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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I’m loving it ProfB. I’ve been sunbathing all afternoon in my thong at the park. I look so great that loads of women have been staring at me.
  2. Surely you must realise by now, that any credibility you thought you had, never really existed. Take a break and consider wether you should carry on with your foolishness or not. 💉💉💉💉💉🤣
  3. In the midst of a ‘global energy crisis’ 😂 mashed potato brain Joe Bidens ‘totally legitimate and totally not fraudulently elected’ administration, this week sold 5 million barrels of US oil to CHINA. Putins fault obviously. And also in the midst of a global food shortage the WEF puppet PM in the Netherlands has told protesting farmers that up to 50% of them will not be permitted to continue farming because of phoney EU regulations to reduce nitrogen in the soil. You’ve probably been shocked to see on the news tens of thousands of Dutch farmers taking to the motorways in their tractors, paralysing the country, and spraying manure over government buildings? Howabout Dutch police firing live rounds at a farmer in a tractor who was clearly driving away from them. No? You didn’t see any of that? That’ll be because the fake news cunts are pretending it never happened. See any similarities with the past 2 and a half years of the fake news ignoring huge anti lockdown protests and pushing the government agenda? Wake up you Cunts while you still can.
  4. I’ve spoken to Timmy and It’s a deal.🤝
  5. Make it £60 and you can spend all night frantically doing her and Tim Henman up the wrongun with a tennis racquet from the post Wimbledon Sports Direct bargain bin.
  6. Said the ultra boring three legged 100 year old ex BR ticket collector while straightening his fake ‘joke shop’ Velcro vagina.
  7. Don’t let the Cunts install their fucking ‘smart’ meter in your hovel Drew. Not even Ape would wish to see you spending the rest of your days in a perpetual drunken argument with an electric meter which is unarguably ‘smarter’ than you. William Gilbert was a cunt.
  8. How about you fuck off instead lol.
  9. Careful now. Judge had his bottom spanked only a few days ago by the Ginger Headmistress for casting aspersions about the ‘stunning and brave’ Scofe who unless I’m mistaken ‘came out’ recently live on This Morning to huge acclaim from the assembled mincers and deviants who were taken totally by surprise by this secret the skinny little grey haired midget had kept hidden so well.🤣
  10. What do you call a woman with a corkscrew arm and a bottle opener leg? Swiss Army Wife.
  11. The Georgia Guidestones a huge stone monument erected in the early 1970s near Atlanta, listing the 10 rules for the New World Order was partly destroyed by a mysterious explosion the other night and immediately reduced to rubble the next day as it was apparently left unsafe due to the explosion. 🤣The explosion was captured on cctv as the site is extensively covered. The fakestream news have been showing a car driving away seconds before the explosion, but nobody planting a bomb or even going near the structure Mmmm? And would you believe it? The footage of the explosion occurring shows the time in the top right hand corner. 03.33 AM NOTHING TO SEE HERE AGAIN FOLKS! It’s almost as if they’re laughing and want everyone to see what their game is but very few have their eyes open.
  12. Politics in the so called ‘Western democracies’ is nothing more than an eternal merry go round to keep the dumb masses in a state of permanent submission. Whichever party ‘wins’ the ‘election’ results in a period of temporary satisfaction and gloating for half the box ticking morons and despair and fury from the other half. After a period of broken promises, self enrichment and absolute contempt for the idiots who elected them, the opposition who did exactly the same before they were kicked out, but have spent the last few years promising to right all the current wrongs, sweep into power again and the whole carousel keeps on spinning. It’s probably the greatest con job ever played on the human race.
  13. Pot/Kettle/Black….boil over. Quality.
  14. They’d soon cough up if a couple of overloaded dinghy’s returned to Calais and the bearded children said they couldn’t get up the steps so decided to come back and settle in France instead.
  15. The Psychic Python has predicted the winner then? You can squeeze the fucking monster back into its lair now before the sun goes down and people start getting frightened.
  16. I wonder if Schofield received any gifts from the Royal Navy, and what for? Probably torpedoes to shove up his arse.
  17. She worked in my brothel before she took up tennis. I’ll give her a call and see if she’s interested. It’s not going to be cheap though after I’ve stuck my 600% on.
  18. I’m confused here Gypps. If you were old enough to be getting ‘wardrobed’ down the pub, surely you’d have long outgrown kids TV? Just asking.
  19. Not meaning to be rude Ape but have you seen the fucking state of your bonce in your avatar? I’m not an expert but it looks like an adverse Covid vaccine reaction to me. How many boosters have you had this week?
  20. Durham Constabulary. The CPS don’t get involved in most summary offences, just indictable more serious crimes and especially not minor fixed penalty offences The filth decide whether to charge or not for these lesser offences.
  21. The ginger growler who wasn’t at the Kier Starmer annual Covid curry night/work event in Durham, and then was at it, when pictures and tweets of her there emerged, attended by just a handful of people, which then became 10 or 12 people and then 30 to 35 people according to the curry house who delivered the food, but then the next day couldn’t remember and wouldn’t comment how many people were there, has finally along with her boss been cleared of breaching Covid rules by the Durham Constabulary. So they won’t need to resign now as they vowed to do if they were found to have done so and issued with fixed penalty notices. What a stroke of luck for them both, coming just the day after Bozos execution. Now everyone on here knows I’m not a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist weirdo, but something about this story puzzles me slightly. Firstly the timing of the statement by the Geordie filth and secondly the news that the ‘Labour’ Durham Police and Crime Commissioner Joy Allen has just awarded the Durham Chief Constable Jo Farrell a new 3 year contract worth over £550,000. Nothing to see here folks. Just 2 totally unconnected stories.
  22. I thought he was quite good in Jungle Book but that Disney make him the best choice to be PM imo.
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