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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I bet you’ve been wanking furiously all day, thinking about just that, you disgusting, AIDs riddled, emaciated little deviant.
  2. The Vulcans offspring for sure. One between the bum cheeks, One on the other end of the umbilical cord and one standing beside the bed scratching his head, trying to work out why the new arrival looks uncannily like the window cleaner. Born with 3 arseholes, two of which excrete once or twice a day, the third every time it opens its gob (all day, every day).
  3. If the English Channel dries up will we have to pay for thousands of hotel rooms in France?
  4. A definite yes imo. No one would risk seeing the fucking demonic little cunts face staring at them if they were even considering ramming one up its crusty unwashed front arse as a favour.
  5. There’s a rumour going around that he’s an absolute fucking insufferable wanker.
  6. I’ve been leaving all the taps running 24/7 in my house for years and this so called water shortage still hasn’t shown up in our street. They can ban hosepipes tomorrow for all I care, but they’ll be sorry if their house goes on fire.
  7. This time next year all the Polar bears will have melted and the igloos will all be puddles. Climate change innit?
  8. As I’ve been told by the Ginger Vulcan many times that there’s absolutely no truth in the widely spread ‘Build Back Better’ WEF, pushing of a cashless society, digital slavery, ‘new normal’, return of lockdowns, never ending ‘emergency laws’ rubber stamped by cowardly elected parliaments, dissenting views silenced as conspiracy theories, and that I should cease and desist spreading such ludicrous nonsense forthwith (for my own mental well-being of course), I won’t mention the return of lockdown s in Sydney to ‘flatten the curve’ (again?) of a handful of mainly vaccinated ☹️Covid patients currently hospitalised, or the ‘Royal decree’ in Spain banning until further notice any business from setting the AC below 27C 🤭, or above 19C 🤭in the forthcoming winter. To reduce the countries energy dependency on Russia apparently 🤣. Or Italy announcing ‘energy rationing’ to show solidarity with Ukraine. BP, Shell, and the major US oil giants all reporting unprecedented profits, but petrol prices at record high levels. “Nothing to see here folks. Stay home. Put a few more jumpers on, make yourself a lovely bug stew and most importantly……stay off the internet or else!
  9. Glad to have you aboard RK. Clean sheets are being put on your camp bed in the bunker as we speak. Bring your own beans and Fray Bentos pies with you. The fork lift driver will put a sticker with your name on every pallet you bring.
  10. ‘You will own nothing and be happy’ Klaus Schwab WEF Chief Lizard. I’m not really convinced about this plan for myself Panzybooboo. As your lot have been 50% there for longer than anyone can remember, how has it been working out for you? and what would you say to the people who can’t imagine any of you miserable, whinging fuckers ever being happy?
  11. They can go fuck themselves too (possibly).
  12. I don’t have a letterbox in my armour plated 8” steel front door, which can withstand RPGs and heavy artillery. The postman pops my mail through the kitchen window which doesn’t close properly. I think the wooden frame’s swollen. Probably climate change.
  13. Imagine it? ’Deranged granny and self styled ‘moderator extraordinaire’ who recently claimed to be ‘too clever for Mensa’, accused of trolling notorious ‘Sid Slackjaw Gang’ member King Billy.
  14. 🤣Couldn’t have put it better myself Jeff, sorry I meant LCS. Larry, sorry again, I meant Roops must be ecstatic having you as her new sidekick. You should feel proud, Pen is a hard act to follow. Dolt.
  15. How many times do I have to tell you? I don’t fancy you. Many years ago, if I was between wives and you were lurking around in the pub car park at chucking out time, pretending you were unaware that your growler was winking at me, I might have felt a primal stirring downstairs and maybe even charitable enough to bend your dirty arse over the boot of my motor and do you a ‘once in a lifetime’ favour. Not nowadays though, I don’t do favours for sad, frustrated old has beens. Sorry luv. Try Wayne Rooney. He used to be a ginger like you before his hair fell out and then naturally grew back dark brown. I’m sure he’ll be really impressed when you tell him how clever you are (for about five hours).😘
  16. The metallic clank of thousands of passing spudfilled wheelbarrows, with snow chains on the tyres, pushed along by thousands of Panzys, muttering…. ‘I would have put me jumper on this morning if I’d known the fecking snow was going to be so cold.’
  17. He fucking is now. They cremated him last week.
  18. King Billy


    ‘Here comes Liam Davis’ ‘Someone please save us’ ’Oh no! it’s Aslie Pitter’ ’Prepare your fucking shitter’
  19. Firing ping pong balls out of their cunts and arseholes mostly. Their work ethic is amazing. Our women could've learned a lot from them if our God hadn’t glued their fannys on North/South instead of East/West like their God did.
  20. Who knows? It’s probably a blessing in disguise. Less fertile women would mean less murdered unborn babies. Every cloud and all that.
  21. So the fact that I referred to the judge as ‘he’ instead of ‘she’ negates everything else I said? You’re the epitome of everything pathetic and stupid that think they know a lot but in reality believe all the MSM bullshit/dingoshit or whatever flavour of shit they serve up for you constantly and then repeat it as if you’re an authority on the ‘current thing’ they’ve told you to let everyone worry about this week. So because Dershowitz represented Jeffrey Epstein, a rich and very high profile defendant, in spite of death threats etc. and openly called out the impeachments of Trump as the politically motivated crocks of shit which they were, are you saying that his standing and reputation as one of the most widely respected lawyers in the US ever should be dismissed and you can file him away in the tinfoil hat category, tut tutting at me and looking down your nose with a silly knowing smile on your face? It’s stupid cunts like you who are sleepwalking us all into a future of technological slavery (‘but it’s so convenient to have the government control every aspect of my life, my money, my speech, my ability to travel, my choice to refuse ‘medical’ interventions if I want to go to work or go to the pub etc etc. I voted for them and I can just vote for someone different next time if I want’). Good luck with that genius idea Professor Fuckwit. Send us a postcard from the gulag. Dolt.
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