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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. It wasn’t sent to you accidentally. I suggest you compare my brain scan and sperm count, to your own brain scan and your unfortunate hubbies sperm count, you might finally admit (to yourself at least) that my decision to stay ‘pure blood’ is and has been from day one far more sensible than having my body injected with experimental toxic chemicals, the harmful and deadly effects of which are now becoming more and more impossible to brush under the carpet. More and more countries are finally admitting this and blocking the jib jabs for children and young people. I wonder why the completely ott frenzy to vaccinate every human on the planet has fizzled out like a damp sparkler hanging out of Goobers arse? Africa, which has had less than 15% of the population medically experimented on, celebrated the opening of their first vaccine ‘manufacturing plant’ recently for the MSM, with some fucking ‘VIP’ cutting the ribbon and declaring the facility ‘open and ready to supply the whole continent’ with the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ lifesaving snake oil. HOORAY!” everyone could be heard to cheer across the continent. Mmmm? The reality however, is that it wasn’t even a manufacturing plant at all (more MSM lies). Simply a factory which Johnson and Johnson had granted a license to, for packaging and distributing their product (I bet the financial details of that contract never see the light of day). But things haven’t exactly gone to plan. The place is now set to shut, as not one single order has been placed. Oh dear! Saint Billiam of Gates will be furious at this unforeseen public disobedience. It seems the Africans may not be the uneducated savages which the billionaire elites have always taken for granted that they are. 🤣
  2. A couple of years in lockdown, six vaccinations, 28 boosters and a million quid in fines for repeatedly letting your mask slip off your nose behind your own couch and it’ll be time to move on to the next killer pandemic. Isn’t life so different now that we have ‘the science’ to save us? 🤣
  3. Wow! That’s really told me. You really know how to put me in my place. I was going to educate you tomorrow about the New World Order that’s coming, but I don’t think you need to concern yourself too much about it, as you don’t appear to have been included in the current one.
  4. Stop apologising or I’m not going to educate you next time. I’m not sure you’ve meaningfully taken in anything I’ve told you tonight. I’ll expect an explanation for your behaviour and another apology tomorrow.
  5. They were Franks glory days PC. Even he’s accepted that he’ll never reach those dizzy heights again. I like to think kindly of him as a massive overachiever.
  6. You’re a fucking moron so for that reason you don’t even deserve a rebuttal of your post which is clearly based on your very limited knowledge of the situation, but as a matter of courtesy I feel I should help the uninformed like yourself to increase their limited knowledge and utilise that newfound knowledge the next time they feel the urge to post a load of biased shit, with a couple of meaningless facts which you’ve obviously Google searched. Christopher Wray was appointed by Trump, as were many Federal judges, on the advice of ‘Mitch McConnell’ and the ‘Federalist Society’, many of who have showed themselves to be anything but what they were expected to be is imo down to his underestimation of the treachery of many of the DC swamp politicians on the Republican side.The fact that Wray dithered and basically did nothing to prosecute the corrupt FBI agents who acted as co-conspirators in the Russian collusion hoax, which Hillary Clinton and the DNC invented to destroy Trumps Presidency with from day one, has sat on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal for over 2 years, refusing to acknowledge its authenticity prior to the 2020 election and was retained as FBI Director (for services rendered) when Biden illegally squatted the Whitehouse in Jan 2021, while clearing out all Trumps other appointments should say everything about where Wrays loyalties lie. Tje judge who they found to sign the search warrant is an even more interesting character altogether. I can’t be arsed so I suggest you get your Google finger tapping and have a look at the history of this chap. And try not to pretend you’re well informed about matters such as this to me until you are actually well informed next time. No need to apologise.
  7. Stupid fucking cunt. The presidential election results have been contested many times in the past, mainly by the Democrats. JFK elected in 1960 for example, George W Bush in 2000 and many others bitterly contested in previous times. The US constitution clearly and unambiguously lays out the procedure in the the event of a disputed outcome. Nothing Donald Trump did was illegal or unconstitutional, in the face of a blatantly illegitimate and so obviously manipulated win for Biden. All the previously accurate indicators of the winning candidate were for Trump. 28 of the 29 ‘Bellwether Counties’ which previously, whoever won the majority of them went to Trump. And then in the middle of the night, with Trump leading strongly, the handful of ‘swing states’ and more importantly the ‘democrat controlled counties’ in those states inexplicably stopped counting, threw out the observers and shut shop, blocking up windows so no one could see inside and when they opened up again a few hours later a miracle had taken place and Biden was leading. Pure farce and yet Donald Trump is somehow a domestic terrorist for calling it out as bullshit? Fuck off.
  8. Strange comments. Are you saying that the last 2 elections were fixed? Was it just the Democrats turn in 2024? Even I can’t agree with that theory. The Democrats have been taken over by the crazy far left radicals who are hell bent on destroying everything that Western civilisation has been based on historically, no matter what carnage they inflict on the people. Pure Marxist ideology which is headed towards its inevitable destination, full on communism, and the fucking indoctrinated sheep supporting this madness but who’ve never looked at the historical precedents deserve all the buyers regret that’s coming their way when their socialist Utopia becomes a reality. Fuck them. I hope they’re ecstatic in the gulag, owning nothing and being happy.
  9. Your legs could be useful as skewers if only they weren’t so fucking pathetically thin and feeble.
  10. You’re wasting your time DC. Frank’s died ‘from or with’ every new variant of AIDS and bumrot since his Hellenic ancestors invented Olympic arsebattering thousands of years ago.The emaciated fucking cunt has more natural immunity than Zorba the worlds heaviest dog, eating double its weight of its own shit.
  11. Pen packs a similarly shaped, but much larger, weapon in his custom built pants.
  12. They’ve gone too far with this latest attempt to provoke a violent reaction from the half of the population who support ‘The Donald’, so they could have their fake news MSM demonise him and his ordinary, law abiding supporters as ‘domestic terrorists’ and ‘a threat to our democracy’ all over again. That’s not going to happen, they’re going to be disappointed again. The only reaction they’re getting is that millions of voters who until now were either anti Trump Republicans or even old school Democrats, waking up to the fact that the future of their country really is at stake when the Democrat administration is prepared to politicise the law enforcement agencies to destroy their political opponents to cling on to that power at any cost whatsoever. The fear that they have of Donald Trump and what he stands for ie ‘Making America Great Again’ and the absolute fucking clown show in the Whitehouse currently for all the world to see has driven them to this desperate course of action. In reality they couldn’t have helped more to get Donald Trump elected for the third time if they’d conceded the 2024 election today. 🇱🇷 TRUMP 2024 MAGA 🇱🇷
  13. How did you pop up in this PM all of a sudden ProfB? 🤔
  14. Old snuffers keel over in winter too ProfB.
  15. A photo of your death certificate please.
  16. Just stop sending them and go to bed then 🤣
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