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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. To quote the great man himself, Sir Gareth of Southgate.. ‘We’re not going to get involved in any of this pointless virtue signalling. We’re here to play football.’ And when he was asked why Harry McGuire who can’t get into the Man United first team is playing came out with….’The players all know each other and get on well’. Cunt.
  2. I probably misheard everything he said tbh but then I never let the truth get in the way of what I’ve already decided. Ask the Vulcan.
  3. Cliff Thorburn still holds the record for a century break. I believe it was just over three hours.
  4. Don’t be too harsh on her Doc. Moderators are the new underclass thanks to Elon Musk, and no one should pick on the oppressed no matter how insufferable they’ve been and how self superior they’ve acted previously. Everyone deserves a shot at redemption imo. Let’s just hope she doesn’t fuck it up like everything else she’s attempted in the past.
  5. Absolutely scotty. He was my first marriage guidance counsellor many years ago. The first thing he said to me was ‘She’s got a really nice arse but get shot of the cunt ASAP’ and we’ve been friends ever since.
  6. Strange how the MSM are reluctantly and half heartedly reporting what should in normal times be the No.1 story at present. Maybe not so strange when you look back at the way these poisonous cunts have been ignoring ‘anti lockdown’ protests across the rest of the world for close to 3 year years now, and when they couldn’t ignore them labelling them as ‘anti vax/anti science/conspiracy theorists/threat to democracy/far right extremists’. But now the chinks who have finally woken up and thrown their chopsticks out of their prams are ‘heroes’ and ‘role models’ (Ukranians v 2.0), are being promoted as the latest ‘current thing’ that we all have to take the knee, wave a flag for and cover ourselves in whatever armbands and bucket hats that our unelected politicians and unwanted media ‘slebs’ have chosen for the next round of public humiliation and self deprecation we must endure. Fuck every last one of them. I want them dead.
  7. ‘Donner und blitzen!’ ⚡️
  8. It might be a recurring nightmare of Neils where the Norfolk Constabulary are searching the woods in the dead of night, flashlights in hand and discovering an ever growing number of shallow graves. “Over here Sarge. There’s another pair sticking out. Look like size fives to me. Same size as that Olga girl who disappeared on the dual carriageway last week.”
  9. DC has been missing for a few days Raas. He must be dead as there’s no recorded incidence in history of a Scouser being quiet for that long. DC R.I.P.
  10. Step aside Doc. I’ve got my ‘Anti-Vulcan force field’ fully charged up. I feel like the ‘Captain Scarlett’ of the corner.
  11. One more coat of smegshell should do it.
  12. Get yourself down to Beechy Head, unleash your ‘Master Blaster’ and send them a full bladder load back across the Channel. Oh and don’t forget to jump off when you’re done.
  13. And the clue is ‘the same colour as the person or persons who stabbed them’.
  14. Very true, as Pens frequent visits to A and E can confirm.
  15. I’ve never been traumatised or even slightly bothered on the many occasions that I’ve noticed urine dripping from my helmet, but then I’m not a fireman.
  16. By her own admission she’s the best at ‘hand relief’. She’s boasted about it on here, but I reckon a bit of ‘ear relief’ would be what most of her clients would be begging for long before their half hour was up. ’How much extra to fucking shut up Luv?’
  17. Her CV has more chapters than the Hells Angels and the Bible combined, but thankfully she never ever ever talks about herself.
  18. Have you noticed this too? Thank fuck it’s not just me.
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