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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Unless you happen to currently be in Canada, or in say California in the near future where the ‘loony left’ lawmakers are pushing for exactly that. Abject nonsense eh?
  2. Spoken like a true idiot (crowd reels back in amazement).Your brilliant insight into geopolitics, and the 64 gazillion dollar question you’ve posed…’What would happen to the rest of the world in a Trump ruled America, when the Chinks kick off properly, like they are bound to one day soon?’ proves that you’re an idiot for all to see (excluding other idiots). The USA didn’t just wake up one day, way back in the last century, look in the mirror and see that they had mysteriously become the top military and economic superpower on the planet. The strength of the USA was built on the ‘American dream’ ie the possibility for every citizen to work hard, raise a family, and achieve the sort of future which none of them could even dream of anywhere else on Earth. Patriotism and loyalty to the country used to be the small price that had to be paid for these opportunities, nothing more nothing less. The rights and freedoms of US citizens are all meticulously laid out in the US Constitution and the amendments to that in Bill of Rights 1791. Despite President Trump being regarded by many (including yourself obviously) as some sort of deranged lunatic, the facts prove otherwise during his Presidency…Zero new wars started 🤔, US energy self sufficiency (net exporter when Cabbage brain Joe took over). When the gooks let the Covid bioweapon loose in early 2021 the unemployment rate was 3.5% (lowest in 50 years), and even more bizarrely(for the worlds no1 racist and white supremacist) the rates for every non white demographic were significantly higher than that average figure. Decreased taxes on the middle class (blue and white collar) workers, cut the Obama era business tax rate from 35% down ti 21% etc.etc.etc. I could go on but I’m sure you see the picture. He stood up to China after 30 years of Bush, Clinton, GW Bush and Obama throwing the US manufacturing industry under the bus to the CCP on the altar of globalism. But I guess you’re right. A leader who puts the well-being and prosperity of the citizens of his own country, and tries to deliver on the promises he’s made (while simultaneously being attacked by the FakeNews media and endless attempts to falsely criminalise him and his family by the corrupt deep state in DC) would absolutely be the worst person to Preside over the USA at this glorious peak in their history. Fuck off.
  3. Why is it that anyone, no matter how qualified, who questions the one and only lockdown/wear a mask/wait for the miracle vaccine, no other treatments are available, or even allowed to be discussed narrative for the last two and a half years of the plandemic is labelled a danger to society and a lunatic? Why is it that this existential threat to to the future of mankind, which has been manipulated and weaponised for purely political reasons and yet no one seems to have the slightest interest in actually getting to the truth about its origins and the lies and coverups around its emergence or its unleashing by the CCP to be more accurate.? The real pandemic is the cowardice of the so called leaders of the West and the stupidity of the sheep that they rule over, which allows them to get away with their actions.
  4. Shit, it’s not just me that believes every word of this? Thank fuck for that. Seriously though, 43% of Americans polled last week said they believe the 2020 election was rigged. The other 57% died more than a hundred years ago.
  5. It’s as I said. If we’re wrong there’s no harm done. All of you Pom Pom wavers can rightly point your fingers and say ‘See we told you so!’. But suppose we’re right? How does your blind faith in Big Pharma, who have a history of massive corruption, reckless profiteering and dangerous malpractice sit, if and when the consequences of these unnecessary experiments become impossible to deny. ie the long term devastation of much of the human race?
  6. Keep listening to James O Brien. You’ve managed to fit almost every one of the soapy, Neanderthal looking throwbacks, buzzwords into this one post, so maybe you don’t actually need to tune in anymore. Take a few days off to relax, tell us all what a catastrophic mistake Brexit was again, or maybe even complete your ‘Harry and Meghan Sticker Album’.
  7. Of course she’ll say I’m wrong and that Dr. Whoever (no. 497 on the list of 600+) said this or said that two years ago, which proves without a doubt that they’re all insane and probably support Donald Trump too. The real problem she’s got, is that if we’re wrong and the vaccines turn out to be totally safe long term, it won’t matter, but if we’re correct (which I 100% believe) she will deserve everything that her and the rest of the know all (know fuck all) enablers of this tragedy have coming to them. And it is coming sooner rather than later. The genies out of the bottle.
