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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy

    SAS killers

    Another inquiry report out today Wolfie. Telford this time, the third from different infested towns in as many weeks. Over 1000 teenage girls over the past 30 years, according to the findings raped and abused, 3 girls possibly dead and all either ignored, covered up or blamed on the victims by the police and social services. The usual ‘We apologise and lessons have been learned’ BS and that’s it. These fucking vermin are laughing at the pathetic society they’ve infested like fucking cockroaches without ever being invited into.
  2. With ‘excess deaths’ (not linked to Covid) now running at 1300 to 1400 per week in the U.K., the BBC who along with the rest of the MSM, can easily be seen by anyone interested enough to look back at the 2 years of fearmongering and lies they pushed out 24/7 on the British public during the Covid scam, as being as much responsible for the devastation of peoples businesses, mental and physical health and hard earned freedoms during the last 2 and 1/2 years. However the BBC on their News website are continuing with their Covid obsession, by endlessly referring to rising Covid cases and the possibility of imminent lockdowns etc. They don’t seem at all interested in the fact that very few of these so called Covid cases are resulting in hospitalisation, never mind death. The deaths that they do list have strangely changed from the dubious at best description which we’ve been mugged of with previously (tested positive within the last 28 days) to ‘deaths where Covid was mentioned on the death certificate, with or without a positive test’. When someone died before the plandemic the doctor who signed the death certificate was expected to truthfully and based on evidence record the cause of death. Apparently that is no longer the case as any respiratory symptomatic death can now be put down to Covid with no need to test. Get ready for the big push by the MSM as soon as the summer is over. Masks, lockdowns, endless booster jab campaigns and wave goodbye to whatever freedoms you thought you’d got back again for being a good little sheep. Or you could all grow a fucking spine and ignore anything the lying cunts who’ve fucked your lives up once and are about to do it again tell you to do, while laughing at how fucking easy it all was the first time.
  3. King Billy

    Mo Farah

    I used to collect dead flies in a large jiffy bag every summer, and come Autumn post them through the letter box of my local Oxfam shop. I’m not convinced the fuckers ever forwarded any of them on to Africa if I’m honest. Shifty looking cunts behind the counter every time I walked past.
  4. King Billy

    SAS killers

    I imagine the fat slimy slug Piers Morgan will be exploding with fake outrage at these ‘revelations’ on his ratings flop Talk TV show, to whichever Z list studio guests they’ve paid to not mention the smug cunts previous and totally fabricated Iraq war atrocities he pushed in his red top tabloid days.
  5. King Billy

    Mo Farah

    Exactly. Apparently his teachers and others knew about this fairy tale and helped to free him from his enslavement and unleash his destiny as a multiple World and Olympic Champion. The story is as far fetched as the ‘bucket of filthy water’ that all these starving African children apparently have to carry 12 miles on their head from the river every morning, because we haven’t donated enough cash to Oxfam or any of the other so called charities, that seem to spend most of their donations on Range Rovers for the bosses, and underage rent boy orgies for the volunteers, when they actually venture abroad. So it would seem that Mo has knowingly and intentionally committed numerous crimes over the years by earning millions using an identity he knew to be false and belonging to another person, declaring under oath that he was that person when he married, applied for a passport, driving licence, bank account, mortgage etc. etc.etc. The cunt needs to come out ASAP as a trans woman or at the very least a bender, as imo that’s the only way he’s going to get away with all this.
  6. She single handedly designed the electronic suspension system (using the Bill Gates michrochip) for the V8, twin turbo engined, rear wheel drive Pfizer World Super Jab team. Other than that, no involvement at all.
  7. King Billy

    Mo Farah

    ‘Arise Sir Kunta Kinte’.
  8. King Billy

    SAS killers

    Don’t do this OCR. Gypps has never lost a bare knuckle fight with a man. She once broke David Lammys jaw in 17 places with a casual backhander, for jumping the queue for a half time beer at White Hart Lane.
  9. King Billy

    SAS killers

    Panorama, BBC taxpayer funded traitors who used to make excellent investigative documentaries, traipsing around Afghanistan for months with their crew of fuck knows how many? desperately looking for and almost certainly bribing any cave dwelling savage they could find to say what their script read. Its a shame the fucking dishonest Anti British cunts couldn’t find a window in their busy schedule to hop on a train to Oldham, Rotherham, Telford or any one of at least twenty other English towns and film an episode exposing the thousands of white underage children who’ve been gang raped and still are by gangs of Pakistani and Bangladeshi (as if there’s any fucking difference when you get that far down the table of human existence) with the absolute certainty that the filth, the local authority, the elected MP (Angela Raynor, Oldham), the national media and all the other agencies that should be stopping this from fucking happening aren’t in the slightest bit interested in even acknowledging it. Fuck Panorama. John Sweeney is a cunt as Tommy Robinson showed a couple of years ago.
  10. The smell of cash trumps the smell of gash CBB. When entering a ‘rub and tug’ for the first time, one should always inhale deeply at least 3 times and leave immediately if your nose is screaming ‘get the fuck out of here’ at you.
  11. Comments like this from an idiot like you, are the reason I’ll never cease all my good work. No need to thank me. You’re only one of many that I’m currently helping to understand their inner turmoil.
  12. Maybe not, but she’s definitely one of their best customers. She’s probably got Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna loyalty cards displayed alongside her faded and barely readable MENSA membership card in her faux crocodile skin vegan compliant purse.
  13. Less rare than Dutch beef I’ll bet. Another coincidence that a lot of Dutch livestock farmers are about to be put out of business to ‘save the planet’ by the government minister who’s brother in law owns ‘Picnic’ an anti meat/WEF supermarket chain which last year received a €600m investment from guess who? The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.🤣 Billy Boy just keeps popping up again in all these conspiracy stories for some weird reason. The good news is that a large ‘Picnic’ superstore was burned to the ground last night, so the cunts treachery isn’t going unnoticed.
  14. You can wash it with soap, you can wash it with soda but you can never get rid of the Grimsby odour.
  15. Greek Cypriot fucking bender actually which is as bad as being an Aussie. As you were.
  16. I totally agree but you’re still a massive cunt too.
  17. I like drinking and smoking so I’m just going to be happy whichever of these political giants gets to stamp on my nicotine and beer stained neck.
  18. Don’t fool yourself that being nice to me will fool anyone. You’ve been rumbled. The games up for you. You’ll be sorely missed.
  19. And at least 48” shorter than your massive cock.
  20. I remember seeing this on TV and thinking ‘the Paralympics are fucking shit, and worse than that there’s wimmins football on the other channel. Gary Lineker is a black cunt.
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