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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. If Thatcher hadn’t sold off all the Yoof Clubs to her billionaire mates none of this would have happened (probably).
  2. Or what name would they put on the death certificate?
  3. The dealer in the 3 wheeler
  4. “I still belong, don’t get me wrong”
  5. The negro in the Allegro, the Rasta in the Mazda, or the pimp in the Hillman Imp is more likely. lol.
  6. You’ve spelled swallowed and spunk wrong.
  7. I saw a video of a load of ‘revellers’ twerking on top of a bus stop, which duly collapsed onto several daft cunts standing underneath it. Stupid cunts must have thought it was a double decker bus stop.
  8. Commander Alison Heydari (I wonder how far her Anglo Saxon roots can be traced) told the BBC today that, “The atmosphere over the past two days has been largely positive and good natured, as Carnival should be.” I wonder if the fake news MSM would have been so eager to accept such a blatantly untruthful statement if this level of violent criminality had just taken place at say Aintree, Wembley, Glastonbury, the boat race (I only included that for Skippy), or any other mass event where the vast majority of the attendees looked slightly less colourful, and they could bring racism into the conversation? Anyway 1 pushing up the daisies and 7 others punctured is better than nothing I guess. We should be grateful for small mercies innit?
  9. I once got a beagle from the local rescue home. Fucking thing used to lie on the sofa, chain smoking all day, coughing up lung butter and dropping fag ash all over the place. I still remember little Woodbine fondly though, every time I look at the fag burns in the carpet.
  10. Why did the goose cross the road? Cos Withers had his cock up its arse.
  11. What a tragedy, sort of. But foetuses are a disposable item nowadays aren’t they? At least that’s what you seem to think about the human variety, isn’t it?
  12. A bizarre comment considering your lack of both. Maybe you’re just a twisted, barren, lonely old freak who knows that a dog would take one look at you and either bolt or rip your face off.
  13. It’s Roops, living proof that so called ‘climate change’ has a sense of humour at least.
  14. Even if he had a family there’s no way he’d risk a £2000 fine by going out into the garden during the hosepipe ban (for obvious reasons). He only gets 4 guineas a year from his Liskeard and Caradon Railways pension which was a fair amount in 1874 after his 4th failed drug test (hormone blockers).
  15. You should have called him over a bit closer, saying ‘Sorry mate I’m a bit mutton’, and nutted the cunt.
  16. His dog is due for release next year from Barlinnie after successfully completing several offender rehabilitation courses, and two years day release working in a Bagel bakery in Glasgows Jewish quarter (unpaid obviously).
  17. Pen went to the Azores but his cock was all covered in sores all the dogs in the street tried to jump at the meat that hung from his filthy old drawers.
  18. Even the most loyal dog wouldn’t stick around with old freaky bollocks.
  19. ‘Cock fighting’ might be something for you to consider getting involved in (for obvious reasons).
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