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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. 🎶Do you really want me to hurt you?🎶
  2. Ricky Gervais unexpectedly spotting you in the audience at the Golden Globes, and announcing ‘I’m sorry but I’m going to have to leave a lot of you perverts out tonight as this is more than I could ever have dreamed of’. Fuck off.
  3. DC It appears that the unfortunate demise of the monarch has brought out the best in you. I’m impressed.
  4. King Lewis the first. At least they won’t have to look far for an embarrassing sibling to lock away in the tower.
  5. Grab a £3 bunch from the 24hr garage and put them there from me Raas. Don’t write my name on them though, as I’m still trying to figure out how Big Ears has jumped the queue and nicked my rightful place on the throne, and I wouldn’t want ‘The Firm’ to think I’m a busted flush and they’ve got away with their shenanigans.
  6. Chaz is more of a nonce than his little bruv.This cunt has more spunkstained skeletons in his cupboard than Hillary Clinton.
  7. What’s the weather like tonight in Skegness?
  8. Dropped out of training as a Royal Marine, got married to quell media rumours of poofery, helped organise ‘It’s a Royal Knockout’ (he probably misread the last word) and then hung around with Andrew Lloyd Webber and the luvvie mob for a while before disappearing back out of the public eye where he belonged all along. But as you say he’s managed to keep his alleged indiscretions out of the public eye, unlike his 2 retarded inbred brothers, who have long since passed the point of seeing the word ‘alleged’ used when they are the subject of any story.
  9. I wouldn’t be seen dead on public transport Raas. It would defeat the point of having my imaginary M4.
  10. It’s cunts like him that make people call you a black cunt Ed. Fucking disgusting imho.
  11. I don’t understand why they didn’t just unzip her and put a new lizard in?
  12. It’s not all bad on the small screen at least Stubbers. Two new characters have just been introduced on Peppa Pig and they’re both white, believe it or not. And they’re lesbians 🤔
  13. ‘I’ll have a snuff movie please Bob.’
  14. Did you know that Blockbuster became Netflix? I watched a documentary about it a few months ago and the way it happened was really fucked up.
  15. “Klingons on the sofa now”
  16. “Beam me up Scotty. This fucking sofa stinks.’
  17. I see ‘Cineworld’ have gone into voluntary wankruptcy yesterday.
  18. ‘When there’s no more room in jail, the blacks shall walk the Earth’. George A Romero (sort of)
  19. Either you’ve got a telly in your toilet or you shit on the sofa RK? I think you need to clear this up (especially if the latter is true).
  20. Who’d have thought it….2 collaborators collaborating?
  21. King Harry Hewitt the first.
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