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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. The 4x100m babymother hurdles.
  2. ‘I don’t have to corroborate anything or put it in context. Just watching you pointing your smug little nose in the air and flapping your flippers every time is all I need. Whether it (whatever ‘it’ is) happened or not doesn’t really matter. 😜
  3. No need to feel sorry Ape. No offence taken, as I realise that even the simplest things become vastly more difficult to comprehend after 4 or 5 experimental mRNA procedures. The good news though is that it’ll be all over for you and the rest of the laboratory Beagles very soon. My thoughts are with you.
  4. I don’t give a fuck about reptiles PC. I’m content to know that my DNA still has only 144,000 genes in the human double helix formation. No ‘mark of the beast’ anywhere on me.
  5. Perhaps I’m wrong but I can’t recall Anne Robinson ever dismissing a black contestant with her catchphrase ‘You are the missing link. Goodbye’. I don’t know if that was a policy or not, but if it wasn’t she fucking missed a trick. She’d have been famous for ever. I’d probably have the ugly old cunts face tattooed on my other shoulder blade, smiling across at Donald Trump by now.
  6. ‘Seen any humanoids?’
  7. Sorry. As usual you’re right and I should just get used to being a MAGA-moron as you so eloquently put it, and be a bit more concerned. There is just one little thing that still puzzles me about Ray Epps though. How can it be that he was filmed several times on Jan 5 and Jan 6 urging the crowd to ‘storm the Capitol’ and ushering peaceful ‘MAGA-morons’ through the barriers on the day of the non event? Yet the joke Jan6 committee act as if he doesn’t exist, unlike hundreds of others who didn’t incite or encourage any questionable activity or at worst misdemeanours, who’ve been locked up in solitary confinement and are being slowly drip fed through the corrupt Democrat controlled DC judicial system to keep the fake news cabal supplied with a constant supply of bullshit for consumption by total fucking idiots like you.
  8. Looks like you’ve got me again Mrs Big Brain. If it wasn’t for those pesky factcheckers and ‘reliable news organisations’ I might have got away with it. Those pesky conspiracy blockers at Reuters again ☹️ I mean they wouldn’t lie would they? Oh hang on, what’s that? They lied about ‘Saddam Husseins weapons of mass destruction’ for Bush. They lied about 9/11 almost from the second it began (for Bush’s benefit again). They lied about the Hunter Biden laptop (Russian disinformation as usual) They lied for 2 years and verified the Democrats non stop narrative on the Trump/Russian collusion fairy tale. They lied about Carrie Lam during the Hong Kong uprising, verifying the totally false story that she had backed the protestors 5 demands to the CCP. They lied about the Trump/Ukraine phoney impeachment clown show. They lied for 2 years solid about Covid 19, pumping out the WHO/CDC/Fauci bullshit which has destroyed the Western world for evermore. Are you seeing the same possibility as me? That perhaps Reuters (bought and paid for by Facebook and Twitter) may not be as reliable a source of FACTS as smug cunts like you would have us simple thickos believe? Fuck off. Your fanny reeks.
  9. Edwards anus is 4ft wider than The Mall according to the latest version of Google Maps, and has a lot more traffic passing through it probably.
  10. The frogs were banking on that probably.
  11. The corgis have picked his bones clean, but now Andrew wants the skeleton brought up to his studio apartment. He says he’s fed up watching TV every night on his own and promises he’ll only hold hands with it.
  12. Careful RK. 👑 They’re arseholes allright but they’re all the family I’ve got.
  13. Pen wouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the Palace as he’s tested positive for the new variant…..Schlong Covid.
  14. He died of natural causes 3 hours after his first Covid jab. Still, he enjoyed every minute of his 27 years.
  15. Rank as a freshly squeezed out turd floating around in the International Space Station, looking for a face to stick to.
  16. Deflection you say? I note that you haven’t disputed any of what I said, instead going straight for the deflect option as usual. I’m sure the ONS statistics I quoted are well within your googling capabilities. If not then you’ll just have to hit the ‘turbo deflection’ key, which will probably give you your first orgasm in decades, (especially if you close your eyes and think of me). 😘
  17. You are James O’Brien and I claim my years free supply of fisting butter and Vegemite.
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