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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Fucking hell Neil. It’s only a playgroup. The little darlings can go down to the local library for ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ instead.
  2. To quote Brendan Gleason in ‘The Guard’…….”I don’t know where he’s buying his cocaine?” And talking about ‘overspending’ and Red Bull shouldn’t come as any sort of a surprise to any of the billions of cunts who’ve ever bought a can of the vile, barely diluted sugar which has made Red Bull able to outspend not only every F1 team but throw huge amounts of wonga at dozens of other high profile sports across the planet. I drink twenty five cans of it every night now as my Budapest gnashers are indestructible (and irresistible to women).
  3. I wonder how long the filth would hang around doing ‘the Macarena’, fiddling with their rainbow armbands and organic vegan buttplugs if a dozen ‘Fuck the planet’ activists glued themselves to the road outside New Scotland Yard or across the driveway of Suckdick Khans gaff?
  4. It’s astounding how 100 or more black youths rampaging through Oxford St, ransacking shops and assaulting dozens of innocent people a couple of weeks ago gets buried on the MSM fakenews websites or totally ignored by some, yet I’ll wager that this will be pushed to the top of the agenda with the usual ‘talking heads’ putting on their serious faces and explaining the seriousness of these peoples actions, and why it must be stopped immediately.
  5. It would appear that Frank has finished his transition. Looks like the cunt has put a few stone on too. Probably the hormone blockers they’ve been ramming up his dirtbox at the Paphos Gender Disphoria Clinic. If it’s not him then it’s probably some fucking homeless wretch he’s managed to pull on one of his ‘all inclusive’ weekend breaks to Famagusta.
  6. Expect the MSM outcry tomorrow calling for these violent thugs to be severely punished. Probably also quoting some ‘unnamed source’ connecting them to the elusive ‘far right’ which exists only in the minds of the dirty scumbag leftist cuntbags who wouldn’t know the truth if it was superglued to Eddie Izzard s boner and rammed up their welcoming arsehole through a massive hole in the back of their rainbow coloured Yfronts. Being dead is far too good for them imo.
  7. I’ve just seen a video on YouTube you might like WC. I believe it’s the carry on you’re referring to. Dr Steve Turley Furious drivers physically drag activists ……..
  8. It’s not difficult to imagine the gasp from the centre court crowd, spitting out mouthfuls of strawberries when Penelope Bellend serves up her first underarm ace and a sudden gust of wind catches her ankle length 19th century skirt and reveals the big fellow. ‘Ooh I say!’ from the BBC radio commentator, and a loud shriek of ‘You cannot be serious. The balls were clearly out!’ from an American spectator rumoured to have been John McEnroe’s grandfather.
  9. Tucked in underneath her huge black cock probably.
  10. A little known, but guaranteed way to save energy, is to not lie awake listening to the radio all night, especially as we’re in the final stage of an existential climate crisis. ‘How dare you!’
  11. A Witherspoons 6oz rump with oven chips and peas?
  12. No need to wait for that Panzybotty. You may as well bash one out thinking about it. I suspect you already have tbh.
  13. Keep an eye out for a burned out XR3 with no wheels on the driveway later. If there are no keys in the fruit bowl belonging to it that’ll be a sure sign he’s upstairs somewhere near the neatly folded shellsuit admiring his perm and moustache in a full length mirror.
  14. No need for a minibus. Just paint a big H on the back lawn and Ape will make his own way there (providing the paint has dried on the prop) if not he’ll just have a quiet night in eating beans with the wife and kids.
  15. Never mind about DC. I’ve been in the Colney Fox since opening time and I’m starting to feel a bit fucking hammered. The manager is a bit of a cunt but his missus has got huge tits and an arse like Lizzo, so I’ve told her all about you and given her your number to call when she finishes her shit, sorry shift.
  16. 🎶The propellor on the helicopter went round and round🎶 Lol lol.
  17. Odd cunt is overstating the obvious DC. It’s beyond the realms of reasonable comprehension how his enormous male appendage could be mistaken for a cunt, odd or otherwise.
  18. As long as you promise to leave my family alone. Obviously you don’t need to worry about such things as you don’t have any living relatives. lol lol lol.
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