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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I don’t know if you’re referring to Roops, but assuming you are you’ve spelled ‘and’ wrong.
  2. Especially if she was asked what Jeremy Corbyn saw in her to elevate her to the Lords.
  3. We can file that away in the ‘everything else’ category then.
  4. You’ve spelled ‘well earned’ wrong. Just saying (I won’t say a word about it to MENSA).
  5. Insert name of any city or town in England nowadays. The unarguable benefits of multiculturalism to British society.
  6. Frank. Instead of subjecting yourself to this humiliation every day, why not throw your hat in the ring (instead of your cock for a change) and stand for the PM job? You’re undoubtedly qualified for the position, being a rampant degenerate, a completely incompetent moron, an absolute laughing stock and best of all the worst on CC ever without equal. No need to thank me for the advice. Idiot.
  7. The Provies are still trying to work out where you load the spuds, when they’re not too busy picking bits of Mikey’s Mills Bombs out of each other’s priest battered arse cheeks.
  8. Put your cock away and find some shit poor corrupt politician closer to your new home to wank over Doc. There’s fucking plenty to choose from. We get it that you hate Britain. No one over here cares anyway.
  9. This has been inevitable Eric Ever since Kunta Kinte noticed the size of his masters prick while he was having a piss up against the hanging tree, and laughed all the way through 500 lashes, back in the good old days.
  10. They can wave goodbye to the ‘Dr Whites’ sponsorship next season probably.
  11. Pretty much like the mourners who are still picking shrapnel out of their arses every day since Mikey livened up the funeral all those years ago. Better than any of the pathetic Rambo videos that Frank posts.
  12. The ‘mini budget’ sending the IMF, the OBR, the Bank of England and all the other usual suspects into a ridiculous meltdown asks the question, why were these same actors silent when 400 billion plus pounds was being spunked up the wall by Hancock, Sunak and Bozo, which any cunt could see would destroy the economy? And the never ending billions to Ukraine? The problem isn’t the Tory Party. Labour would be no different in power. All their claims to be the party of the working class are nothing more than fodder for the idiots who must have been asleep during the Blair/Brown years, dreaming about Maggies rotting corpse and cumming in their pyjamas. The way I see it is that it’s irrelevant which party gets elected in the U.K. now because they’ve both cottoned on to the fact that the great British public have become a nation of armchair complainers who can be distracted and manipulated by the fake news MSM 24/7, with their identity politics, progressive nonsense, thereby missing the actual agenda of these globalist, anti sovereign state, open border traitors who pretend to be acting in their best interests but only as long as you don’t question them about anything while they’re keeping you in a constant state of near poverty, and feeding you promises of a better future.
  13. There’s more chance of making a profit trying to sell Christmas trees on the August bank holiday weekend than trying to rent out her ginger growler for an hour at the back of the worst Witherspoons pub in Britain.
  14. And the 1922 committee have quickly changed the rules to ensure that their globalist WEF puppet choice (Sunak) inherits the throne this time, after complacently, and wrongly thinking they had him installed last time. The absolute and blatant treachery of the majority of Tory MPs who’ve thrown their toys out of the pram because their preferred status quo puppet (Sunak) wasn’t crowned according to the plan. “If it wasn’t for those fucking pesky Conservative Party members we’d have gotten away with it Scooby”. It matters not who wins the rigged Tory raffle now, because Starmer is just the identical boil on the other cheek of the same shite covered arse. They all need their toes removed with a set of bolt cutters.
  15. I wonder if Frank realises that he’s gone from being the swaggering Mike Baldwin of CC to the bumbling Roy Cropper, and best of all is that he still hasn’t hit rock bottom yet.
  16. That should make Eddie sleep a bit more soundly tonight, as long as gingers are included in the white category.
  17. Classic ‘booster deficiency’ symptoms Ape. PM me and I’ll send you my 1st, 2nd, and all 3 booster appointment details. I’ve already posted you 1000 masks that I don’t think I’m going to need for the forthcoming new variants. I found them under Grannies bed after her funeral when I was ransacking the old bags assisted living bedsit looking for her life savings (unsuccessfully). Glad to be of help. 😷💉🐑🤣
  18. His spluttering refusal to give a straight answer to 5 different interviewers when asked ‘Can you define what a woman is?’ pretty much clears up that imo. The cunt says whatever the current thinking in the Twitter cesspit is. Fuck him and the Ginger Growler slag glued to his side.
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