  8. Steady on now Gypps. Roops has totally fact-checked and 100% debunked all the unfounded and frankly ridiculous Bill Gates conspiracy theories, which I admit I’ve fallen for more times than Frank has died of AIDS. Roops has informed me that Mr Gates, the former computer software salesman, is simply a clever and absolutely benevolent chap, who's worked hard for years, and now invests his meagre savings wisely for the good of humanity, and has been quite fortunately rewarded for his efforts. I believe he may already be financially secure enough to retire soon (to Epstein Island) and not worry about the rising energy costs or inflation eating away at his small but hard earned nest egg. I believe Melinda is just about managing too, since their recent split, which had nothing whatsoever to do with Bill and Jeffrey’s past dealings, despite Melinda’s lies to the contrary. Women eh? Just can’t be trusted nowadays to keep their gob shut over trivial matters like having an international kid fucker for a husband etc.
  9. Most likely due to its close proximity to a massive bushfire.
  10. MHRA, mRNA, SAGE, DVLA, HMRC, WHO, WEF, CERN, NASA, RNLI, RSPCA, LIDL, LGBT etc. etc. I could go on, but it’s clear (to me anyway) that all these entities are just pieces of the NWO jigsaw puzzle. 👀
  11. It’s almost as if the MSM lie all the time and the millions of helpless sheep stare wide eyed at the TV, waiting patiently for Professor Jeremy Vine or Dr Hillary VCs daily instructions, (‘science innit’), but that scenario is so ridiculous it’s verging on one of those ‘conspiracy theory’ things, that everyone’s being told are ‘so dangerous’ and a ‘threat to democracy’ if you listen to them, isn’t it?
  12. I had you down as more of a ‘revel without a cause’.
  13. You could give everyone something to smile about in these times of doom and gloom, by hanging yourself tonight from the nearest lamppost, live-streamed on YouTube.
  14. At the risk of being accused of more ‘whataboutery’, whatabout the 600+ Canadian doctors, scientists and health care practitioners (Canadian Covid Care Alliance) who have just demanded that the Trudolf dictatorship release to the public the risk/benefit data and evaluation of same which led to the vaccine rollouts in children of ever decreasing ages, now including 6 month old babies and upward? Independent media organisations (tinfoil hatters to you) such as Rebel Media and True North have been filing FOI requests for these and many other documents for a long time and been stonewalled (illegally) as if they were asking for information they weren’t entitled to see. Hardly surprising, from an administration fronted by one of Klaus Schwab’s favourite WEF mannequins, where abortion laws do not exist on the statute books and a 9 months old foetus can be ritually murdered when he or she pokes its head out into the world for the first time in its (about to be brutally extinguished) life. I recall you sneering at me for suggesting that this is also on the agenda of many radical leftist politicians in the US currently. Do you still say I am wrong about that? Are these 600 (and rising) group of medical practitioners who are now asking the questions that they and the majority of their colleagues have wanted to ask, but been either afraid or leaned on not to ask, just thickos, who probably think the Earth is flat and the Moon is made of cheese too?
  15. Undercover Fenians 🤣🇬🇧
  16. Hi ProfB. Some horrible people have been saying horrible things about me on here. I’m very hurt by their nasty lies. But at least we’re OK. King Billy.
  17. Because you can’t drink bananas.
  18. He’s my dentist from Budapest. New teeth and I’m smoking 200 Viceroys a day too. He’s guaranteed they won’t make my choppers go yellow before I die, or I get some of my money back.
  19. Youtube is really really fucked up RK. Or it might not be? The only ads I get now are for tinfoil, bunker rations and as if that’s not weird enough, psychiatric treatment on 0% finance deals. My interweb cables from the BT headquarters must have got all tangled up with some crazy nut jobs wires probably, or maybe not?
  20. If you disappear for a couple of years you might get away with this nonsense Pantyhose. Time your comeback when there are a lot of retarded newbies throwing their crayons around and you might just be able to blend in with them while no one’s paying much attention. Or you could just fuck off and kill yourself.
  22. It seems to be your view that Senator Johnson and his ‘cronies’ in the US Senate who have the audacity to question and demand answers in a Senate committee from the likes of Fauci, Walensky etc. are somehow acting improperly. Or is that not your view? That happens to be their job as elected Senators, or is it because they are GOP Senators which you think makes their well founded (imo) suspicions moot? Should some of the only people left in the 2022 cancel culture who can ask these questions be ridiculed and silenced too? If that’s what you think then your opinions on any subject aren’t of any interest to me whatsoever. You can fuck off anyway.
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