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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. ‘More deaths and adverse effects than the virus itself’? Is that the benchmark that you consider an experimental medical treatment, which millions of people have lost their jobs, been barred from travelling, visiting dying family members, entering pubs and restaurants etc, participating in public events and labelled as ‘refuseniks’, to reach before anyone is allowed to point out that it has failed spectacularly in every way ie it won’t stop you getting infected, it won’t stop you infecting others and most importantly it won’t stop you dying once you are infected. And it’s becoming increasingly obvious to anyone with an open mind that the ‘totally safe’ and ‘totally effective’ (97% initially) narrative is unravelling at a rapid rate of knots, no matter how much the propagandists in the MSM etc. who couldn’t push it enough on the sheeple initially, have now seamlessly moved on to the latest ‘current thing’ (Ukraine, Monkeypox, The ‘cost of lockdown, sorry living crisis’ etc. etc ) and never mention vaccines at all. Wake up ffs. I’m beginning to think you might actually believe the bullshit that you’ve been defending. It’s never too late to admit that you might have been wrong. Try it for once.
  2. There’s a video on YouTube which I watched a while ago and came across again today. I recall Roops pontificating recently to me about the vaccines being safe and how she’d have no hesitation in having any future kids pricked in the unlikely event that she reproduced again. I would love to see what she’d say about that to the mother of Maddie de Garay, the woman telling her daughters story in the video. Senator Gerard Rennick Title….How many more adverse effects have been covered up during the trials? Maddie de Garay’s story.
  3. 10. Smash up your CH boiler, break all your windows, strip naked and enjoy the cooling breeze, while standing on a chair in front of the broken living room window.
  4. I’m not sure if it’s an old wives tale that you never see a Baby pigeon, but it sort of made me think, has anyone ever seen an Adult Lonian?
  5. 7. Don’t live in Grenfell Tower
  6. Throw them both out then. Blame Putin, inflation, the pandemic, racism, climate change etc. etc. identify as a trans woman and most reasonable people will think of you as ‘stunning and brave’ like they did with Scofield.
  7. Andy Bowen v Jack Burke 6 April 1893 New Orleans 110 rounds (almost 7 and a half hours) Result……A fucking draw. If they’d carried on till one of them was dead, the other would have come away with his head held high. No one remembers that great fight that no one won. A draw is just a meeting of two losers.
  8. Apology accepted. Fuck off.
  9. Put her on the game mate. It comes naturally to them anyway, and make sure not to leave any marks when you discipline the slag for trying to hide cash from you (which they all do). Thieving is in their DNA, just like the whoring gene. If the missus susses out what you’re up to, just blame Putin then call her a fucking disgusting racist.
  10. I’m on it like a car bonnet Baws. Do you think the tinfoil hat is putting some punters off giving me likes? I’ve noticed a big change in a few (who I won’t name) since they’ve had the Bill Gates experimental jab.
  11. A couple of years in an iron lung would do you the world of good Panzyboy. Think of it as 2 years all inclusive in a giant can of Guinness and then tipped out straight back into the gutter with a ‘treatment failed, still a useless spastic. Do not resuscitate’ wristband on.
  12. Fucking Ukranians. Coming over here and nicking all our gas and electric.
  13. Franks extremely rare and very short lived visits to the penthouse are always followed by a Rentokil forensic deep clean, 48hr anti AIDS fumigation and a court order banning him from approaching the premises for at least 2 years.
  14. It’s not difficult to know what the ‘hardest part of you’ is when you’re sat at home on your own every night (because you have no children or family), flicking through the pages of a 1950s British Rail timetable, huge cock in hand, while gangs of local teenagers are lobbing bricks through your window shouting “Fucking tranny freak! Pull your bloomers back up.” Fuck off.
  15. The piss on the toilet seat and the skid marks on the sheets in the Kingsize bed were already there when I moved up to the penthouse suite last time. Eric may be able to throw a bit more light on the matter Wolfie, but tbh I’ve left you a present in the fridge. It was still steaming when I put it there freshly squeezed out yesterday , while I was on the throne reading Mrs Roops latest attempts at debunking my meticulously researched scientific findings I’d posted the day before.
  16. I post something and she gets her knickers in a twist. That’s just the way it is now. She could ignore me but you know her ego will never allow that. She seems to still be deluding herself that her opinions matter to me, but her pathetic fact checks, wagging finger and thinly veiled threats amuse me, and that’s the reason I carry it on. She’s fucking priceless. It’s not about winning. Just watching her futile efforts to wind me up every day makes it beautiful for me.
  17. Ooops! How many times do you have to hit rock bottom before you face up to the inevitable conclusion of your tenure on CC Frank? Kill yourself tonight ffs.
  18. Britains last recorded case of Polio was in 1984 and has been regarded as an eradicated historical disease. I wonder if this recurrence could possibly be in any way connected to the tens of millions of immigrants from faraway shitholes who’ve been encouraged to settle here by both Labour and Tory U.K. governments? Receiving preferential treatment for social housing, benefits and just about everything else that the British population pay for, but who were never asked if they consented to this infestation by foreigners who detest everything British, but strangely choose Britain as the go to destination. This latest bullshit is exactly that, bullshit and anyone with half a brain should ignore it and wait for the next latest bullshit to ignore. The fearmongering will never stop now that the Covid plandemic has proved so successful for herding the sheep into the NWO pen. Ignore anything the MSM and the government puppets tell you. It’s all bollocks.
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