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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Michael Stone as PM and Johnny Adair as chancellor seems the obvious choice to me. Let’s see how the Albanian crimelords feel about a future without kneecaps and how the dinghy divers feel about indefinite internment in the brand new ‘HMP Long Kesh 2’ just outside Dover, with all the shit they can eat, courtesy of the U.K. government. And a N Korea style ‘no man’s land’ between Ulster and Spudland would solve the NI protocol issue. What do you think of these pretty obvious solutions to the current minor problems Panzybaba?
  2. Raoul Moat was undoubtedly a comedy legend but didn’t come close to the exploits of Harold Shipman imo. I’ve been clapping outside the front door tonight for the East Kent NHS Hospitals Trust, for their sterling work in the maternity field and their contribution to the thriving small coffin industry in Kent.
  3. I’m interested but only if you can wait till the new year when I’ve tallied up the dead tree cash and worked out how much of a loss I’ve made this year. But count me in (provisionally).
  4. Just to clarify then. Is it a yes or a no?
  5. Rylan had his critics too DC. I bet you can’t name one.
  6. Profit margin? Haven’t you been paying attention at all? According to The Vulcan it’s nigh impossible to make a profit selling dead trees. I can’t believe all these other silly cunts who flog them haven’t cottoned on by now. Idiots.
  7. Bearing up ProfB. Would you like to buy a couple of corgis?
  8. You still coming to the ping pong tomorrow night babes?
  9. I was about to ask if I could join your cabal until you spelled out the initiation ceremony. I’ve got a sore throat anyway.
  10. You never mentioned that Roops was your neighbour before.
  11. Job security too, when the guvnor sees you dragging them both out to the car park for a good belting.
  12. It’ll be a combination of racism, climate change and having to constantly debunk all the ridiculous conspiracy theories bandied around by ‘thickos’ like me and you. Thank fuck we have her now that Mother Theresa, Mandela, Lady Di and The Queen are gone.
  13. That Neanderthal throwback couldn’t make me laugh if I switched the telly on and the daft cunt was prancing about, covered in sequins, tightly clutching some Lady Penelope lookalike, with one hairy hand on her arse and waving the other hand around like an overexcited spastic overdosing on Red Bull and amphetamine. Oh hang on…..
  14. Who time after time turn out to have been right. Anyway I’m not trying to rush you but that simple yes or no answer seems to be a long time a coming. Yes or no?
  15. The people who want to inject 6 month old babies with an experimental medicine, which neither protects them from catching or passing on a virus, which poses absolutely no risk to them at all, would be delighted to ditch the syringes and anally administer the poison with their erect penises. Fucking monsters who will pay for their actions soon.
  16. Is that a 5G tower in your pants or is there something else down there you’d like to come clean about? Answer the question.
  17. As comebacks go Frank, I’m not convinced this is a winner.
  18. It’s also the only thing preventing you from being strangled by your Python sized appendage.
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