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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Same repetitive bollocks as expected. As you were.
  2. Stick to what you’re best at. Suck cock.
  3. Qualitah. I see what you’re doing here Eric. When Eddie reads this and reflects on his failed car spares business, then puts 2 and 2 together (more than once obviously to eventually come up with 4), then the ensuing carnage will cement your legacy for all time in the Guinness Book of Racism. Norris McWhirter was half of a pair of cunts.
  4. Make sure it’s the electric one as It’s bath night.
  5. Don’t encourage her ffs Raas. She’ll only come back to you with a ‘holier than thou’ Ellen Degeneres like ‘be kind’ pile of steaming shite opinion, which will quickly become the only opinion allowed on the subject here. She’s out of control mate, a ‘race car in the red’, a ‘twitchy finger on a hair trigger’. But having said that, she’s probably got some redeeming qualities. It’s just that she’s so accomplished at being an absolute fucking know all, narcissist and egomaniac that we may never find out what they are, or live to see any of them revealed.
  6. Simply that it’s all become fact now should be a reality check for even someone as dim as you, but we all know that you’ve never been wrong about anything. Keep on digging that hole Luv. I don’t know where you’ve been recently, but welcome back and fuck off.
  7. You forgot to mention the fact that DC resides in Merseyside ProfB, which would excuse him from blame regarding the last part of your observation.
  8. Good evening ProfB. I trust you are well and keeping it between the hedges? KB.
  9. The UKHSA a few days ago quietly announced that children under 5 will not be offered the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental MRNA Covid vaccines, and those aged 5 to 12 only if they are in a ‘high clinical risk group’. As one would expect this has received almost zero coverage on the MSM, in stark contrast to the hysterical, blanket coverage praising the ‘wonder jabs’ until recently 🤔. Ah yes but that was before the ever increasing number of cases of adverse reaction, life changing injury and many sudden deaths, directly and indisputably caused by the jabs started emerging and couldn’t be hidden from the public anymore. The convenient removal of Johnson and therefore also his inner circle of cabinet lackies, who were the main perpetrators of the U.K. governments insane Covid 19 response, is imo nothing more than a cynical attempt to dupe the public into falling for the inevitable blame game which they know will be needed soon as the devastation to the economy, public health (physical and mental) and every aspect of our pre 2020 lives becomes more apparent every day. “Not me Guv. It was all down to those fuckers wot were in charge before I took over. Honest”. The saddest thing is that many of the mugs who took the biggest hit will fall for it. Fuck off.
  10. As did his kerbcrawling, cab driver loser of a Dad.
  11. I bet everyone you’ve ever met has told you the same thing. Fuck off.
  12. Rochelle Walensky the director of the CDC is currently doing the fake news media round, urging everyone over the age of 12 to get the new ‘double booster’ ASAP. “Righto then, Thanks Ms Walensky. Let’s all get the kids down there in the morning to join the queue for this latest medical lifesaver, before the little ones catch the lurgie, infect Granny and then drop dead on their way to school. It’s ‘safe and effective’ Ms Walensky, isn’t it? You’ve tested it properly haven’t you?” ”Of course we have (sort of)” ”How many people has it been tested on Ms Walensky?” ”Don’t worry about all that. Just trust me. Trust the science.” ”But how many people Ms Walensky?” ”Emmmm….8 mice actually, so that should be OK.” 🤔🤔🤔🤔
  13. Please don’t mention the words ‘Frank’ and ‘terminal’ in the same sentence again unless you include ‘cancer’ Neil.
  14. “Hi I’m Kwentin Kwisp, but you can call me Fwank.”
  15. It’s not too late for you to cross over too Panzyboy.
  16. Any damage to the car? Asking for the owner.
  17. A rumour like that would never even get off the ground nowadays Baws. The fakestream news media and their co conspirators in the light entertainment industry are all singing from the same hymn book to keep all the ‘normies’ believing the official narrative. One wonders whether they are really convinced they are winning when they have to introduce a storyline into Coronation St. where a few of the younger characters discuss ‘conspiracy theories about Covid jab injuries, whether the moon landings were real? and microchips being covertly inserted into humans’. Of course ridiculing all of these and anyone who talks about them. Methinks they protesteth too much perhaps?
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