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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. They’ve crossed the rubicon with this desperate act. They really have sunk to levels never seen before. Six years of relentless and unsuccessful persecution, simply because the American people had enough of the corrupt DC politicians and deep state, and voted for a President who promised to put them first and the USA first. They fear him so much that they’re now prepared to go to any lengths to keep him off the ballot paper in 2024. What these criminals at the highest level of the FBI and DOJ have done here is the biggest mistake they could have made.
  2. Anyone with any sense whatsoever should steer well clear of his arse imo.
  3. Don’t believe any of the stories going around that the end of ‘taking the knee’ is because the World Cup is coming up and Qua-tar isn’t fully on message yet with the woke agenda. I’d love it if Gareth Southgate got busted by the Quatari Sharia Police, in a bumming orgy at the England Teams hotel with Raheem Sterling, Marcus Rashford and Gary Lineker. The public hanging would get bigger viewing figures than the football.
  4. It’s not touting after the suspect has been executed. At least Roops looked at the evidence against him (none of which came from me, all from his own posts) and passed sentence. Unlike the Provos who were very fond of execution first, listen to the evidence (if any) later. 🇬🇧 NO SURRENDER 🇬🇧
  5. Stop it Gypps. Not here. I’ll be over on tik tok in 10 minutes.
  6. If I hadn’t said it twice I might have got there first.
  7. The ‘heatwave’ or summer as it used to be known as for centuries, has come at just the right time for the MSM who have seamlessly morphed from Covid fanatics into climate change alarmists. Covid disappearing into the sunset like ET and Drew Barrymore on a flying bicycle, ‘Partygate’ now just a distant memory, and nothing remaining except a broken swing and a heap of empty wine bottles at No. 10, that no one can be arsed to clear up, Monkeypox failing to get anyone scared unless they take it up the arse, so the usual fake news ‘talking heads’ and the few Gov ministers who drew the short straws and haven’t fucked off on holiday, have gone full steam ahead with the ‘water shortages, hosepipe ban, grass up your neighbour’ agenda now. Really? One thing the U.K. has never and will never be short of is fucking water. It fucking rains quite a lot for most of the year right across the country, in case no one’s noticed. Every year thousands of cunts are flooded and arseholes like Bozo or the other cunt Queer Starmer pose for photos in their wellies for the MSM and promise to do something about it. The problem isn’t fucking climate change, which is a fairy story for only fear hungry cunts to worry about. The problem is that the last reservoir to be built in England was in 1981, dozens of existing reservoirs (mainly in the South) have been decommissioned, and the population of England has increased by 18% since then. It’s not rocket science ffs. Instead of wasting billions of pounds on vanity projects like HS2 or 3 or whatever fucking number we’re at now, so some cunt with a briefcase can get to London 20 mins quicker from the Northern swamplands, maybe some bright spark in Whitehall could have suggested building a fucking great big pipe to pump some fucking H2O down south when the sun comes out, which it does every summer. Bunch of fucking geniuses. Harvey Price could do a better job than the cunts are doing now.
  8. You’re so sexy when you go into ‘no nonsense’ mode. Like Dr. Fauci in 8” stiletto heeled thigh boots and open crotch Y fronts, holding a big leather whip. You may just be winning me over. I’m scared.
  9. Nothing gets past you. 🇬🇧 NO SURRENDER 🇬🇧
  10. Would you like me to PM you my name and address? We could meet for a pint and a chat tomorrow. I’ll know you as soon as I see you. Trust me.
  11. The futures bright, fortunately the futures somewhere else for you, you demented fucking idiot.
  12. As you’ve now nuked this cunt, it won’t go against my life long held revulsion of stool pigeons to let you know that the cunt has been PMing me accusing me of the P word. For once I’ll bite my lip and applaud your moderation. I’ve said it now so fuck off.
  13. I smell a rat here. Before I rub it on my burnt bottom (or Fends for that matter) I’ll be peeling off the ‘Mrs Roops Burnt Bottom Salve’ label. My guess is there will be a Pfizer ‘Covid 19 booster cream’ label underneath. Fuck off.
  14. “The fat bloke on the cripple scooter’s a Frummer lads. Grubs up.”
  15. I’m betting he died ‘from or with’ Covid. Being in a coma doesn’t protect you. Only 2 jabs and loads of boosters can do that. It’s ‘science’ innit?
  16. Five or less then RK, as you’re not from Norfolk, or from Wales in which case you wouldn’t be able to count at all.
  17. The ones with the propellors and rudder at the bow?
  18. King Billy

    Monkey Pox

    What with the WHO (totally trustable 🤥) recently declaring Spunkypox a ‘global health emergency’, even though it’s members voted against this course of action, then Joe Biden quickly following his orders which magically arrive on his teleprompter, and priming the US public to get ready for the next wave of ‘killer virus’ fearmongering lockdowns and shutting down the country, it’s almost like it’s election time again. Oh that’s right it is. Mid-terms already and the corrupt, ballot cheating, white hating, baby murdering, Marxist fanatics on the left hand side, realising that they’re about to lose the house and the senate, are rolling out their ‘deadly pandemic’ (how to steal another election) strategy. The Spunkypox virus, passed on by filthy deviant bumchuggers to other similarly inclined perverts , is according to Dr Tedros the head propagandist at the WHO (more than likely a rampant chugger himself) extremely dangerous (16 deaths worldwide the last time I heard). But equally dangerous he said, which ‘must not be allowed’ is any discrimination or blame directed at the superchuggers, who are spreading the latest bioweapon at ‘Pride’ events (mass bender orgies and cock sucking competitions) around the world. Yippee! it’s lockdown season soon. I’ve got a big box of arse masks opened and ready for Dr Hilary’s instruction to ‘mask up, top and bottom, sanitise my hands and ringpiece, get back behind the sofa for another couple of years and wait for the new vaccine rollout. 😷💉🐑
  19. I’m sure there’s a seat on the board of Pfizer, Moderna or Astra Zeneca for her after this minor career hiccup, as soon as the embarrassed politicians instruct the Fakestream media to bury the story. With a track record of promoting fake science, pathological lying, fleecing vast sums of money from the government and having absolutely no regard for the safety of her intended customers, it’s a wonder she’s not running the entire vaccine industry already. She’s got all the skills required for the job.
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