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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. A few days with Frank and that’s a certainty. It’s probably self harming already and looking for whichever gap in the hedge is closest to the motorway/autoroute. Hopefully Frank will have his maggot wedged in the poor creatures arse when it makes its move and he’s dragged under a 44 ton arctic too.
  2. Are you talking about your fake Velcro fastened ‘tranny-snatch’? Drag on.
  3. Shut up you vile freaky old fucking banshee. The biggest disappointment of last months so called ‘heatwave’ was that it didn’t fucking hasten your imminent appointment with the earthworms. Cunt.
  4. Twice in 2 weeks. They had to invent a new medical term especially for him…. A ‘rebound infection’. Those mRNA poisons being experimental and all that, it’s not really surprising that they have to invent new bullshit when the current bullshit, appears to be, well bullshit. 🤣
  5. I see one glaring flaw in that opinion though. I’m old school and still of the belief that someone shouldn’t be thrown in jail unless they’ve committed a serious crime. Not for upsetting their unhinged political enemies by tweeting things they ideologically disagree with, not for standing up to the corrupt world leaders who pretend to be friends of the US so they feel safe and protected and powerful countries like China who don’t even pretend to be friendly and are the greatest threat to the west ever, not for trying harder than any President in modern times to put the citizens of his own country first and improve their standard of living (white, black, yellow or purple), not for upholding the constitution which is the foundation of the USA and certainly not for having the clinkers to not just go away and play golf for the rest of his life and see all the persecution magically stop instantly. The US and by consequence the rest of the world is in a very precarious time at the moment and we should all be worried because imo Trump is the one person who can steer the USA back on the right path. The left is hell bent on destroying every decent and good aspect of what I consider normal life and it won’t be at all good for the majority of idiots who are watching it happen before their eyes.
  6. The University of Illinois have published a study of more than 35,000 women who have been jabbed with the Pfizer or Moderna poison. The study was funded by the US National Institute of Health. 40.2% of the women reported changes to their menstrual cycle post vaccine. Probably nothing. I’ll wait for Roops to confirm that as usual. Thank fuck we have her to put us right every time.
  7. Feed one up her arse and see how she reacts. If she doesn’t react at all then she’s probably sleeping or dead.
  8. Next time don’t offer her a line. Rack a huge one up for yourself and say ‘Here, have a bog roll on me instead, you fat dungaree wearing dyke cunt, now fuck off’
  9. It’s her husband that I feel sorry for. At least we can just log out. Poor unfortunate man.
  10. If Wills had been on a blokes night out with say Donald Trump and pulled a couple of nice young ladies in Soho, paid them bundles of wonga to thrust traffic cones up their arses, then piss and shit all over their faces and walk them both up Shaftesbury Ave on dog leashes, I’d bet the MSM would be frothing at the mouth to cover the ‘Trump and unidentified co-pervert in night of shame’ story. ‘Sixteen pages of photos of Trump inside’ ‘Unfortunately no pictures of the other pervert are presently available’
  11. Silly cunt refused his 14th Tennis Elbow booster jab and whaddya know…..found dead the following morning with ‘Bill Gates did it, the evil bastard’ scrawled on the wall in his own blood and his blood soaked finger stuck to the skirting halfway through his unfinished autograph/signature and a tennis ball wedged in every orifice.
  12. I follow Project Veritas’s work closely. But I’ve stopped looking at anything they put out because last week Roops informed me that they were a ‘right wing propaganda organisation’ or words to that effect which she’d obviously meticulously unearthed from one of her fact-checking websites. That’s more than good enough for me, what with all the mis and disinformation that’s going around, stopping silly people from hearing the real truth that the MSM insist on sharing with us to keep us all safe and happy bunnies.
  13. I watched it last week after it was mentioned on a Rebel News video. Uncanny how Hollywood gazes into the future and shows it to the public, and 99.9% of them don’t even notice when fiction becomes reality and the shit hits the fan 50 years later.
  14. You’re always the first to offer your help when matters of this nature crop up Neil.
  15. The NYT and the Washington Post have done more to destroy the publics trust in MSM than probably any other publications worldwide. For literally hundreds of years American people trusted what they read in them and so did the rest of the world mostly, because they reported factual news and their reputation was built on that, although heading down the leftie lane on the freeway. And then along came Donald J Trump and they flushed their illustrious histories down the bog and reinvented themselves as two of the most dishonest and untrustworthy rags on the planet, with the sole mission of destroying Trump at any cost, and regarding the damage they would to to the country as a price worth paying to achieve their end. Both of these comics employ so called journalists who’ve won Pulitzer Prizes for their part in the ‘Russian collusion hoax’ which Crooked Hillary and her FBI cronies cooked up to destroy Trump and unseat the legitimate President. None of them have been held accountable as yet. No Pulitzers have been handed back with their heads hung in shame. Pure fucking scum.
  16. Tell her to wind her neck in or she’ll have to get her drugs from some other black. That should do the trick. If not ram your big bamboo up her wrongun next time she bends down to tie the rainbow coloured laces on her luminous Doc Martens, and strangle her with them before you head back next door for your tea.
  17. “I was hoping for something that smells more like a proper fanny. What would you recommend mate?” ”Try a real fucking fanny then” ”Right you are then. Thanks ever so much. Ta ra now.”
  18. ‘Stand on a chair Nan. Put it in your mouth Nan. This family’s been very good to you Ferris’
  19. The disingenuous cunts at the Met Office who’re all signed up to the net zero hoax, always find the ‘record breaking’ climate change induced temperatures at locations very close to Gatwick, Heathrow, Stanstead etc. I don’t suppose the vast expanses of melting motorway tarmac, white hot concrete runways and non stop red hot exhaust emissions from aero engines and high volume motorway traffic would affect the recorded temperature (possibly upwards). That’s just crazy. Isn’t it?
  20. Have you watched ‘Sex lives of the Potato Men’ with Johnny Vegas and McKenzie Crook Eric? Fucking quality.
  21. A lot of really clever people think it was either climate change or racism that killed him, but I reckon it must have been Donald Trump, because they’re both from New York and not one of the millions of people in NYC has ever stated on the record that they saw Trump not do it. Lt. Columbo would have reached the same conclusion probably.
  22. Ive been a muff diver for many a year I spent all my money on muff diving gear The goggles, the snorkel, the muff diving tank When I’m not out muff diving I’m in the wardrobe having a wank.
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