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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I doubt it. He’s been waiting outside the X Factor auditions for three months now. He’s the only one in the queue so he thinks he’s a dead cert when they let him in. The daft cunt doesn’t realise he’s been dossing with his dog on a piece of string in the piss filled doorway of Woolworths which closed down years ago. Hopefully the council will brick the doorway up while he’s asleep.
  2. The JCVI according to their own estimates have stated that 2 million children would need to be jabbed twice to prevent one child from requiring ICU treatment. And yet they still reversed their initial advice against injecting children when Whitty, Vallance and the other newly Knighted cunt Van Tamm disapprovingly shook their heads at such a crazy piece of anti science, off narrative madness. And what happened to the long established principle of ‘informed consent’? As far as I’m aware no one who queued up like fucking lemmings to be experimented on was informed of the possible life changing or even life threatening side effects, before rolling up their sleeves like good little Guinea Pigs. ’Totally safe and totally effective’, except it might kill you and won’t stop you catching it or passing it on to others. 🤭
  3. ‘Wayne will my motor be fixed Gary?’
  4. This years Glasto is set to surpass even the 🎶‘Ooh Jeremy Corbyn’🎶 wankfest of a couple of years ago. The adoring crowd of filthy crusty eunuchs have already been brought to the verge of their first ever non binary orgasm this afternoon by a live stream from the prophet Zelensky and soon the Angel Greta will appear on stage to ensure a ‘happy ending’ in a hundred thousand pairs of skinny jeans. I can’t think of anything worse than being there. Apart from being anywhere Roops was obviously.
  5. Do something good for once and hang yourself Babe.
  6. If Marion Morrison had heard you say that he’d have got off his horse and punched your fucking face in, if the queue wasn’t too long. Idiot.
  7. I would stand corrected if I’d said ‘in the womb’ but as I didn’t, just wrongly assumed that anyone with even the lowest possible intelligence level would be aware that babies, or ‘babes’ as you call them, cry (like a baby, funnily enough) as soon as they emerge into the world, be that naturally, or pulled out alive with a pair of huge forceps by some murderous cunt wearing a white coat. Glad to be of help Babe.
  8. 🎶It’s sad, so sad. It’s a sad sad situation, and it’s getting more and more absurd, that sorry seems to be the saddest word.🎶 Apology accepted Numbnuts.
  9. Slightly less of a nutter I’d say. He doesn’t appear to have murdered hundreds, possibly thousands of newborn, crying babies with a pair of scissors. Just captured and locked up the cunt who did so every day for 30 years or more.
  10. I am celebrating the 2 SCOTUS rulings which simply affirm the US Constitution, which is the sole purpose of the Supreme Courts existence (a fact the left hand side of US politics would like to completely disregard).
  11. A ‘Sligo man’ has appeared in court in Dublin for his trial on charges of murdering two people by beheading them, and attempting to murder a third, all three of the (male homosexual) victims having first been castrated. I posted about this a few months ago noting the MSMs reluctance to cover it and when they couldn’t bury the story any longer the disgusting narrative they attempted to fool the admittedly thick as pigshit spudmunching Irish public with was shocking, even by their own vile bottom feeding standards. RTE named the accused as Yusuf Palani (traditional Irish surname) and proceeded to almost blame the entire Irish population for the crime, somehow linking ‘long standing Roman Catholic homophobia’ as a factor in this incident. No mention whatsoever of the accused’s, and the religion he follows, views on homosexuality. Somehow the Irish fakestream media concluded that a jihadi caveman, who butchered 3 poofs, was somehow brainwashed into carrying out this atrocity by Roman Catholic homophobia. Seems fair enough I suppose. Allah Akbar!
  12. She rips the arse clean out of the ‘older man’ cliche. Anna Nicole Smith must be spinning in her deluxe 24ct coffin, I mean casket.
  13. Who’s getting custody of Piers Morgan?
  14. I watched it last year Eric. Quite amusing, if only as a reminder how absolutely fucking retarded the Southern Irish are. PanzyBaby would get bored with it about 5 mins in, as everyone he’s ever met fits that description (because of Brexit and the evil Brits) obviously.
  15. Your entrenched position is becoming more and more ridiculous every day. You should maybe look at what the fakestream media are doing ie mostly ignore the evidence coming out and occasionally pretend you were on the right side all along, eventually doing a complete 180’ when you hope everyone has forgotten about you jumping around with your pom poms cheerleading for team ‘lockdowns, masks and experimental jib jabs’. Don’t worry. If I’m asked I’ll say you’re a demented fool and you didn’t know any better. It would be hard for anyone to disagree with that so you might be OK. Fuck off.
  16. An H bomb.(H for halal obviously).
  17. Thank fuck it occurred in Afghanistan. I’m sure the fakestream media will find a way to tell everyone it was our fault though. Here all week.
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