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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. According to the British Medical Journal this week, the drug regulatory bodies in six of the countries they name, who exist to ensure that all therapeutic drugs (including experimental vaccines) which become available in their jurisdiction are safe and effective, are funded not by the governments who should be paying for them but by Big Pharma corporations. Australia…£95m (96%) UK…£159m (86%) EU…£331 (89%) Japan…£175 (85%) USA…£5bn (65%) Canada….£1.7bn (50.5%) No conflict of interest there then. Mmmm?
  2. They’re still fucking filth though. Bunch of tyrant egomaniacal cunts.
  3. Great news everyone. The LHC near Geneva (just like the WEF at Davos) is about to be fired up on Tuesday by CERN after a 3 year shutdown and they’re kicking off straight away with the largest and most powerful particle collision ever, not knowing (in their own words) what might happen or what they might learn from this experiment. Apparently they’re hoping to unravel the darkest mysteries of the universe. Really? How the fuck will smashing a couple of ‘particles’ about a millionth the size of Franks brain, head on into each other, unravel the darkest mysteries of the universe? And who the fuck cares anyway? If I smash my imaginary M4 at 140 MPH into an oncoming Uber driven by a mask wearing bearded Afghan, will any previously unsolvable mysteries suddenly be solved? Total fucking shite news for the consumption of the dimwitted masses who will lap it all up between wanks over Stephen Hawking videos and tell their Thunberg looking retarded kids not to worry and that everything’s going to be OK. Brian Cox is another fucking cunt. D Ream my hairy star.
  4. What’s it got to do with you then?
  5. Just another spam head Cocky wannabe who’s business model was probably based on watching ‘Chopper’ about 300 times on a stolen VHS player and a 14” B+W TV, in a 14th storey council squat on a 6 month mushroom trip.
  6. Thanks. Your support means a lot to me as Roops keeps calling me a thicko.
  7. One chap in particular got very Cocky. Who knows Warren the world he thought he was playing at?
  8. I wouldn’t fuck a jellyfish if it said that to me in bed.
  9. If he forgot to put his spade in the van and could only find a spoon or a fork in the glove box, yes. And he’d be back home a bit earlier too.
  10. Quite common nowadays. I saw a black girl pushing a buggy the other day with twins in it. One was the absolute double of Prince Phillip and the other the spitting image of Captain Tom.
  11. And old men in womens clothes with massive penises.
  12. Of course. It’s what she would have wanted. If only she’d had 5 jabs like you know who, instead of listening to the insane ramblings of an infamous tinfoil hatter like me, I wouldn’t have been nicked walking home from the hospital for not wearing a mask. I had a feeling it wasn’t my lucky day.
  13. That’ll work OK Eric as that’s what all 3 of my ex wives and my girlfriend are called. I think that’s my daughters name too. Cheers for that. Fucking deadbeat indeed. They’re the centre of my world.
  14. My mother hasn’t had any Covid jabs because I managed to talk her out of it. She thanked me every day until she died of Covid a month later. She passed away in her respirator smiling as I watched from outside through the window.
  15. I don’t have any grandchildren yet, but if and when I do I’ll ask ‘whatsername’ (my daughter) to text me it’s name, if I can be bothered.
  16. Give it 10 years and it’ll all be forgotten. Ferrari will be begging him to drive for them.
  17. He could change his name to Brownie Ecclestoned and claim he was also bullied at school because of his darkish skin a la Jug ears Lineker.
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