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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    Like most 70s and 80s cars that were desirable at the time, they’re becoming unaffordable now as very few have survived and the ones that have are in demand by people who couldn’t afford to own one at the time but now are prepared to fork out silly money to have one. 70s and 80s Ford Capris, Escorts etc. are fetching prices now that are unbelievable.
  2. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    Nice. One careful owner, the other 27 didn’t give a fuck. Ive probably owned more BMWs than any other make over the years, including a 2002 tii in the early 80s, an E30 325i sport and an E36 M3 evo, all of which I have great memories of . I also had a Skyline R33, 2.3 and 2.5 Cosworth 190E Mercs back in the day. My M4 is scarily fast but doesn’t thrill me anywhere near as much as most of my previous beasts used to. Everything is too detached from the driver and electronically managed nowadays.
  3. St Peter died the next day ‘from or with’ Covid 19. If only he’d worn his mask and been vaxxed 28 times, the stupid cunt.
  4. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    My imaginary M4 is blue. Old Bill instinctively ignore anything blue as their brains have been programmed to target several other colours. Which Beemer are you planning to purchase?
  5. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    The Albos run the Class A, Class B and prostitution rackets in most of the U.K. and have done for at least 10 years now. Tbf they’re quite good people and don’t fuck with anyone who plays a straight game with them. They don’t have the foolish egos and need to show off that a lot of homegrown ‘gangsters’ (black and white) demonstrate, which usually ends badly for them.
  6. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    “Get out there lad and make your country proud. And don’t worry about your old Nan. I’ll look after her.”
  7. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    Englands trophy room is currently home to twenty Albanian refugees, while they’re waiting for their new council houses to be refurbished to an acceptable standard.
  8. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    He was obviously using his own dismal performances in an England shirt as a comparison, so it sort of made sense in a way.
  9. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    If Morocco were to win it my shrewd investments in the Rainbow Flag industry will hopefully enable me to give up my annual and predictably futile attempt to scrape a living flogging dead trees. The mind boggles even thinking about the celebratory mass bumming of young boys in Tangiers, Marrakech and Agadir. That would be a fitting wake up call for those despicable homophobic Quataris. 🏳️‍🌈
  10. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    If only they’d been allowed to wear their rainbow armbands and spend at least ten minutes taking the knee and blowing kisses at each other before the start, they’d definitely have won easily, and all be bumming each other in the showers now.
  11. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    2-1 France I reckon. Harry Kane to miss a penalty and let the whole country down, the useless daft looking cunt.
  12. It’s classic ‘asylum seeker syndrome’. When I look at the membership of CC I see only doctors, scientists, teachers, epidemiologists, physicists etc. not a collection of ‘generally obnoxious oddballs’ in a dinghy , paddling furiously towards the white cliffs of Dover, in designer clothes clutching their I phone 14s.
  13. It’s more of a scientific experiment than a pitched battle scotty. I’m presently in good health, despite refusing to mask up, social distance and most importantly imo not roll up my sleeve and volunteer to be medically experimented on. She however has not only totally bought into the last 3 years of Covid nonsense and boasts about the ever increasing number of jabs she’s having because she’s apparently immuno compromised (If she wasn’t before she certainly will be now imo) and constantly insists on ridiculing my decisions and my reasons for taking them as vindication of the many times she’s labelled me a ‘thicko’ etc. So it looks like it may be that it’s only going to end when one of us expires. But being the reasonable and compassionate cunt that I’m sure you and everyone else recognises, I would be prepared to enter into a truce if she found herself in a persistent vegetative state, and I was able to extract some sort of meaningful apology by prodding her motionless carcass with a sharp stick maybe.
  14. The ‘Faily Mail’ reports that Rod Stewart the famous 300 year old ‘pop star’ who has been croaking out the MSM Covid narrative for the last 2 years that everyone must be injected with the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental Bill Gates product, and performs now only to audiences who are fully brainwashed, sorry inoculated has had the unfortunate experience of watching his 11 year old son Aidan collapse suddenly, turn blue and lose consciousness while playing football, with a suspected heart attack. Apparently some idiots gasped upon reading this and wondered if this unfortunate incident (which is happening far more often than ever before) could be in any way related to whether or not the boy had been medically experimented on recently? Anyway the ‘Tartan terror’ who actually hails from the bleak highland region of ‘Muswell Hill’ in North London has reassured all the curious well wishers with the good news that young Aidan McStewart who was stretchered off the pitch and rushed to hospital has made a full recovery and was suffering from severe dehydration. Yeah OK Rod. 🤣
  15. ‘The best things in life are free’.
  16. And you’ve based this opinion on what exactly? Just wondering, bearing in mind your lack of offspring and any living relatives.
  17. It’s definitely either ‘climate change’, ‘racism’ or ‘transphobia’. It’s possibly even all three. What it absolutely isn’t is a fake news, manufactured ‘threat to democracy’. Donald Trump can breathe easily for now as he hasn’t been named as the ringleader (yet).
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