to help you…. You’re not funny.
  10. Prostitution is often overlooked as a career choice too, once they’ve reached the legal age of course. Probably because the teachers failed to make a living at it and ended up as bitter and twisted failures taking out their feeling of self worthlessness on their pupils.
  11. He caught ‘Multiple Miggs’, but that was when he worked for the FBI at Quantico.
  12. I only posted this nom because the ginger tyrant closed the ‘Should Boris be removed from office?’ nom. I couldn’t give a toss about the cunt tbf. It was only to show how fucking futile shutting down the other nom was, as if that was going to shut anyone up.
  13. According to my calculations this makes you 18 years, 2 months and 12 days old. That’s assuming your claimed Jamaican heritage is truthful. If however you’re really a 7’ tall Somalian with a 2’ forehead it’s your 18th birthday next Tuesday and none of the women will know who you are, having met you only once in a dark alleyway at knifepoint.
  14. SADS, sudden adult death syndrome is now racing up the charts as the favourite to top the charts as no.1 fake news excuse for the soaring rate of unexplained sudden deaths in young previously healthy people. I’m currently scouring the internet for where and when I can book a SADS vaccine. Oh bollocks. It isn’t out yet silly me, Monkeypox has hardly even got properly started ffs. We’re not even into the first new variant yet. I can’t wait till Pfizer announce the climate change/racism wonder jab which will understandably cost more than the average three bed semi, but hey ho all you need is a mortgage to pay for it and then roll up your sleeve and away you go. Isnt the ‘new normal’ wonderful?
  15. 15th June at 4.30pm, debate scheduled in the House of Commons on the ‘potential merits of a universal basic income’. Listed on the House of Commons website. And the U.K. government (Department of Health and Social Care) are currently advertising for applicants to manage a ‘digital Covid pass’. The Great Reset was not long ago being dismissed by the MSM as disinformation and a conspiracy theory. 🤥 Mmmmm? 🤭
  16. Sonic is an anagram of Nicos an Albanian drug dealer I’ve never bought any drugs from.
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