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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. And then only if they’re even slightly amusing. He was only two obstacles away from nailing it there.
  2. Very unlucky I’d describe this incident for the two chaps. I mean you take out a Ukranian tank with only a rusty bayonet, shoot down ten enemy planes with a homemade catapult, blow up a Ukranian fuel dump deep behind enemy lines with a bomb you made from an old washing up liquid bottle and a roll of sticky back plastic etc. etc. and no cunt wants to know, or even notices. But you suck one fucking cock and the whole cunting world is talking about you.
  3. I note that you’ve completely ignored my question, instead accusing me of ‘whataboutery’ in what I can only describe as pure ‘whataboutery’. 🤔 So I’ll try again. Perhaps you’d like to tell me if you are still of the opinion that the ‘safe and effective’ Pfizer experimental jib jab is ‘effective?’ Yes or no?
  4. Stop fucking whinging about a bit of paperwork. They obviously had to make sure she got turfed into the correct skip. Oh and commiserations.
  5. The next release will likely be updated to remove the word ‘Hut’ after some cunt files a multi million pound lawsuit over the cleverly concealed but blatantly racist ‘mud hut’ connotation which has permanently ruined their life as their great great great great second cousin twice removed through marriage went to school 200 years ago with someone who’s neighbour said he knew someone who said he had a slave.
  6. Mark my words Eric. It’s only a matter of time before there’ll be a huge flashing neon sign saying ‘G MANS’ and eardrum bursting rap music shaking every shop window for miles, on every High St. where Greggs used to be.
  7. Everything I post is my truth Eric.
  8. South Dakota Fried Chicken. This shit should have been nipped in the bud after Kentucky Fried Chicken rolled over without a struggle. Next it’ll be P and M above the pie and mash shop. I despair. ‘Innit?’
  9. Not to mention the rainbow wristbands, emergency battlefield double ended dildos (thanks to Leo), front line mobile gender transition hospitals, and hundreds of creepy priests who’ve hurriedly scarpered from every other country on Earth when they ran out of fresh teenage choirboys arseholes to convert to Catholicism.
  10. 20th May 2022 (5 months ago) the NYT which used to be revered as probably the No.1 trusted news publication in the world (how times have changed. Now they’re in a battle for last place with The Daily Sport) ran a piece titled ‘Four ways to understand the 54 billion dollars in US spending on Ukraine’. Of course the article ‘explains’ lol to the NYT ‘I support the current thing’ faithful how this huge amount of is supposedly distributed once the US taxpayers wave goodbye to it and get their heads back down to the grindstone to pay Uncle Sam for the next instalment, and the next, and the next etc. The reality is that so much cash has been flowing into Ukraine this year (officially the most corrupt country in Europe until early 2022 but never mentioned now. Mmmmm?) that anyone who believes the vast majority of it has gone anywhere except the puppet Zelensky, Nancy Pelosi and the Biden crime family’s slush funds needs to wake up and extract their head from their own arse. $54b in the first 3 months of this phoney ‘fight for democracy’ and since then the cloud of ‘national security’ has been deployed to muddy the waters when awkward questions are asked. $75b is likely a lot less than the actual figure. Anyway, perhaps you’d like to tell me if you are still of the opinion that the ‘safe and effective’ Pfizer experimental jib jab is still ‘effective’? I’m only asking because of the answer given to the European Parliaments Covid 19 advisory board by Janice Small (Pfizer president of international development markets) who was standing in for Albert Bourla Pfizer CEO who decided not to appear before the board to answer any questions, to the question ‘Was the Pfizer Covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market? If not please say it clearly. If yes are you willing to share the data with this committee? I want a straight answer yes or no, and I’m looking forward to it.’ To which Small after some humming and hahing responded…..Pfizer did not know if the ‘vaccine’ lol would prevent transmission when we released it to the market. Ive noticed that you’ve gone eerily silent on vaccine related matters recently. Quite understandable given your previous fanatical pom pom waving which with every day that passes makes your face look more and more like the huge egg magnet that It always looked like to me. By the way I take no pleasure from watching your credibility collapse as fortunately for you there are many many more in the same boat, most of them vastly more intelligent, so don’t feel too bad for following the flock. As an olive branch I’d like to offer you the chance to work with me in future as I’ve got lots more to do. I mean Oliver Hardy would have been just some long forgotten fat bloke without Stan, Dick Dastardly without Muttley? Dame Edna without Madge Allsop etc. etc. So all you need to do is publicly apologise, award me 20,000 likes as compensation and promise to ask me to fact check anything before you post it from now on, and I reckon we’re good to go. 😘
  11. I’m Team Putin 100%. MAKE RUSSIA GREAT AGAIN
  12. King Billy

    Mark Wright

    I remember a news story when TOWIE was in its heyday about Mark Wright posting a photo of the cast on Facebook with his granny in the centre and the rest of the gimps with their arms around each other’s shoulders in a line. Apparently Joey Barton posted something like ‘sorry about your hare lip mate, and who’s the corpse in the middle?’ All sorts of threats were allegedly made by Wright and Joey Barton mockingly apologised, saying he’d love to meet for a beer ‘after the old girls funeral and your plastic surgery has healed up’.
  13. His dad must be looking down on the fat little cunt absolutely filled with disappointment. Mind you young Kim inherited big boots to try to fill. His dad at the age of 52 in his first ever round of golf scored an amazing 38 under par, including 11 holes in one. And before any of you cunts start thinking this amazing feat is something I’ve made up (as if), it was witnessed by 17 of the Supreme Leaders bodyguards. Fact check that you cunts. So Little Rocket Man, the current Supreme Leader will probably go down in history as the second most disappointing son ever, but obviously not even comparable to the utter dismay Mitch surely felt every time he looked at Frank.
  14. The whole thing is a fucking scam. A massive money laundering scheme by the Potato Brain Biden democrat administration, who’ve thrown 75 billion dollars plus into the ‘war’ so far and can’t or imo deliberately won’t detail where or to who the cash is actually going to. The puppet cunt Zelensky, not content with demanding more and more money (and getting it), is now calling for NATO to launch nuclear strikes against the country next door who just happen to have the second biggest nuclear arsenal on Earth. Who’d have predicted that the U.K. the US and dozens of other so called ‘major western democracies’ would have gone all in supporting the most corrupt country in Europe, who are quite openly using suicide bombers to blow up bridges in Crimea and detonating car bombs to take out political opponents on the streets of Moscow? Fuck Ukraine, they won Eurovision and the greedy square jawed cunts still aren’t happy.
  15. Which hasn’t yet produced anywhere near the return I’d hoped for DC. Tbh I’ve had more cash from the ‘Support Ukraine’ charity tin I made for the counter in the reception than anything generated by her half hearted efforts to rent out her front and back arses. She’s upped her game a bit though since I mentioned that I was thinking of sending her back to Liverpool (just before I unloaded in her blurter).
  16. You could fuck off to Antarctica. I don’t think anyone would mind.
  17. Fucking hell Neil. You’re proper wound up tonight. Has the Rascal broken down or something?
  18. Who does, Frank and Mitch? Genes and jeans.
  19. Steve doesn’t really exist though does he?
  20. Your ‘bouncy chateau’ or your colostomy bag?
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