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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Bleeding awful imo. But on the plus side only about six people watch wimmins football so I don’t reckon anyone will notice. Gary Lineker will probably have a tale to tell about the times he was having his period and a few of his teammates (who he’ll never name of course), had finished abusing him because of his darkish skin, started pointing at his bloodstained fanny and laughing.
  2. All the banks and building societies are part of the lizard peoples takeover plot Eric. I keep all my money in a biscuit tin under the bed. I won’t say how much, but it’s a lot.
  3. Reported for racism you swivel eyed, knuckle dragging, far right, white supremacist bigot. But tbf you’re right so ‘thanks’.
  4. That nice dusky chap Howard who used to sing and dance in the Halifax TV ads a few years ago must be relieved he’s not had to get involved in this bollocks I reckon. HALIFAX BANK LTD. CASHIER Howard Sam Bo Pronouns…..Boy/Fetchit/Uncle Tom/Zip Coon etc. etc.
  5. What a fucking pig ugly cunt it is too. It’s always going on about the dangers that ‘women and girls’ face 24/7 from ‘predatory men’ who are according to her, lurking in every shadow ready to pounce. Has she ever looked in the fucking mirror? Obviously not, or maybe she’s writhing around on her seat in the LBC studio with a set of love eggs up her arse and James O’Briens saliva soaked microphone rammed up her middle aged and still virgin klunge, hoping that some deranged weirdo will be listening and follow her home with his dick hanging out if she offers him enough cash.
  6. Can you imagine Pens BR identification badge today if he hadn’t been pensioned off 100 years ago Wolfie? TICKET INSPECTOR /FIRST CLASS. Mr. Hugh G Rexion esq. Pronouns….Him/It/Wtf?/Piss off you boring freak.
  7. I grew up in Northern Ireland which has an average all year temperature of 45 degrees Celsius, rising to 60 degrees C most summers, due to the -50 degrees in winter. My old man used to say to me…. ‘Don’t worry about sunburn and skin cancer son. Load of old fenian propaganda BBC bollocks. If anything gets a bit too pink in the sun it’ll fall off next winter and grow back again straight after Christmas. Just let The Good Lord take care of it. He knows what he’s doing. So he does, so he is, so ye are, so I am.’
  8. Bill Gates is still a cunt and Roops is his puppetbitch though.
  9. Swiss cheese has become harder to find than a ‘female’ swimmer who’s not packing a big bamboo and a pair of large coconuts down below these days. A very reliable source of mine (I have many) informs me that Klaus Schwab (Dr. Evils doppelgänger) has been stockpiling it in a hollowed out mountain near Davos, as apparently our benevolent globalist overlords are particularly fond of a luxury cheeseboard after a hard days slog at the WEF, chit chatting, stroking their chins, and desperately trying to agree how many of the human race should be permitted to survive the ‘Great Reset’ as subservient lifelong slaves in the digital trap they’ve given us from the goodness of their reptilian hearts.
  10. You’ve made a big mistake I reckon. They’re hardly likely to allow you to sleep in their doorway now.
  11. Theres no way I’d climb up a tree to pick coal.
  12. He was inducted into Hoovers ‘Hall of Shame’?
  13. I assume you refer to my repeated description of the mRNA Covid 19 vaccines as ‘experimental’ and ‘rushed out’? HORIZON….The EU Research and Innovation Magazine. (An official European Commission publication) ‘FIVE THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MRNA VACCINE SAFETY’……by Alex Whiting. 11 December 2020 ‘The worlds first mRNA vaccine has begun its rollout after being produced at unprecedented speed as part of the global effort to end the Covid 19 pandemic. A second one is hot on its heels. The two, one made by Pfizer BioNTech, the other by Moderna mark the first time this vaccine technology has been approved for use.’ You’ve repeatedly told me that mRNA vaccines have been widely and safely used for decades. Now that I’ve cleared that up for you, perhaps you might answer the same question? WHY DO YOU REPEAT THE SAME LIE OVER AND OVER AGAIN? Just asking.
  14. You won’t get a reasonable answer from someone who thinks violently murdering unborn babies is a fine and noble act. Maybe the predicted 40+ degree heatwave next week will ignite her rusty mop and reveal the ‘mark of the beast’ on her sizzling skull for all to see.
  15. Climate change is definitely real. Yesterday was cloudy and then today it was sunny. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it rained at some time in the future too. We’re all fucked.
  16. It’s probably a total coincidence, but my birds underwear fits our cordless Dyson perfectly when she’s out for the day, and definitely not coming back unexpectedly.
  17. Come on ProfB. I’m sure I’m not the only one on here to have made the same mistake after a few Babychams, while the missus is sulking upstairs after I’ve had to give her a good telling off? I’ve sold my Hoover on EBay now. Fucking thing was just gathering dust.
  18. Reported for racism. Sorry Eric but I can’t let my male white privilege destroy everything around me anymore. I’ve changed. From now on I’m going to, you know, walk the Earth, meet people and get into adventures, like Kane in Kung Fu. BLACK LIVES MATTER SAY NO TO RACISM FREE NELSON MANDELA etc etc etc
  19. How about ‘Fuck off on a unicycle, juggling 6 oranges, with both fists up your arse and doing the Times crossword with a crayon strapped to your Tefal forehead?
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