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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. If you never go out again you’ll probably live forever. Take Pen for instance. He/She/It is at least 170 years old, and hasn’t been outside for at least sixty years (mainly because it gets followed by gangs of youths jeering and chucking stones at it), and it hasn’t been ill (apart from the obvious mental disorders) either, but she/he/it is undoubtedly a freak of nature anyway, so probably not the best example to quote.
  2. You know the end of what used to be called ‘civilisation’ is imminent when people in the highest positions of power and influence, tell you with a straight face that gender is nothing more than a social construct, which anyone can change, to anything, at any time, and that unless you agree with them, you are a hateful bigot who’s unfit to take part in the new ‘civilised society’. And the colour of your skin (and even more so your ancestors) defines the level of guilt you need to publicly acknowledge, and self flagellation required, if you wish to be accepted as a decent human being. At least in Ulster in the 70s and 80s the battleground was clear and the two sides, however uncompromising in their political positions, knew the difference between a male and a female. 🇬🇧NO SURRENDER 🇬🇧1690🇬🇧
  3. I’ve always been of the opinion that with enough Vaseline it would be quite possible for someone to have a bit of fun fucking a mouse. What do you think? By someone I mean someone else, not me (obviously).
  4. I’ll make sure he gets there Ed, if you promise to bring my brake pads. And if you’ve got a stick on M4 badge bring it too. Some of my neighbours have been asking why my high performance pride and joy has got 14” steel wheels, no rev counter, wind up windows and vinyl seats. Actually fuck the brake pads, it’s got no engine anyway. I just sit in it with my arm out the window for a couple of hours every day.
  5. I think anserine is the word you’re looking for Eric.
  6. The ‘Napoleon 12 Pounder’ Howitzer would be more suited to her cavernous Ukranian front arse imo.
  7. I’ll transfer that tenner into your account in the morning. No one must ever find out that you’re my best mate though. Roops is a massive cunt.
  8. It was acceptable in the 80s.
  9. Brixton Academy, Winston….. Here’s your starter for ten. Six hot wings, two corn on the cob, one chicken gravy and one beans?
  10. Nice selfie (for a Box Brownie).
  11. She would probably have a slightly less complimentary opinion of you, if she was for some unfathomable reason asked.
  12. Have you any idea what a Mk 1 3 litre Capri is worth nowadays? Let’s just say…. a lot. Dried poof brain on the bonnet would put a lot of potential buyers off even having a test drive.
  13. ‘Throw babymamma from the tube train.
  14. The Glens are playing Liverpool in the World Cup final tomorrow night DC. I’m driving there right now in my imaginary M4. I didn’t realise Moscow was so far away, or I would have put another tenner of red diesel in the tank.
  15. What do you mean… evidence? When did evidence ever prove or disprove anything? 🤣 The world has moved on a long way since all that nonsense mate. Evidence is whatever the fact checkers tell you is permitted nowadays.
  16. 99.9% of biological men questioned at the Scouse Pride march, said they had taken a wrong turn on the way to Goodison Park, but decided it would be more fun, and a lot less painful to take one up the arse, than another 90 minutes watching Everton FC.
  17. Harry and Meghan probably.
  18. It’s possible I suppose, but very very unlikely that the Russian army who occupy this nuclear power station would be the ones bombarding themselves with heavy artillery. The Ukraine psyop frontman Zelensky and the constant stream of ‘world leaders’, woke ‘celebrities’ and other miscellaneous weirdos who turn up every day for a photo op, or to make a documentary for Netflix must surely realise that anyone over the age of two can see that it’s all bullshit. I don’t remember seeing any pictures of Winston and Clementine on the cover of Vogue magazine, or Adolf taking an hour off from his day job to singalong with Kraftwerk in the bunker for an MTV film crew. The proof that it’s all Clownworld bollocks was for me when I saw a photo (100% genuine 🤣) of an AZOV battalion soldier, looking really menacing and scowling for the camera, with a rainbow ribbon on his chest.😂
  19. Me neither. It’s just a shame that no one’s been to the Moon yet. Who knows what it would be like for people like us to move to.
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