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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Shut up you ‘antivaxxer, anti science, threat to democracy, Granny killer’. As soon as Dr. Fauci’s 14th booster jab kicks in and he regains his memory you’ll be sorry you said that.
  2. Except Mrs Roops who didn’t seem to notice.
  3. The Infidels have seen the money to be made in cosmetic dentistry tourism, and like everything else they do grabbed a chunk of the market by offering lower prices than most of the world. But also like everything else they do the quality of the work and the safety standards are vastly inferior aswell. I’ve spoken to a couple of people who’ve had horrendous experiences while there (being coerced into paying far more than they were quoted) and after they returned home with very substandard work having to pay out for remedial treatment. Perhaps I’m old fashioned but I’ve always steered well clear of countries where you get offered young boys arseholes for rent before you’re even out of the airport and into a taxi.
  4. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    ‘Spaghetti limbed cunt’©️One of mine I believe Stubbers but you’re welcome.
  5. Was that because you noticed that people were a lot less bored when you spoke to them because they couldn’t understand the muffled nonsense coming out of your face nappy? Fuck off.
  6. If you want to see his ‘proper man sausage’ just fucking ask him ffs.
  7. ‘Falsely claiming?’ That’s priceless considering I was there taking part in what was a massive event attended by hundreds of thousands of people who were not prepared to bow down like cowards and hand over their freedoms, unlike you and the rest of the pathetic obedient idiots who were. Your previous posts when you crowed about being a bigwig in some obscure ‘Save the vermin’ green wellies non events don’t make you an expert on public protests. If anything they just confirm what a complete fucking ‘Waitrose loyalty card’ square head you are. Not that any proof was needed, because it’s the first observation I made of you, as did most people I expect. 🐑🤣
  8. Roughly how many are you expecting to turn up Ed? Let me know and I might bring a few dozen of my top grade Nordic Spruce along to sell and hopefully cover my petrol costs. Running the M4 is nearly bankrupting me. I’ve had to sell the missus’s motor and pawn her Mums jewellery just to pay this months bar bill and get a bit of Charlie for the weekend.
  9. The human penis is much like a pencil Baws. The more you use it the shorter it gets.
  10. I’d like to add that it would be last time I deliver a Christmas tree to their house too.
  11. Sorry I thought you told me to think carefully before answering.
  12. Having given this some serious contemplation I eventually came to my senses and the answer become glaringly obvious. I can’t even begin to count the number of hideous, obnoxious specimens who’ve taken advantage of my charitable nature and wormed their way into my pants over the years, but the one thing I’m absolutely sure of is that none of them were black males. So for that reason and that reason only I’d push back with every ounce of strength I could muster in the hope that no one would believe I’d suddenly gone mental and willingly taken one up the Gary for the first time in my life.
  13. That would cost him at least 300 quid in my gaff.
  14. I’m done with her now DC so I’ll work out how much you need to pay to have her back tomorrow. Obviously with inflation, Putin, Covid, VAT etc. I shall be having a bumper Christmas at your expense. “Nostravia!”
  15. No surprise really. It doesn’t matter how many scandals lefties get caught up in and how piss poor they treat the stupid cunts who turn out and vote for them again and again. The problem is the total collapse of the spineless and rudderless Conservatives (or Liberals as your lot very appropriately call themselves) nowadays. It’s now just a competition to see who can hate their own country the most, and who can give away the most of the taxpayers money to the ever increasing part of the population who hold out their lazy grasping hands the furthest. Fuck Dan Andrews and his drink driving, hit and run ugly slag of a wife.
  16. Lucky you fight fairly or there’d be another 5 second report on the news of a fatal stabbing.
  17. Get a couple of Abo brasses round. They’ll keep you awake, if only to make sure they’re not robbing everything that’s not nailed down.
  18. He can’t hear you. He’s digging that hole deeper and deeper at the moment.
  19. Wales and Scotland for sure, but at least half the population in NI are human.
  20. See you after Christmas. Give Punkers a kiss.
  21. Stubbers. Do you think I should do her up the wrongun and make Eddie sponge me off afterwards or do Eddie first? I’m really struggling with this one.
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