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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. The filth weren’t like this years ago. I imagine it’s directly related to climate change.
  2. I blame Pen and his huge cock for this.
  3. There’s no such thing as a wrong answer anymore. That’s racist. It’s ‘right’ answers that must be stamped out, especially the ‘far right’ ones.
  4. ‘The Josef Mengele gender dysphoria clinic’ “Ah Frau Scmidt. So klein Helmut has been identifying as a caterpillar Ya? You haf come to ze right place.”
  5. Type in ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ on YouTube Decs and the agenda is even clearer to see. These deviants have been touring the country during the school holidays, spreading their filth at public libraries to audiences of 5 year olds and upwards. There are protestors outside every one of these grooming events and counter protests by hundreds of assorted freaks, defending the child abusers inside. The police are in most cases, of course on site to make sure no hate crimes or transphobia etc occur, instead of dragging the perverted cunts inside to the nearest nick and giving them a fucking good old fashioned kicking. The MSM as usual appear not to have noticed any of this happening. I’m sure they will be on top of it soon, as apparently someone turned up yesterday in Bolton to protest, carrying a sword, and the police finally had someone to arrest. This identity politics (racial, sexual, gender, class, etc. etc.) cancer is spreading so fast in the Western world that I think it’s probably terminal already.
  6. ‘Rivers of Red Stripe lager’
  7. The super duper Astra Zeneca vaccine which only last year was being praised by our so called government and the fake news MSM as the answer to all our prayers in the fight against Covid 🤣, with knighthoods and honours handed out to all the heroes at AZ HQ like free biros at Ladbrokes on Grand National day, appears to have fallen out of favour with the big knobs at the Ministry of Health. No orders at all have been placed with AZ for booster jabs to protect Granny this winter from the deadly virus which didn’t get her last winter, thanks to 26 booster jabs and two years under the bed beside Grandads rotting, masked up corpse. Even the most hardcore MSM propaganda cheerleaders have moved on to other stories to satisfy their sheeps rampant fear addiction. Covid 19 gets fuck all airtime now as the ‘unprecedented heatwave’, the ‘unprecedented drought’, the ‘unprecedented floods’ and everything else which used to be normal life, but has suddenly become ‘unprecedented and undeniable proof of imminent extinction’. Now as you all know, I’ve never been one to mistrust the totally honest guys and gals who govern us, or the Jeremy Vine/ Dr Hillary media types who selflessly dedicate their lives to keeping us up to date with the important information we all need to stay alive, existing as they do on minimum wages mostly, but in this case I feel an overwhelming urge to say “Something seems not quite right here.” Obviously it’s got nothing to do with the safety aspect of the AZ jib jab becoming increasingly more suspect, due to the ever increasing numbers of guinea pigs reporting serious adverse effects, if the haven’t already dropped dead, that is. Just saying.
  8. It’s best to try and ignore the odour and not think of that.
  9. Expect the Vulcan to debunk this Eric. There’s no way these two characters will slip through her overnight fact-checking dragnet.
  10. Or for the really twisted ‘Frank and Ming’ gift set (with realistic freezer, and rubbish bin).
  11. Why? Are you looking for the number of a good surgeon?
  12. Glamping on Hackney Marshes.
  13. Good luck gumbo. PS My brake pads still haven’t arrived.
  14. Never mind that Ed. Whatever you hear about me and the Vulcan doing things, while you’ve been banged up with Punkers, will probably be only a fraction of what’s been going on, but nevertheless true. The good news (for me) is I’m done with her now, and tbh you need to have a serious chat with her about her personal hygiene, if you’re thinking about taking her back. The hosepipe ban might be something to bear in mind too.
  15. I’m not sure whether you’re ‘rattled’ or ‘nettled’ but you definitely seem a bit more ‘tense and irritable’ than usual. It’s none of my business but are you overdue for your 14th booster jab? If not then it’s probably just ‘climate change’ or something. Get well soon.😘
  16. Excellent. Get back to me when you’ve fact-checked them all. No rush.
  17. You’re better off not listening to anyone like him. Far too dangerous. Stick to Wolf Blitzer, Brian Stelter and Don Lemon etc. if it’s real news you’re after. 🤮
  18. I could have gone on listing his achievements for hours. I expect the usual ‘redneck supporters’, ‘he should be in jail’ etc. rhetoric but if it’s not clear to anyone with a brain that the establishment are now so scared that he’ll run in 2024 that they are resorting to unprecedented use of the corrupt FBI and DOJ to take him off the ballot paper, then they are just refusing to acknowledge what their eyes and ears are telling them.
  19. It’s hardly rocket science. Suck, fuck or get the dishes washed.
  20. Just another 600+ crazy medical professionals cast into the wilderness thanks to your dedicated investigations and your uncanny fact-checking ability. If only these ‘fact-checkers weren’t either owned or funded by entities such as J and J, Facebook and all the usual suspects with no skin in the game 🤣 Google ‘fact-check. org/ funding’ and for some reason the page won’t open. 🤔 It’s almost as if they know that fucking dipsticks like you aren’t going to be interested in who spends hundreds of millions of bucks financing these jokers, just as long as they give you the totally predictable results you wet your panties over, and the truth is filed away in the ‘tinfoil hat’ section of the ‘metaverse’ or whatever Zuckerberg, Gates and Nick Clegg etc. are calling their virtual bumsex and mutual wanking platform this week,
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